tyui 1 point ago +1 / -0

Real, he's done it in other interviews.

by pkvi
tyui 4 points ago +4 / -0

The sterility part is intentional.

tyui 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Scientists versed in vaccines are saying that the vaccine opens the door for future viruses to be fatal to the person who took the 'vaccine'. Bill Gates said with a grin "just wait until the next virus comes".

tyui 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard vaccine specialists specifically saying that the moderna and pfizer injections DO change your DNA. They have RNA instructions that tells the body to change its DNA according to their instructions. I don't know about the astrazeneca one.

by pkvi
tyui 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the right looks like uBlock Origin, the left I don't know.

tyui 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've changed it again. It now says that it can also be by exposing people to it, but the WHO's preference is through vaccination.


by pkvi
tyui 3 points ago +3 / -0

He also said 'caveman nationalism' in 2018 according to the article. Are we sure what Putin said means he's now a globalist? I understand part of globalism involves a one-world government. Does having different ethnicities etc mean one supports globalism? Putin recently said "It is clear that an era associated with attempts to build a centralised unipower world order is over". Source

by pkvi
tyui 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is the headline true? We've seen so much fake news. Do you have a link or clip where Putin says this?

tyui 6 points ago +6 / -0

The mod doesn't dispute that chemtrails exist. Click the headline text in that first link of yours, it takes you to this comment - https://greatawakening.win/p/11SKQ59fFe/x/c/4DvobDeodKi

He was calling people chemtards for saying that civilian planes are spraying (not military planes), and for saying that it's 'widespread' in his words further down the thread. I don't know how 'widespread' it is to comment.

He was saying he wants to keep GA to the topic of Q. The forum rules on the right says:

This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Visit http://conspiracies.win if that's your thing!

I believe if Q brought up the topic of chemtrails, he would be OK with the chemtrail threads. He was saying he was concerned after seeing lots of chemtrail threads that it was detracting from the site's purpose.

I personally don't understand the flat earth theory. Should GA allow flat earth threads? The mod isn't saying nobody should talk about it, but that they should go to conspiracies.win and keep GA on the topic of Q.