sickofaltspin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because paint is expensive and wraps are even more expensive. FedEx, UPS, DHL etc all have planes that simply have the required FAA markings, which this one has as well.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember, randomly during his Time Man of the Year interview, they are interrupted by Mueller (then head of the FBI) doing a visit to "his office" and wanting to stop in and meet Zuck in person?

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pssst... islamic fundamentalists consider education of women a sin worthy of death. I WONDER if that might have something to do with it - IN IRAN.

sickofaltspin 0 points ago +1 / -1

"From 1990, the first year the BTS began tracking derailments and injuries on a yearly basis, to 2021, there have been 54,539 accidents in which a train derailed. That’s an average of 1,704 derailments per year."

1,704 / 365 = 4.67 p/day

sickofaltspin 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is not one member of the US Military in that picture. It's from 2015 and it's all British military.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or, you communicate poorly.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it isn't obvious.

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one used it ever?

Weird, so I guess Charles Thomson is a fictional character that didn't exist?

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just so I understand, everyone who has ever referenced the Motto on the Seal of the United States is in on some kind of conspiracy?

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

So are you claiming Charles Thomson was planning on Elon being put in place 250 years later when he made the design?

sickofaltspin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Before being spoonfed your opinion, what was the theme of that year's Met Gala?

On Monday, May 7th, the Costume Institute will sanctify its love of fashion as it presents “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination.” Designed to create a dialogue between fashion and the masterworks of religious art in the museum’s holdings, the show will be presented in a trinity of locations: the Anna Wintour Costume Center, the medieval galleries at the Met’s Fifth Avenue location, and further uptown at the Cloisters. Central to the conversation will be the papal garb on loan from the Sistine Chapel sacristy, many of which have never been seen outside the Vatican, even in the 1983 Met blockbuster, “The Vatican Collections: The Papacy and Art.”

The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) in 1962 led to the "Novus Ordo Mass" adopted between 1962-1969 in the Catholic church?

The “Novus Ordo Mass” was actually not as new as was claimed. Indeed, considering prior Instructions, it synthesized and made official the changes that had already been taking place: a more communal penitential part of the Mass; more numerous and diverse Sunday readings spread out over a three-year cycle; a restored “universal prayer”; new Prefaces; a changed Offertory; three new Eucharistic Prayers added to the ancient Roman Canon to be used at the celebrant’s choice; modified words of consecration, identical in all four Eucharistic Prayers; the Pater noster said by the whole congregation, no longer by the priest alone; suppression of many genuflections, signs of the cross, and bows.

Now, what are the odds that Musk spent zero minutes planning on what he would wear and left it to his wife and the designers they hired, and the choice was made to combine the messages of the Seal shown on every dollar in circulation and a recent revolutionary changes in the Catholic Church to make a statement that fit a man who's brand was revolutionizing an industry and become wealthy doing so?

Further, his wife's dress and crown were completely black on black with white highlights, including a crown made from a sample of the then extremely rare and new vantablack that they melted down and molded to create. His was white on white with black highlights.

Sometimes design work is related to more than politics.

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Won't dox myself but op is right.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christ said he came to fulfill the law not abolish it.

Every one of the apostles was a jew.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your life is not shit because of other people, it is because of your own choices. You are not superior because of you skin.

Further people can know you are full of shit without being a fed.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many paint chips did you chow down on as a kid?

sickofaltspin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh - what's that - FLORIDA NATIONALISTS claim it's real?!

OH MY - That's so trustworthy! Surely the history of the World's Fucking Fair is a secret fucking cabal! I mean, they obviously were able to hide 125,000+ people at Soldier's Field - are you stupid?!

I've provided numerous links in the other comments here to contemporaneous newspaper reports about the pageant (a word we don't really use in modern parlance to refer to plays, but absolutely are the same thing) complete with descriptions of the 90+ minute performance and how it was received.

Do you really think you can fill a stadium, in Chicago, in 1933, and get hundreds of reporters to write about it, across the globe, and it be some secret ritual!?

And you wonder why people think conspiracy theorists have room temp IQs.

Florida White Nationalist website as an authoritative source - Jesus, you're the reason for warning labels like "Do Not Eat" on household chemicals aren't you?

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude you can find the script of the play.

This scene represents what happens in Exodus 32.

If this is an actual worship ceremony, do you also think that this is an actual worship ceremony?

sickofaltspin 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not a movie, it's a pageant called Romance of a People that was approximately 90+ minutes long in Chicago at Soldier's Field - the play depicted the major events of the first five books of the Old Testament - this is the scene where the Isrealites built the golden calf and worshipped it while Moses was on the Mount receiving the 10 Commandments - Exodus chap 32.

OP is claiming it is a worship ceremony because it helps him make us all look like foolish anti-semites or because OP is easily duped by glowy anti-semites himself.

If this is a worship ceremony, then so is this.


sickofaltspin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guess what, if it is fact or fiction doesn't change my point.

Fictional plays based on a story are still plays.

The POINT you are refusing to accept - this is not video worship ceremony - it is presented to the users of this site as one. This is a scene in a play that takes up a few minutes of the 90+ minute play that represents the text of what was written in Exodus 32.

No one has to believe that those events happened or didn't happen to understand that point you wall of fucking text copy pasta lefty "well auchtually" anti-theist reddit refugee.

Neck yourself before pasting that wall of not gonna be read bullshit again.

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +3 / -2

The point is this isn't a worship ceremony.

It's a play that tells the narrative of the first 5 books of the old testament and this is one scene in it based on Exodus 32.

sickofaltspin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does Exodus 32 tell the same story the play did?

sickofaltspin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are we to assume the worship of Baal in The Ten Commandments is also actual worship of Baal - and not part of a larger narrative of Moses and they story of Exodus?

Since the pageant covers the Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) and lasted 90 minutes, I guess we should assume anyone who reads Exodus is encouraging the worship of Baal as well?

I mean, do you think a pageant telling this story might include the contents of Exodus 32 - would it not, it is a significant portion of both Christian and Jewish religion that this happened while Moses was being given the 10 Commandments.

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