It’s not an empty vacuum that can be explored. Stars and planets are lights not places you can visit. 2nd law of thermodynamics says you need a physical barrier to separate a positive pressure system aka earths atmosphere next to a negative pressure system aka space as we are told. Inverse square law of light says light spreads and gets weaker of distances. If the moon was as far as they say it is by the time you reached the surface of the moon it would be brighter than the sun.
How does nature describe itself to those within? As suggested true vs false information or as perceived inspiration?
What if this isn't about if "space" is true vs false, but about each of us consenting to the suggested meaning "space" from others? Does nature communicate itself through words or does it represent the source of sound; and our choice of reaction to it allows us to shape perceived sound into words; which we then can suggest as idolized meaning to each other?
Gravity is a force. Not a container. That's why it's referred to as ''The Gravitational Force.''
It's what keeps you from floating out into space, it's what keeps the atmosphere from floating out into space, and you're gonna live with it like you have every moment you've breathed air on this planet.
Actually it’s not a force you are thinking of Newton’s theory Mainstream science now uses Einstein’s theory of relativity. Either way it’s not a physical container. You will never be able to have pressure next to a vacuum. You can pull the water from a cup when you suck with a straw easily and we are closest to the earth where “Gravity” is the strongest.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Try it this way...does nature offer false information to your senses? If what nature communicates to those within being labeled as true information?
What if nature moves all within, which those within perceive as inspiration to react to by choice? Are we a response to movement? Do we represent form (life) within flow (inception towards death)?
How about this way...nature is the light that forms within one's perception of time. Without a truthful and articulate thought process from the sense of representation, all life will fail to adhere to all living material.
nature is the light that forms within one's perception of time.
NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]...born implies form (life) out of flow (inception towards death); produced implies flow/form representing the balance of loss/growth within EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power"
When flow (velocity) meets form (resistance) it causes friction; vibration; resonance and light (to which darkness responses).
Time represents the measurement of ongoing velocity by the form within its momentum (tick; tick; tick..). Perception represents input of moving information as perceived inspiration by ones senses; as inspiration to respond to by choice (need/want).
Suggested past; present and future represents the inversion of perceived ongoing movement; hence affixed states; consented to by choice to upheld mentally within ones conscious memory. Holding onto past implies self inflicted trauma of loss; onto future the trauma of hope/fear, and both together are causing a present defined by the trauma of stress.
The light within represents enlightenment aka using perceived input (inspiration) to grow internal comprehension (information) by choice of response to balance (need/want).
Without a truthful and articulate thought process from the sense of representation, all life will fail to adhere to all living material.
Form (life) represents a reaction to flow (inception towards death). Adaptation to constant movement is demanded from all within; hence the spirit contract (from Latin spiro - "to breathe"). Neither true of false states can exist within the constant change of movement; instead those within can choose to ignore being moved in exchange for mentally upholding suggested affixed states (beliefs; -isms); which deceived them to keep ignoring movement.
In other words...nature offers inspiration (choice of need) for adaptation; while others tempt with suggested information (choice of want) the ignorance of need. Ones internal struggle represents resistance to the temptation of other ones. The more one chooses need over want aka perceived inspiration over suggested information; the more one comprehends of perceived reality; thereby growing ones potential within.
Understanding to be ONE (form) within ALL (flow) represents gaining self discernment; which one can only do by ONEself; not by believing the suggestions of other ONEs. The who; where and why of ones existence require one choice to respond to the balance (momentum) that causes one to have a choice. Only when having self discernment, can one further understand that ALL represents ONE in energy aka the ONEness of ALL aka unity (from Latin unitas - "the state of being one; oneness")
Question if the "process" you talk about represents us being processed (as form within flow)? Question if choice represents temporary evaluation (form) of ongoing value (flow) and if ONEs evaluation can define value or only respond to ALL predefined value?
check mate
What if it's not an outcome oriented game (temptation of want over need); but a choice based responsibility (choice of need) to balance for balancing within the ever changing moment (um)?
And those gases have weights, they have, formally, atomic weights, just like the Nitrogen Oxygen atmosphere does.
Standard air air resists gravity when heated. It's why you can feel the strong vertical component to rising air over a car hood or a barbecue pit.
It's a matter of relative energies of the very same gas molecules and the effect lasts until energy levels drop, then it falls back to the surface, pulled down by gravity.
