Eye - allegory for ALL seeing "I" implying the need for each ONE to grow comprehension of ALL perceived; hence enlightenment (light to mind).
Colors - once the light hits the prism of the I; the dark side of the moon (ignorance) makes room for enlightenment (inspiration).
Rainbow - allegory for flow (inception towards death), and BOW; BEND, [Latin pando, pandere, to open] - "to direct to a certain point" aka as choice towards inspiration perceived.
One world government - ONE (within ALL); world (form within flow); govern (to control by choice); ment; from mens (mind).
Circle - KIKE; noun - "circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka an allegory of ongoing flow; suggested by the temporary form within.
Become the logo - Logos (word); hence suggested information by the few; consented to by the many. Idolization of suggested meaning aka suggested information over perceived inspiration.
UN - aka United (unitas; oneness) Nation (a people); hence an allegory for miscegenation aka mixing all different people together to corrupt perception of differences (inspiration); which is how the collective ALL communicates itself to the differentiated ONEs within.
Eye - allegory for ALL seeing "I" implying the need for each ONE to grow comprehension of ALL perceived; hence enlightenment (light to mind).
Colors - once the light hits the prism of the I; the dark side of the moon (ignorance) makes room for enlightenment (inspiration).
Rainbow - allegory for flow (inception towards death), and BOW; BEND, [Latin pando, pandere, to open] - "to direct to a certain point" aka as choice towards inspiration perceived.
One world government - ONE (within ALL); world (form within flow); govern (to control by choice); ment; from mens (mind).
Circle - KIKE; noun - "circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end" aka an allegory of ongoing flow; suggested by the temporary form within.
Become the logo - Logos (word); hence suggested information by the few; consented to by the many. Idolization of suggested meaning aka suggested information over perceived inspiration.
UN - aka United (unitas; oneness) Nation (a people); hence an allegory for miscegenation aka mixing all different people together to corrupt perception of differences (inspiration); which is how the collective ALL communicates itself to the differentiated ONEs within.