Whitney Webb told me she would publish some of my research, but when she found out I question the official narrative of Sandy Hook she got cold feet and bailed.
Hey Whitney, have you watched this?
When you do, I'll be happy to accept your apology.
Nice. I didn't even see that. Wolfgang did some amazing research. Part two of these papers is missing the capstone exercise part, but it is mentioned in the video. The amount of coordination to pull off something like this and other events like WuFlu is bigger than most people could imagine, but it can and has been done. It's just that these projects are not perfect and people who look too closely can see that like Wolfgang did here or we did when we saw WuFlu not spread to other countries for months until it did all at once and then it had none of the symptoms it did when it was supposedly in China.
If you want to go further, that link is the documentary "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" which is kind of a companion doc. It's longer, and goes into more evidence, and in greater detail, It doesn't focus on Wolfgang as much as the work of a group of researchers who posted all their stuff to youtube back in the days when that was possible. There is more about the fake town, and about the Lanza family... Fuck, it's so crazy, I need to watch it again! It's probably the better film for details, given the amount of evidence covered, but the featured one is a better introduction for first timers, and probably a better structured documentary.
Thanks for this, I have never looked into this one. I’m new here coming from the conspiracy Reddit was reluctant to use this site as I don’t know if it could be trusted, but I figured I’m using Reddit anyway, nothing can be worse than that.
Really interesting! I never bothered to learn much about Sandy Hook. Now also, but especially when it happened, I didn't watch any TV, so I really only saw those famous pics of the kids walking out.
The fact that the 911 calls don't match up and that no ambulances or firetrucks came to the school when it was right down the road seal the deal. I wish I had watched the chase on TV he was talking about so I could understand the issues with it.
Just watched this for the first time today. It was really well done (except for maybe the ending of it, toward the credits), but I don't think it went quite deep enough. At best, multiple agencies, media and police were insanely incompetent throughout the whole ordeal, and at worst, it's all a ploy to push gun control.
I think time will tell. The kids that were involved with this stuff will come forward as they get older, and their story will be told. Maybe not in full, but it'll get leaked out eventually.
This event happened before my skeptical meter was turned to max. Wow. What a good doc. That Wolfgang seems like such a likeable, honest, wonderful human. I will be sharing this doc with a few people!
With things going the way they are now, I will not be surprised if a suspicious shooting(s) happens in the near future, a planned operation with some manipulated random or raising violence in some groups. With real victims to act undeniably all mighty heroic to go after all weapons.
Imagine an anti-vaxx shooting PCR / Vaxx center. What the Left could do with such a terrible event ?
I think Sandy Hook was a Satanic ritual where they cast a spell designed to prime us for future deception. I believe this spell is why the Covid hoax has been so successful.
The only magic spell cast was a bunch of children either died, got kidnapped or both. A bunch of kiddie diddlers got to murder some kids. Then the media utilize these kids as an excuse to further remove firearms from the American populous.
That’s the magic spell, just like all the rest of magic, some slight of hand, some hidden moves, and misdirection.
Alchemical transmutation of some healthy vibrant American children into a child sex dungeon while some elites get to justify disarming their parents and fellow countrymen.
I never knew what to make of this. So many of the people filmed were (literally) actors. Or behaving like actors. For example the guy who was laughing but as soon as he realized he was on film turned sad and somber... I saw that on YouTube ages ago before everything was censored.
But for this to have been pulled off would require a crazy number of people including children to stay silent. Doesn't seem feasible really.
The images of lanza look like something created on SIMS. IIRC he has different eye color in one picture.
The year this happened my daughter was in school with a girl who claimed her cousin was in the building and survived by playing dead. Take it for what it's worth obviously.
it was a military exercise, and companies like CNN and the NYT reported it to the world, without telling the world that it was a military exercise. you've seen how they handled covid right? and they're preparing for another one: https://patriots.win/p/12jd4wpj77/what-the-actual-fuck-mark-your-c/c/
Well since the site doesn't appear to be an active site as the school no longer exists, can you at least give us the URL of the Sandy Hook Elementary page?
