So we've given some eighty year olds an extra year of a life not worth going out, no gathering....and collective societal wellbeing and prosperity goes straight in the shitter with no end in sight. Ace plan.
Serious and something needs to be done, but given that alone you couldn't conclude said race is in itself problematic. I don't say this coming from a critical race theory, woke viewpoint. Nobody likes a complicated truth, but I think both those who say such situations are solely the cause of systemic racism, etc. or said race is just "bad" or solely to blame for the condition are wrong. To put it in another context, if you sincerely think you can boil down the Civil War or WW2 to one trite logical argument, you're just a lazy thinker.
I don't like the sound of that. Is this "death" condition serious?
Seriously though, if this is the case, the absurdity here is off the charts. If they get this out in the numbers they are proposing, they will kill far more people than Controla virus, across a wide age spectrum--not just octogenarians.
It reeks of disinfo to me. 3G and 4G were okay, but literally just an upgrade to the same technology (and it's nothing but radio signals) is going to turn us all into zombies or something?
If I wanted to make CT looks like nutters, that's the type of idea I'd try to have catch on. Just makes you sound like an ignorant jackass from the jump. "Did you know that new soda makes you gay for Biden? Don't drink it man, you won't be able to go a minute without longing for Joe's grizzled wang!"
It always blows my mind. Worst president in history die-hard leftists say, as if he had any appreciable affect on you (generally good for a politician, not fucking your life up is a really high bar) until the pandemic, outside getting in your head on Twatter.
As for the "pandemic", history, if not present common sense, will show the outcome regardless of his "handling" would have been negligible. Viruses will spread. Getting every American to uniformly hide in their house and mask FLAWLESSLY for 15-30 days was never going to happen, and even it were possible we wouldn't have eradicated the virus and been throwing pool parties as we're led to believe was accomplished in China.
Yah, it got to the point I was ready to gouge my eyes out if I read another post like "Can't we talk about JFK/Bigfoot/Roswell, anything besides <THE LARGEST OVERT GLOBAL AGENDA BEING THRUST UPON US IN PRESENT TIMES>?"
They REALLY tried to get traction on that line. Desperately tried to create a culture where it was "good" and "cool" to talk about safe topics like 50-year old assassinations or obvious disinfo nutter stuff like flat earth or reptilians, etc...where as anyone who wanted to talk about the Great Reset elephant in the room was a party pooper.
The sad thing is, if they had rubbed the hive mind just right, I think it might have worked--and still might. I could absolutely see a future where "conspiracy theorists" police each other against getting leaving their safe topics. Sigh
Yah, OP video is a classic case of confirmation bias. I'm all about being vigilant to catch these rats in the act, but these internet detective moments just make CT look stupid.