Getting punished like they were terrorists. Might as well act like terrorists next time.
Supposedly he wanted to murder his ex wife and all the other victims were just a way to make the murder of his wife look like another random sniper killing.
Bitch has something wrong with her mouth. It's like she is jacked on cocaine.
Harsh words ain't gonna do it. Need to make tyrants piss themselves in terror.
This tech has been around for years. I used to work in a datacenter that had palm readers on every door.
Fuck, you are stupid.
They banned me too. Didn't suck hard enough on Trump's dick. I voted for the faggot twice, but they demand you worship literal orange Hitler like a god.
Wow, isn't that some serious patronizing? I thought women need men like fish need a bicycle. Why aren't the strong women of Afghanistan taking care of their own shit?
Not really practical for most people. Can't pay my mortgage with cash.