And those gases have weights, they have, formally, atomic weights, just like the Nitrogen Oxygen atmosphere does.
Standard air air resists gravity when heated. It's why you can feel the strong vertical component to rising air over a car hood or a barbecue pit.
It's a matter of relative energies of the very same gas molecules and the effect lasts until energy levels drop, then it falls back to the surface, pulled down by gravity.
That's why fire tends to have a pronounced vertical streamer effect.
Standard air components don't escape the downward force of gravity at the energy level we're receiving from the sun.
That's why they're the standard components, and hydrogen and helium aren't.
So the vacuum of space is only strong enough to suck up the lightest gasses on earth? That’s crazy cause the vacuum of space is stronger than any manmade vacuums and man made vacuums can lift bowling balls. That doesn’t sound very logical I don’t care what your textbooks say
Out from the planet itself, there are also electromagnetic layers which manipulate the overall charge of the surface vs the clouds. It's not non-existent by any means at all.
When you fly through clouds you see water forming as you move through them and this is particularly true where storm conditions exist.
Why doesn't it fall from the sky much sooner? Why is there any up there at all, condensed down to the medium of a cloud?
Electrostatic charge. There are highly charged bands of gas in layers that discourage gas from leaving. Water freezes into ice crystals. So basically you have Oxygen and Nitrogen pulled to the planet due to those
atomic weights you don't think are real. But they are.
The atmosphere is a couple of percent phase change refrigerant water - gas laws
which sublimates from ice back to water and evaporates again rising - uhm again,
scrubbing the entire thing of energy - the Nitrogen/Oxygen larger, overall bath. Gas laws.
Conditions predicting if there'll be icing on plane wings and more people die than at a full vax mandatory concert? Gas laws.
How much fuel will it take to get from here to there this season of the year? Gas laws.
Storm cells? Gas laws.
The holding up the bowling ball on the sealed ball? Gas laws.
So there's certainly some electromagnetic component holding the storm water off the ground. But the vast majority of it's just the gas laws that make sailing possible.
That make the winds flowing back and forth in bands, East-West, around the equator.
Double bands of winds there. Gas laws.
So I certainly see that argument, and concur. Yes I do. It's the only answer possible.
But gas species have molecular weights and there are gravitational instruments whose trajectory through regions can be manipulated. sensors can be held at reasonably reliable altitudes in large arcs, just mounted to drones programmed to track the layer.
So people know what the atmosphere is and why everything from breathing to volcanic explosions to flying giant sailing ships, jet-liners, and kid's kites.
Signs? How big braces need to be so they don't rip apart and fly into the road and kill and old couple and three $1200 lap dogs?
yeah that's regulated by wind speed resistance regulations based on those worthless gas laws that doesn't work, and nobody trusts.
All those skyscrapers that don't snap and fall over?
Understanding the gas laws' ability to impact them with debris, wind loads, makes it possible.
Wind loads are calculated on every single architectural structure that's of much importance.
Like helium lmao weight is down 😂
And those gases have weights, they have, formally, atomic weights, just like the Nitrogen Oxygen atmosphere does.
Standard air air resists gravity when heated. It's why you can feel the strong vertical component to rising air over a car hood or a barbecue pit.
It's a matter of relative energies of the very same gas molecules and the effect lasts until energy levels drop, then it falls back to the surface, pulled down by gravity.
That's why fire tends to have a pronounced vertical streamer effect.
Standard air components don't escape the downward force of gravity at the energy level we're receiving from the sun.
That's why they're the standard components, and hydrogen and helium aren't.
Their differing
At typical energy levels here on Earth.
So the vacuum of space is only strong enough to suck up the lightest gasses on earth? That’s crazy cause the vacuum of space is stronger than any manmade vacuums and man made vacuums can lift bowling balls. That doesn’t sound very logical I don’t care what your textbooks say
Maybe you don't, but you'll live and die regulated by the same gas laws I explained to you a little about.
You'll live by it and be glad it's all so well understood so you can live indoors.
Out from the planet itself, there are also electromagnetic layers which manipulate the overall charge of the surface vs the clouds. It's not non-existent by any means at all.
