yeldarb1983 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybei it's staged, maybe it's not staged, I dont know, but I have a few questions...

  1. corn syrup and food coloring. You can find a million recipes using just these ingredients.

  2. look at dude in black's arm. If he's dead, why are his arms up in the air? they should be laid out semi-straight. If he's alive, why is he clinging on to his cellphone for dear life over a pool of blood? Granted a still image can be misleading but it's definitely interesting...

  3. If this is simple ignorance on my part, pay it no mind, but why do both of the tourniqueted victims here have injuries in nearly identical locations? Are tourniquets supposed to be tied above the knee like that? Why is the woman having a tourniquet tied not clutching her legs in pain? that has to hurt like hell, even if you're in shock...

Again, maybe I'm full of shit about all of this, but it's interesting to say the least...

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's an image that's been floating around for a few years of a black dude with a huge MAGA banner (or was it a confederate flag? can't remember), and a white dude with a BLM banner and the text underneath is something like, "The teams have been auto-balanced."

That's what I think of in moments like this...

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

worked as a cartpusher for four and a half years, usually bundled up and sweated through an illness. Even when I don't, I'm usually miserable for a day or two, then get the sniffles for a week or two and I'm fine.

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

...I usually tell people to add some fresh garlic to their meals and maybe eat something spicy if they don't have an upset stomach.

For that I suggest peppermint tea. It tastes great and mint in general settles the stomach, though I usually go with peppermint because it tastes better in my opinion.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

at a guess, probably the same amount as autism cases that are barely noticeable unless you're looking for it, lol.

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Forced evolution

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +3 / -1

tough call.

I've hard arguments for peanut oil being used as a preservative in vaccines, but I've also heard arguments that it was an overreaction to peanut allergies by the medical establishment.

Peanuts supposedly carry a certain fungus whose spores can cause an autoimmune response.

For most people, early exposure provides a safe immune response in the future, but in rare cases, severe peanut allergies can occur in infants. Doctors started recommending parents not give their kids anything with peanuts before a certain age to prevent these nasty allergic reactions, only to have the number of cases of peanut allergies in adults skyrocket.

Point is it's rarely easy to pinpoint the source of a problem, especially when you're primed to blame it on a specific evil that you focus on.

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you really need any more arguments to convince you to take your kids out of public school or leave leftist hellholes for that matter?

That being said, Autism beats the hell out of polio...

yeldarb1983 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shame to waste such a brimly-esque mustache that way...

Kidding aside, though, the elitist pricks really can't see why people don't trust this shit? Why they might go, "Hmmm, the government is threatening to take away my freedom and job security unless I take this vaccine with all sorts of weird side effects for a disease with a survival rate of over 90%? Something about this smells fishy!"

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

Should probably add to this the fundamental violation of any form of liberty-based government that mandates are, plus a section on nation-by-nation protections against this exact kind of intrusion into people's lives.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, it's almost like politicizing science is bad for everyone.

by pkvi
yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0


Gotta admit, though, it seems like we've left open a backdoor for medical treatment without consent here, kinda like with the fluoride thing.

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christ, you'd probably be better adding lard to cow's milk (not a nutritionist, take me with a grain of salt) to make up for it not having enough fat...

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the old meme? oh yeah something like https://youtu.be/p2-4rJmYEfU?t=3

Sidenote: If youtube had just ignored alex jones, I doubt most people would have taken him seriously

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

also, you forgot thalidomide

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

also, you forgot thalidomide

yeldarb1983 1 point ago +1 / -0

to be fair DDT was blown way out of proportion, and probably would have saved a lot of people in the third world from malaria...

yeldarb1983 4 points ago +4 / -0

Christ, you could walk on those crowds...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cant decide whether that would be better played straight or over 70s batman levels of over the top...

yeldarb1983 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude, you couldn't convince me of anything with the shitty Krispy kreme they were bribing people with...

I was a dunkin man, but with everybody going woke, guess im just gonna have to get use to making my own...

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