MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory]...memory implies storage of input; so how could one within reality aka in response to all reality offererd be "out of memory storage"?
What if I represent an insane (in sanus aka within sound) person (per sonos aka by sound)? And what if other deceive you to understand the words "insane person" in an inverted meaning to deceive you from understanding being in response to the source of sound?
Everything you type implies that you are out of your mind.
MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory]...memory implies storage of input; so how could one within reality aka in response to all reality offererd be "out of memory storage"?
What if I represent an insane (in sanus aka within sound) person (per sonos aka by sound)? And what if other deceive you to understand the words "insane person" in an inverted meaning to deceive you from understanding being in response to the source of sound?
I've never seen him type a sentence that looked like anything but this.