I once saw a video that showed people being ushered through a building over and over again at Sandy Hook. I never learned what that was all about. Now it's not findable using Internet searches. Anyone have it?
Both the featured doc and the other one I linked elsewhere in the thread cover that sequence. The people were filmed from the News Chopper. It's kind of obvious they had been told to "mill about" for the camera. They just walk in circles, going in one end of the building and emerging from the other and circling back around. From a zoomed out shot you wouldn't have been able to tell, it just looks busy with people. But the Chopper cam zoomed in for long enough to spot it.
no, but it is my view that this wreaks of a military exercise that CNN filmed and just conveniently didn't tell anybody was a military exercise, and let the public do its thing.
This was really good man. I’ve always been dubious of sandy hook and this was laid out perfectly. I can’t believe they had those kids singing at the super bowl. Almost like rubbing everyone’s face in it…
Here is the planned "exercise" pamphlet from the federal government,
Thank you to everyone out there exposing the truth to the population of the world. We've been ridiculed, laughed at and made fun of but WE are doing the right thing.
God bless
Whitney Webb told me she would publish some of my research, but when she found out I question the official narrative of Sandy Hook she got cold feet and bailed.
Hey Whitney, have you watched this?
When you do, I'll be happy to accept your apology.
Whats the back story on this? Also, noting you are a journalist?
Why don’t you publish it yourself?
I did.
In the comments section on the bitchute page for the documentary, someone posted this archived site:
Which still has a series of articles (basically a book in 6 parts, pdf) written by Wolfgang Halbig from 2015:
I will compile these (and whatever other articles are there) into one PDF, and link it in our wiki book list.
Done: The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Illusion by Wolfgang Halbig (pdf, 6mb)
Nice. I didn't even see that. Wolfgang did some amazing research. Part two of these papers is missing the capstone exercise part, but it is mentioned in the video. The amount of coordination to pull off something like this and other events like WuFlu is bigger than most people could imagine, but it can and has been done. It's just that these projects are not perfect and people who look too closely can see that like Wolfgang did here or we did when we saw WuFlu not spread to other countries for months until it did all at once and then it had none of the symptoms it did when it was supposedly in China.
Youtube has basically censored all sandy Hook videos, it's crazy.
wow, never looked into it, thats the one of the best docs ive seen
If you want to go further, that link is the documentary "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" which is kind of a companion doc. It's longer, and goes into more evidence, and in greater detail, It doesn't focus on Wolfgang as much as the work of a group of researchers who posted all their stuff to youtube back in the days when that was possible. There is more about the fake town, and about the Lanza family... Fuck, it's so crazy, I need to watch it again! It's probably the better film for details, given the amount of evidence covered, but the featured one is a better introduction for first timers, and probably a better structured documentary.
Thanks for this, I have never looked into this one. I’m new here coming from the conspiracy Reddit was reluctant to use this site as I don’t know if it could be trusted, but I figured I’m using Reddit anyway, nothing can be worse than that.
Really interesting! I never bothered to learn much about Sandy Hook. Now also, but especially when it happened, I didn't watch any TV, so I really only saw those famous pics of the kids walking out.
The fact that the 911 calls don't match up and that no ambulances or firetrucks came to the school when it was right down the road seal the deal. I wish I had watched the chase on TV he was talking about so I could understand the issues with it.
Thanks to everyone who voted and to u/jubyeonin for the winning suggestion!
There was already some good discussion on this featured documentary in the voting thread linked above, so let's continue it here!
Isn't the Sandy Hook Conspiracy what essentially lead to the complete social media banning of Alex Jones?
Yes and to be fair this is probably why whitney is staying away from anything associated with it. She's already been deplatformed from patreon.
Yes, and honestly it looks suspicious as fuck.