That's why fire tends to have a pronounced vertical streamer effect.
Standard air components don't escape the downward force of gravity at the energy level we're receiving from the sun.
That's why they're the standard components, and hydrogen and helium aren't.
So the vacuum of space is only strong enough to suck up the lightest gasses on earth? That’s crazy cause the vacuum of space is stronger than any manmade vacuums and man made vacuums can lift bowling balls. That doesn’t sound very logical I don’t care what your textbooks say
A chain is heavier than oxygen, so it falls. Helium is lighter than oxygen, so it rises. Pretty simple. No gravity required generated by a soinning, osolating earth that somehow sucks the oceans waters to the body. We’re not a ever blasting space ball dude, the sun is the same size as the moon and no more than 3,000 miles away.
The moon itself is 250,000 miles away, people fire lasers at the moon and time how long it takes for a return to happen. Globally, many people do it for Astronomy.
and they also fire directional radio antennas at the moon and detect the signal bounced back, from the other side of the world by pointing reception antennas to toward it.
This is regularly done, there are friendly contests worldwide to see if groups can cooperate and receive signals that way.
Amateur Radio People Bounce Radio Signals Off The Moon Since 1953:
I own a construction company, i do foundations. I have never seen a technical ever mention the fake force of “gravity”. You know what else I have never seen in a civil drawing package? Reference to any calculations or factoring for the earth’s curve. I’ve worked on a project that had over 1/4 mile of support cilumns all within a mm of grade, if earth is curved, the outer columns should have been 2” higher than the centre columns to get level, but that is not factored in because the earth is not curving.
All our calculations in the radar, microwave, and radio business include effects of curvature. Higher and higher frequences won't conform to the curvature, very low ones will.
When a plane pilot can't talk past the curvature he has an option to select lower frequencies for a LITTLE better following of the curvature.
The many many repeater radios used by all people around the world, mounted on peaks, are so numerous,
precisely and specifically, because of curvature.
When people level something on the surface of a curve, they ELIMINATE the EFFECT of the CURVATURE.
And compacting itself is directly due to settling forces of gravity.
You're deeply mentally occluded to not know these basic things as an adult.
Look up and learn basic navigation for 10 to 15 year old children, they learn a lot about spherical objects and how distances are measured on them, when they learn about latitude and longitude and how they have to be derived.
It's simple enough that 12 year olds get navigation badges. With some study you could be that savvy about why they work, and why they will only work on a spherical world, and only of a particular specific unchanging circumference, hence diameter.
It's an astonishing lack of basic, basic grasp of how reality is configured around you, that you don't know WHY foundations have to be able to support X, Y, Z numbers of pounds.
It's because gravity, assigns weight to everything.
Weight, density, is not gravity. Gravity is not a force thst can be determined or measured. Foundations are designed to take load, not gravity. Building load, occupant load, snow load. No fucking gravity bullshit or curvature bullshit is built into anything.
It’s not an empty vacuum that can be explored. Stars and planets are lights not places you can visit. 2nd law of thermodynamics says you need a physical barrier to separate a positive pressure system aka earths atmosphere next to a negative pressure system aka space as we are told. Inverse square law of light says light spreads and gets weaker of distances. If the moon was as far as they say it is by the time you reached the surface of the moon it would be brighter than the sun.
Space as described is fake
How does nature describe itself to those within? As suggested true vs false information or as perceived inspiration?
What if this isn't about if "space" is true vs false, but about each of us consenting to the suggested meaning "space" from others? Does nature communicate itself through words or does it represent the source of sound; and our choice of reaction to it allows us to shape perceived sound into words; which we then can suggest as idolized meaning to each other?
I want what you are smoking.
...implies a) wanting or not wanting the suggestion of others and b) ignorance of need.
...implies a suggestion towards the choice of others to want or not want to believe it aka a temptation for one to ignore need for want.
Try this: what came first...perceived sound; or choice made upon sound to shape words out of perceived sound?
Everything you type implies that you are out of your mind.
No, it's not; you're just utterly, UTTERLY illiterate in astronomy.
Lmao even astronomers admit they don’t shit about the cosmos and gravity is not a physical container it’s a theory
Gravity is a force. Not a container. That's why it's referred to as ''The Gravitational Force.''
