If I was Russian I would have already translated it. I don't know what is said but I do know the website that posted it said it was proof of Ukranian plans to attack Donbass. I saved the pictures of it before that that site was taken down because when I tried to archive it the pictures were removed from the archive capture so I figured that could mean they are important.
I think there is a danger of Ukraine becoming an all out proxy war like Angola was with the CIA perpetuating it by infiltrating and paying paramilitaries and smuggling in weapons to the region especially small and portable javalin and stinger missile systems.
When I went to school all the asian minorities were generally the smart kids. Many of them were top of the class in math and science. That was all kinds of Asians from the Chinks to the Patels. Only the black minorities were consistantly bottom of the class.
This is what I was describing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tusiNAY7Utc
Yes that is exactly what I made from a broomhandle! I never knew there was an actual name for it. I never saw it mentioned in history books about medievil weapons and yes they sure are brutal if you use a rock weighing about a half pound its gonna hit hard. The only difference is he has carved a slot in the end for the sling cord to release, I put a nail in mine.
You want to make one? Ok look at this picture of trebuchet https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/16/4a/52164a7fbba0294f7e8f06769744a045.jpg
You see the arm with the sling attached? Thats the only part you need to make for handheld version. My original one was broom handle arm. Notice one of the sling cords is fixed to the arm. The other sling cord has to slip off as you launch it to release the projectile. I put a smooth headless nail into the end of the broom handle for that purpose. Make a loop in the end of the sling cord, put it over the nail. You can bend the nail until the sling cord slips off at the right moment to get the best trajectory.
Not accurate. 911 truth had tons of credible sources.
Larry Silverstein saying on live TV they decided to pull building 7 because it was too badly damaged. Rudy Giuliani saying they were warned to vacate their location because WTC2 was going to collapse yet no one should have known any building would collapse. BBC News reporter saying building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it did. Alaska Fairbanks University study said impossible for building 7 to collapse the way it did unless all the support columns were removed simultaniously. The reseach by Niels H. Harrit's team that identified Active thermite residue in the WTC dust samples that when published in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal caused the Editor in Chief to inexplicably resign and discontinue the journal. Betty Ong's phone call from flight 11 with no passengers voices in the background yet according to her story people were stabbed and mace spray caused the entire planeload of passengers to move to the back of the plane where she was at yet the only voice in the background is one other flight attendant calling information to her. The pilot of flight 77 who could not even fly a Cesna, pulling off a 360 degree spiralling descent from 10,000ft at 530 mph and hitting the Pentagon so perfectly level that he was skimming the Pentagon lawn and then just happened to destroy the offices and all the accountants who were trying to trace the missing 2.3 trillion dollars that Rumsfeld said the Pentagon could not account for. The supposed 911 pilots who were found to be alive and well. The FBI saying they never had any evidence that Bin Laden was responsible. The man who reported to the FBI that while he was at the Jewish cemetary in N.Jersey he overheard Hebrew speaking Jews discussing an attack on the twin towers 10 months before 9/11. The 5 Israelis who were high fiving each other and cheering when flight 11 hit the WTC were arrested and interrogated by the FBI then eventually released who on Israeli TV said they were there to "film the event." They all worked for a furniture removal company that was a front for Israeli intelligence.
All of that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The USD is backed by an extortion racket. For real. That is no exaggeration. Artificially high demand for USD is created by forcing oil producing nations to make their oil sales in USD. This has been the case for the last 50 years and is the reason for the constant U.S. interference in the middle east. It began in the 1970's. In classic mafia style the Nixon administration offered the oil producing nations "protection" from their enemies. In return for that protection they must promise to make their oil sales in USD. If they refuse that protection and decide to make oil sales in other currency they will be overthrown/invaded/destroyed.
This is why USD is world reserve currency. As long as there is oil to be paid for, there will always be demand for the USD on the world currency markets. Where there is demand there is value.
This is the Insignia of Ukrain's Special Operations Detachment
CBS News placed a banner accross his chest to hide it lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8P4VIVXD2I