Just watched this for the first time today. It was really well done (except for maybe the ending of it, toward the credits), but I don't think it went quite deep enough. At best, multiple agencies, media and police were insanely incompetent throughout the whole ordeal, and at worst, it's all a ploy to push gun control.
I think time will tell. The kids that were involved with this stuff will come forward as they get older, and their story will be told. Maybe not in full, but it'll get leaked out eventually.
This event happened before my skeptical meter was turned to max. Wow. What a good doc. That Wolfgang seems like such a likeable, honest, wonderful human. I will be sharing this doc with a few people!
With things going the way they are now, I will not be surprised if a suspicious shooting(s) happens in the near future, a planned operation with some manipulated random or raising violence in some groups. With real victims to act undeniably all mighty heroic to go after all weapons.
Imagine an anti-vaxx shooting PCR / Vaxx center. What the Left could do with such a terrible event ?
I think Sandy Hook was a Satanic ritual where they cast a spell designed to prime us for future deception. I believe this spell is why the Covid hoax has been so successful.
Shooting in New Mexico today!
The only magic spell cast was a bunch of children either died, got kidnapped or both. A bunch of kiddie diddlers got to murder some kids. Then the media utilize these kids as an excuse to further remove firearms from the American populous.
That’s the magic spell, just like all the rest of magic, some slight of hand, some hidden moves, and misdirection.
Alchemical transmutation of some healthy vibrant American children into a child sex dungeon while some elites get to justify disarming their parents and fellow countrymen.
I never knew what to make of this. So many of the people filmed were (literally) actors. Or behaving like actors. For example the guy who was laughing but as soon as he realized he was on film turned sad and somber... I saw that on YouTube ages ago before everything was censored.
But for this to have been pulled off would require a crazy number of people including children to stay silent. Doesn't seem feasible really.
The images of lanza look like something created on SIMS. IIRC he has different eye color in one picture.
The year this happened my daughter was in school with a girl who claimed her cousin was in the building and survived by playing dead. Take it for what it's worth obviously.
it was a military exercise, and companies like CNN and the NYT reported it to the world, without telling the world that it was a military exercise. you've seen how they handled covid right? and they're preparing for another one: https://patriots.win/p/12jd4wpj77/what-the-actual-fuck-mark-your-c/c/
Wayback machine is very revealing.
You should elaborate?
Look at the wayback machine for that exact school on the exact day of the incident.
Well since the site doesn't appear to be an active site as the school no longer exists, can you at least give us the URL of the Sandy Hook Elementary page?
I once saw a video that showed people being ushered through a building over and over again at Sandy Hook. I never learned what that was all about. Now it's not findable using Internet searches. Anyone have it?
Both the featured doc and the other one I linked elsewhere in the thread cover that sequence. The people were filmed from the News Chopper. It's kind of obvious they had been told to "mill about" for the camera. They just walk in circles, going in one end of the building and emerging from the other and circling back around. From a zoomed out shot you wouldn't have been able to tell, it just looks busy with people. But the Chopper cam zoomed in for long enough to spot it.
it was a military exercise: https://patriots.win/p/12jd4wpj77/what-the-actual-fuck-mark-your-c/c/
That is from this year.
why yes, you are correct! did they just start running military exercises this year?
Of course not. Is it your view that if military exercises exist then a particular thing must be one?
no, but it is my view that this wreaks of a military exercise that CNN filmed and just conveniently didn't tell anybody was a military exercise, and let the public do its thing.
Shakespeare was correct. Comedy, such as the "official" story, is a tragedy.
This was really good man. I’ve always been dubious of sandy hook and this was laid out perfectly. I can’t believe they had those kids singing at the super bowl. Almost like rubbing everyone’s face in it…
I watched this and today ( the next day ) there is a school shooting in New Mexico ! Freaky !
Here is the planned "exercise" pamphlet from the federal government, Thank you to everyone out there exposing the truth to the population of the world. We've been ridiculed, laughed at and made fun of but WE are doing the right thing. God bless