When you fly through clouds you see water forming as you move through them and this is particularly true where storm conditions exist.
Why doesn't it fall from the sky much sooner? Why is there any up there at all, condensed down to the medium of a cloud?
Electrostatic charge. There are highly charged bands of gas in layers that discourage gas from leaving. Water freezes into ice crystals. So basically you have Oxygen and Nitrogen pulled to the planet due to those
atomic weights you don't think are real. But they are.
The atmosphere is a couple of percent phase change refrigerant water - gas laws
which sublimates from ice back to water and evaporates again rising - uhm again,
scrubbing the entire thing of energy - the Nitrogen/Oxygen larger, overall bath. Gas laws.
Conditions predicting if there'll be icing on plane wings and more people die than at a full vax mandatory concert? Gas laws.
How much fuel will it take to get from here to there this season of the year? Gas laws.
Storm cells? Gas laws.
The holding up the bowling ball on the sealed ball? Gas laws.
So there's certainly some electromagnetic component holding the storm water off the ground. But the vast majority of it's just the gas laws that make sailing possible.
That make the winds flowing back and forth in bands, East-West, around the equator.
Double bands of winds there. Gas laws.
So I certainly see that argument, and concur. Yes I do. It's the only answer possible.
But gas species have molecular weights and there are gravitational instruments whose trajectory through regions can be manipulated. sensors can be held at reasonably reliable altitudes in large arcs, just mounted to drones programmed to track the layer.
So people know what the atmosphere is and why everything from breathing to volcanic explosions to flying giant sailing ships, jet-liners, and kid's kites.
Signs? How big braces need to be so they don't rip apart and fly into the road and kill and old couple and three $1200 lap dogs?
yeah that's regulated by wind speed resistance regulations based on those worthless gas laws that doesn't work, and nobody trusts.
All those skyscrapers that don't snap and fall over?
Understanding the gas laws' ability to impact them with debris, wind loads, makes it possible.
Wind loads are calculated on every single architectural structure that's of much importance.
None of that's real?
In fact the gas laws are the ones being written, which made ALL the modern era you see around you, appear, with exception of maybe gunpowder.
But then again gunpowder's manipulation of gas pressure threw the very first firearms projectiles, even if they were just gravel.
The gas laws you live, by measure and moment to moment provide the data, Jetliners fly on regarding air pressure and temperature.
How much density in it is required to hold up the several hundred people, going how slow before alarms go off due to chaned density
When does the warming air lose the ability to hold it up? Due to the lack of that required density.
It's very well understood. You claim YOU don't believe it
but the very same gas laws run your furnace,
your internal combustion equipment, your cooling fans...
your fireplace, wood stove.
How well your insulation works with X water vapor in it at Y wind speed, vs other insulation.
If there's butane or propane or natural gas present, you're living by what I'm explaining to you.
Every plane or helicopter or glider flying over your head measures and validates what I'm telling you, by flying,
based on those same gas laws you're denying you can even believe
are real.
Every scuba tank, welding tank, cutting torch, even FANS operate by these gas laws, the air in your tires,
the intake manifold pressures, the exhaust pressures, the wind resistance,
if it warms air intentionally or flies, or burns fuel, if it uses fire at all - it's operating on the gas laws you can't believe are real.
Military missiles, all rockets, jets: gas laws.
And all bow, and bullet ballistics: gas laws govern them. Same gas laws.
That's not gonna be going away because you can't believe gas laws operating the atmosphere are real.
LoL but you do you.
In closing, every time you look at a gas gauge you'll be operating that vehicle on the gas laws I told you hold that gas to this planet.
Motorcycle, car with fans and an air conditioner: the laws, you just will NOT believe.
If it has to do with insulationi: gas laws permeate it's testing.
Sailing? Gas laws.
Is there fire? Gas laws.
Is something breathing? Gas laws.
But you haven't bothered to learn the name of maybe the main one, because they aren't real?
They are. Or people couldn't fly or cook or weld or sail.
Or breathe. Same gas laws.
Not Stefan-Boltzmann, which isn't one of them.
Both helium and hydrogen are so light they overcome gravity and are lost to space.
Tell the whole room you were also so dumb, you didn't know that, either.