More curious is the "17 GOALS" we have that number again, supposedly related to "17 intelligence agencies" per Hillary Clinton, or perhaps the letter Q which is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
Schmidt's Bread. They have a logo now on their bread that is "Quality and Service", but somehow those two terms are represented by a Q in a circle. With a "God Bless America" right below it. Just found it odd.
While the UN had their own symbology as to what the rainbow circle meant, in the end, it symbolized only one thing -- their failure to enslave all of humanity forever!
Eye - allegory for ALL seeing "I" implying the need for each ONE to grow comprehension of ALL perceived; hence enlightenment (light to mind).
Colors - once the light hits the prism of the I; the dark side of the moon (ignorance) makes room for enlightenment (inspiration).
Rainbow - allegory for flow (inception towards death), and BOW; BEND, [Latin pando, pandere, to open] - "to direct to a certain point" aka as choice towards inspiration perceived.
One world government - ONE (within ALL); world (form within flow); govern (to control by choice); ment; from mens (mind).
Circle - KIKE; noun - "circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka an allegory of ongoing flow; suggested by the temporary form within.
Become the logo - Logos (word); hence suggested information by the few; consented to by the many. Idolization of suggested meaning aka suggested information over perceived inspiration.
UN - aka United (unitas; oneness) Nation (a people); hence an allegory for miscegenation aka mixing all different people together to corrupt perception of differences (inspiration); which is how the collective ALL communicates itself to the differentiated ONEs within.
More curious is the "17 GOALS" we have that number again, supposedly related to "17 intelligence agencies" per Hillary Clinton, or perhaps the letter Q which is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
The logo isn't that interesting.
Q and the patriots are playing 6D chess lol
Ya know what is a weird one?
Schmidt's Bread. They have a logo now on their bread that is "Quality and Service", but somehow those two terms are represented by a Q in a circle. With a "God Bless America" right below it. Just found it odd.
I think its a pretty simply "one rules all" analogy.
My Precious
While the UN had their own symbology as to what the rainbow circle meant, in the end, it symbolized only one thing -- their failure to enslave all of humanity forever!
Eye - allegory for ALL seeing "I" implying the need for each ONE to grow comprehension of ALL perceived; hence enlightenment (light to mind).
Colors - once the light hits the prism of the I; the dark side of the moon (ignorance) makes room for enlightenment (inspiration).
Rainbow - allegory for flow (inception towards death), and BOW; BEND, [Latin pando, pandere, to open] - "to direct to a certain point" aka as choice towards inspiration perceived.
One world government - ONE (within ALL); world (form within flow); govern (to control by choice); ment; from mens (mind).
Circle - KIKE; noun - "circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka an allegory of ongoing flow; suggested by the temporary form within.
Become the logo - Logos (word); hence suggested information by the few; consented to by the many. Idolization of suggested meaning aka suggested information over perceived inspiration.
UN - aka United (unitas; oneness) Nation (a people); hence an allegory for miscegenation aka mixing all different people together to corrupt perception of differences (inspiration); which is how the collective ALL communicates itself to the differentiated ONEs within.