a well kept grass strip will land most planes without drawing attention
Jehovah is Baal?
why are we complaining about this based af post? top kek. even reddit has its moments
what are the ingredients of the non lethal ones, in your mind?
No, they're all dangerous, unless they're saline.
although you try to discredit....you still never read it
Vaccine hesitancy? its not a vaccine, and this isn't hesitancy. NOBODY is sticking that SHIT in me. EVER.
the 'voices' heard were identified as a stock spooky sound file.
I believe in ghosts and aliens and sasquatch and dumbs... ...but I also know people will fake stuff for views. you might wanna dig a little deeper, so to speak
am I wrong or is the debunking on this one quite thorough?
check out megan rose medium on youtube, its the best of both worlds
I very much do not mean anything out of star trek. it was quite clearly a simple controlled demolition.
both are well north of the equator, so the shortest path between them seems to curve to the north on a map.
lol ive been studying this longer than you
yes we know why. communism wants to be the new world superpower, under the guise of the CCP.
probably the placebo group
so did a pineapple lol.
also isn't the test facing a mass recall because its inaccurate?
ignoring scamdemic has worked brilliantly for me
Chinese freemasonry is a huge thing. might be the key to this whole story
so if i see a ufo and talk about itm im part of blue beam?
pretty dumb take
love in the time of scamdemic
i still trust nsa more than tucker c, change my mind
yes, I am sure, shut up glowfag. Trump won, by a lot.
half the population is not this, not even close. so, yes.
its true