It's what keeps you from floating out into space, it's what keeps the atmosphere from floating out into space, and you're gonna live with it like you have every moment you've breathed air on this planet.
Actually it’s not a force you are thinking of Newton’s theory Mainstream science now uses Einstein’s theory of relativity. Either way it’s not a physical container. You will never be able to have pressure next to a vacuum. You can pull the water from a cup when you suck with a straw easily and we are closest to the earth where “Gravity” is the strongest.
How do you know it's real? Have you been there?
The only thing you "know" about the stars, moon, and sun is that they glow in our sky. Beyond that, all you have is "proof" from NASA.
No, there's the field of astronomy.
Instead of swearing everyone who understands it is as ignorant as you,
why don't you tell us how many telescopes you've owned.
That's okay nevermind, we all know you've never owned one.
''Butchew ain't dun two have nevur.....!''
No, YOU have never owned one.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!
Try it this way...does nature offer false information to your senses? If what nature communicates to those within being labeled as true information?
What if nature moves all within, which those within perceive as inspiration to react to by choice? Are we a response to movement? Do we represent form (life) within flow (inception towards death)?
How about this way...nature is the light that forms within one's perception of time. Without a truthful and articulate thought process from the sense of representation, all life will fail to adhere to all living material.
Check and mate.
NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]...born implies form (life) out of flow (inception towards death); produced implies flow/form representing the balance of loss/growth within EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power"
When flow (velocity) meets form (resistance) it causes friction; vibration; resonance and light (to which darkness responses).
Time represents the measurement of ongoing velocity by the form within its momentum (tick; tick; tick..). Perception represents input of moving information as perceived inspiration by ones senses; as inspiration to respond to by choice (need/want).
Suggested past; present and future represents the inversion of perceived ongoing movement; hence affixed states; consented to by choice to upheld mentally within ones conscious memory. Holding onto past implies self inflicted trauma of loss; onto future the trauma of hope/fear, and both together are causing a present defined by the trauma of stress.
The light within represents enlightenment aka using perceived input (inspiration) to grow internal comprehension (information) by choice of response to balance (need/want).
Form (life) represents a reaction to flow (inception towards death). Adaptation to constant movement is demanded from all within; hence the spirit contract (from Latin spiro - "to breathe"). Neither true of false states can exist within the constant change of movement; instead those within can choose to ignore being moved in exchange for mentally upholding suggested affixed states (beliefs; -isms); which deceived them to keep ignoring movement.
In other words...nature offers inspiration (choice of need) for adaptation; while others tempt with suggested information (choice of want) the ignorance of need. Ones internal struggle represents resistance to the temptation of other ones. The more one chooses need over want aka perceived inspiration over suggested information; the more one comprehends of perceived reality; thereby growing ones potential within.
Understanding to be ONE (form) within ALL (flow) represents gaining self discernment; which one can only do by ONEself; not by believing the suggestions of other ONEs. The who; where and why of ones existence require one choice to respond to the balance (momentum) that causes one to have a choice. Only when having self discernment, can one further understand that ALL represents ONE in energy aka the ONEness of ALL aka unity (from Latin unitas - "the state of being one; oneness")
Question if the "process" you talk about represents us being processed (as form within flow)? Question if choice represents temporary evaluation (form) of ongoing value (flow) and if ONEs evaluation can define value or only respond to ALL predefined value?
What if it's not an outcome oriented game (temptation of want over need); but a choice based responsibility (choice of need) to balance for balancing within the ever changing moment (um)?
Gravity holds the vast majority of the atmosphere pulled down to the surface of Earth.
Have you ever in your life shadowed a seat in an astronomy class?
No. You haven't. The way i know is because you're barking this looptard trash.
Gravity can not be proved. Not even by NASA. Gravity can simply be debunked by density and buoyancy.
You people are such intensively innumerate and illiterate clowns.
Everything on this planet that is matter, has weight.
That weight is a d.i.r.e.c.t. function of mass, which in turn becomes weight in a gravitational field.
I didn't ask you if that's true. it's grade-school physics which controls
the design of everything including how much W E I G H T
a chain,
will successfully resist,
all the way to building bridges,
fighter jets,
animal leg bones,
to treehouses.
You will NEVER talk your way out of that with ''Nee-Nee-Nee, tain't neathur!''
Like helium lmao weight is down 😂
And those gases have weights, they have, formally, atomic weights, just like the Nitrogen Oxygen atmosphere does.
