Change my view.
WHY is Kyle Rittenhouse fake news?
let us count the ways...
is CNN covering it?
is the story sensational?
Is the story highly implausible?
is the story riddled with factual errors?
does the story keep changing?
does the story help further certain narratives, that are politically useful?
do the 3 men who allegedly got shot, seem to "deserve it" based on their somewhat implausible rap sheets?
was race deliberately interjected into the story?
whats the odds of 3 "jews", acting like this, in Wisconsin?
did the media lead people to believe that 3 black people were killed by a white kid?
was an "assault weapon" used?
was kyle suspiciously adept at using that kind of weapon?
how does a person get good at a weapon skill, without a lot of practice?
did kyle exhibit exceptional "trigger discipline"? where did he acquire that discipline?
does the story incorporate a lot of "facts" that could be addressed with more "common sense gun control" ?
did kyle cross state lines?
how old was kyle?
how did kyle get a gun?
how was kyle able to shoot 3 people?
how it is that there were just enough dead bodies to make it newsworthy, but yet no innocent bystanders were killed?
ever notice that CNN won't cover REAL shootings, because they can't predict or control the narrative.
thats why CNN only carries the fake news, with the scripted narratives.
is this story a big distraction from something else?
what kind of person would be attracted to a story like this?
is that the kind of person that they are trying to distract from something else?
are google news, and DDG being flooded with "rittenhouse hoax" fluff pieces to forum slide any serious conversation ?
if you need any more evidence, just check out this reddit post
TLDW: guy makes a video, pretending to be "Mr Dumbass" (Dumas) and he's saying rittenhouse is a crisis actor. the video is obviously meant to make this idea seem absurd, because its being delivered by a drooling moron.
then watch how the reddit OP acts in the comments...
i would say this is a big distraction, directed toward patriots, to distract them from COVID vaccines.
lets get the word out.
lets call BULLSHIT loud and clear,
even before the BULLSHIT verdict is even read.
also Tsarnaev at SCOTUS is BULLSHIT
I agree. I watched a clip of Rosenbaum before any of the nonsense started and he looked as though he was acting for the camera despite trying to kid on that he never knew he was being filmed. I dunno, it had that same cheesy, hammy, overacted machismo that was present in the guy with the Q jumper on Jan 6 who was supposed to have chased that black polis up the stair.
It just felt unnatural. Also, I wasn't actually convinced by his tears.
Also, EVERYTHING in this world is a lie. CNN et al tell lies lies whilst Fox and Sky News Aus and Bongino and whoever else tell lies with the truth.
It feels like there are literally zero honest people in the public domain.
Those bullet holes in rosenbaum's chest and head looked pretty real.
That’s true actually. I did see that photo, just forgot all about it.
Another sacrifice like Floyd?
The plot was to kill Kyle, a rando, using the crazy Rosenbaum released from jail specifically to riot. Find out who worked to release the pedo early and you have your mastermind.
Kyle was supposed to be the unwitting sacrifice, but he's got good draw-to-first-shot.
Grosskreuz was sent in afterward to finish the job, remove loose ends, but Kyle has a really good draw-to-first-shot.
That's what it looks like at first glance. But I'm still trying to figure this out, just like everyone else.
I don't know if there's more to it than that, but I assume there is.
there are people on the left calling rittenhouse "fake tears",
and the alt-right types are going nuts, defending rittenhouse.
the alt-right needs to figure out real quick that they are being played by scripted fake news.
just like the fake Ferguson riots, and the fake killing of "Michael Brown"
and the fake killing of George Floyd.
What's the end goal for this fake news? What are they trying to sell us?
In this case, that racism is alive and well in America and black people are justified in their rioting. It’s a ruse to create division and violence.
Yes. But they never needed this trial to do that before. It could have been as simple as "the wind changed direction today and BLM is out in protest, as usual. Fuck wypipo."
What makes this case in particular fake news?
I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just trying to understand your viewpoint.
Not sure. It might not have started as a psyop or planned event but have definitely become one now. But I agree that it isn’t necessary to push their narrative.
if you can look at this trial and see anything BUT a total, farcical parade….you’re a fucking idiot and you are 100 percent a part of the reason that we are all suffering the backlash that these psy opps are so adept at creating. you are willfully ignorant to the point that it hurts ppl that you don’t even know. congratulations!
I was asking a question, you arrogant nigger. How about you fuck yourself off the nearest bridge?
Yep its all part of operation chaos
Nothing. It's just meant to distract you for long enough to sell more chunks of your country off to corporations.
More divide and conquer technics.
Doesn't matter what the outcome is, chaos will insue by design.
What are patriots missing about covid vaccines?
I haven't needed to hear anything regarding covid in a year and a half to know where I stand on the issue, and I assume it's the same for most so I'm just not following how by paying attention to the Rittenhouse trial it's affecting my ability to what, see through the Covid bullshit?
The Earth is flat and they'll likely use alien holograms or some other ridiculous unbelievable great lie in an effort to bring us all under one roof and one world gubmint
They've fked this part of the plan up too much to move on to end phases
It's still going to get nasty for a little while, just not the way they planned
for example, there is a January 4 deadline for workers who fall under OSHA rules, which is any company with over 100 employees, which is about 2/3 of the workers.
in order to be "fully vaccinated" by January 4th, you must get your first vaccine by Dec 4, which is about 3 weeks away.
so, a lot of people will be forced to either get a vaccine, or face getting fired.
some people are not in a position to risk their income.
and of course, since COVID closed so many mom-and-pop shops, there are a lot fewer job alternatives to someone who wants to find a job that doesn't require a vaccine.
additionally, the Biden regime is also pushing to have businesses that employ fewer than 100 employees also require vaccinations.
in Israel, they are on the 4th shot, and its working about as well as the first 3
in USA, they approved COVID vaccines for kids age 5 and up,
and they are studying COVID vaccines for kids as young as 6 months,
and pregnant women.
clearly, the vaccine cult knows know boundaries it will not cross
in several counties, COVID vaccines have been suspended for younger people, due to myocarditis/pericarditis
I don't buy your idea that this is distraction.
Vaccines are done. If people haven't gotten them by now they never will. The onus is on the MSM to fudge numbers and try to generate profits for their hedgies who bought in after the Q3 reports. I can see it being another divide and conquer technique seeing as how it furthers this idea that being honest and fact-oriented gets you lumped into being alt-right and therefore an enemy to the state, traitor, domestic terrorist, etc.
Also shows normies just how scathing the left can be with their flagrant dishonesty. All to normalize the coming violence.
whatever they have planned,
you can be sure its planned...
You can see rittenhouse acting in the ashley babbit video. He is dressed in a light blue swester and blue backwards ball cap.
Wait you think CNN is news? LMAO
Kenosha was a scripted FBI plot, except Rosenbaum (released from jail to do the dirty work) was supposed to kill Kyle (not in on the plan) and when that didn't work Grosskreuz (state operative) was supposed to "wrap things up" but failed.
If the FBI hadn't meddled, nobody would have been shot that night.
Its a distraction to keep u giys distracted from what really matters like the vax and lockdowns
Rittenhouse lawfully defended his own life against a bunch of pedophiles and abusers. He is clearly innocent of all charges, no shred of doubt about that after the video evidence which proves this without a doubt and it has been available from the day of the event. This trial is a fucking joke and he should be released immediately if there was any justice.
Rittenhouse has a clear case of malicious prosecution against the state and everyone involved on the prosecution side. It is a fucking miscarriage of justice that this trial is taking place at all.