Standard air air resists gravity when heated. It's why you can feel the strong vertical component to rising air over a car hood or a barbecue pit.
It's a matter of relative energies of the very same gas molecules and the effect lasts until energy levels drop, then it falls back to the surface, pulled down by gravity.
That's why fire tends to have a pronounced vertical streamer effect.
Standard air components don't escape the downward force of gravity at the energy level we're receiving from the sun.
That's why they're the standard components, and hydrogen and helium aren't.
Their differing
At typical energy levels here on Earth.
So the vacuum of space is only strong enough to suck up the lightest gasses on earth? That’s crazy cause the vacuum of space is stronger than any manmade vacuums and man made vacuums can lift bowling balls. That doesn’t sound very logical I don’t care what your textbooks say
Both helium and hydrogen are so light they overcome gravity and are lost to space.
Tell the whole room you were also so dumb, you didn't know that, either.
A chain is heavier than oxygen, so it falls. Helium is lighter than oxygen, so it rises. Pretty simple. No gravity required generated by a soinning, osolating earth that somehow sucks the oceans waters to the body. We’re not a ever blasting space ball dude, the sun is the same size as the moon and no more than 3,000 miles away.
There's no atmosphere at all on the Moon yet it's littered with the residues of strikes whose ejecta fell directly outside the craters.
The force drawing that material back to it's surface is gravitational.
No matter how badly you resent it.
The moon itself is 250,000 miles away, people fire lasers at the moon and time how long it takes for a return to happen. Globally, many people do it for Astronomy.
they fire radars at the moon and time how long it takes for the return to arrive back,
and they also fire directional radio antennas at the moon and detect the signal bounced back, from the other side of the world by pointing reception antennas to toward it.
This is regularly done, there are friendly contests worldwide to see if groups can cooperate and receive signals that way.
Amateur Radio People Bounce Radio Signals Off The Moon Since 1953:
Gravity calculations are built into the architectual design of everything ever put on paper before it was built, by an architect.
You're just clueless.
I own a construction company, i do foundations. I have never seen a technical ever mention the fake force of “gravity”. You know what else I have never seen in a civil drawing package? Reference to any calculations or factoring for the earth’s curve. I’ve worked on a project that had over 1/4 mile of support cilumns all within a mm of grade, if earth is curved, the outer columns should have been 2” higher than the centre columns to get level, but that is not factored in because the earth is not curving.
All weight measurements are derived directly from gravity.
Even if you're so ignorant you don't know that.
All our calculations in the radar, microwave, and radio business include effects of curvature. Higher and higher frequences won't conform to the curvature, very low ones will.
When a plane pilot can't talk past the curvature he has an option to select lower frequencies for a LITTLE better following of the curvature.
The many many repeater radios used by all people around the world, mounted on peaks, are so numerous,
precisely and specifically, because of curvature.
When people level something on the surface of a curve, they ELIMINATE the EFFECT of the CURVATURE.
And compacting itself is directly due to settling forces of gravity.
You're deeply mentally occluded to not know these basic things as an adult.
Look up and learn basic navigation for 10 to 15 year old children, they learn a lot about spherical objects and how distances are measured on them, when they learn about latitude and longitude and how they have to be derived.
It's simple enough that 12 year olds get navigation badges. With some study you could be that savvy about why they work, and why they will only work on a spherical world, and only of a particular specific unchanging circumference, hence diameter.
It's an astonishing lack of basic, basic grasp of how reality is configured around you, that you don't know WHY foundations have to be able to support X, Y, Z numbers of pounds.
It's because gravity, assigns weight to everything.
Weight, density, is not gravity. Gravity is not a force thst can be determined or measured. Foundations are designed to take load, not gravity. Building load, occupant load, snow load. No fucking gravity bullshit or curvature bullshit is built into anything.
Good job showing you are intellectually dependent on school.
Dumbing Us Down; The Hidden Agenda Of Compulsory Education - John Taylor Gattot
I'm not the one dependent on that crap.
*YOU are.
*YOU had to go to that "Compulsory Education Guvurmunt Skewl."
Where *YOU, hillbilly, got *YOUR
8th grade edjakayshun frum the 12th guvurmunt gray'd.
Which is why *YOU never learned to count.
*YOU will N.E.V.E.R. escape that.