Here is Vasquez picking on the wrong guy and then getting his ass beat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nZbd2StkJI

Here is Gonzalo Lira calling him out for being a fraud in Ukraine a few months ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNibIJrCD6Q

That Gonzalo Lira video is interesting for another reason too. Look at the girl with the black and white scarf at 00:03:30s. Gonzalo Lira knows there is something up with her but he doesn't know who she is. I do. Her name is Victoria Igorevna Zaverukha AKA Vita Zaverukha. Notorious in Ukraine for bring affiliated with neo-nazi paramilitary activists and their propaganda so it is all very interesting that she should show up in the same place with Vasquez and the others in the videos Gonzalo Lira highlighted.

Now look at these pictures. https://www.pinterest.com/KingRevolution134/victoria-igorevna-zaverukha/

You can see she is the same girl. She is even wearing that same black and white scarf in two or three of those pictures. There are also pictures of her there with her husband. He is or was a member of the AFU 24th Assault Battalion also known as the Aidar battalion originally based in Luhansk.

There is zero possibility that there were two brand new severe respiratory diseases with identical symptoms in the US in 2019 (First vaping illness in the Summer and then covid in the Winter).

There is only one possible explanation. It was covid the entire time and they initially blamed the severe respiratory symptoms on vaping because they were trying to cover up what it really was.

That is why I say there are only liars and the fools that believe them because no one in this entire country told the truth. Not Fauci, Not Trump, Not any of the so called "whistleblowers" that are now all about blaming the vaccines. Do you see? They are all part of the same psyop. They are not allowed to talk about the real origin of the virus. They are ONLY allowed to blame all it's symptoms on the vaccines because that was the whole purpose of making those vaccines liability exempt in the first place.

Every one of the "whistleblowers" is part of the covid narrative which from its very beginning in 2019 until now, has been about blame shifting and every one of them is a godamn liar with their graphene oxide and their hydra vulgaris they are all full of shit. That is why none of them EVER talks about the vaping illness lie. They are mandated to blame the vaccines for the virus symptoms and that is it and they stay within that boundery because they are all controlled propagandists for the deep state cover up of the real origin of sars-cov-2 and the effort to blame shift it's long term effects onto the liability exempt vaccines.

Try posting a real conspiracy analysis on this board and you'll find out it is worse than reddit for being infested with glowies and government shills.


In April 2020 NBC News compared the massive increase in 911 calls for Cardiac Arrest in New York City with pre-pandemic numbers from the same period of the first week of April in the previous year.

2019: Average 69 cardiac arrest calls per day, 26 deaths

2020: Average 284 cardiac arrest calls per day 200 deaths

That is a massive 410% increase in 911 cardio events and a 770% increase in deaths from the previous year. Try to find an article today where they acknowledge COVID-19 statistics like that. They are trying to memory hole the entire thing so they can blame all the covid related cardio damage onto the vaccines. This is all because the vaccines are liability exempt. The US Government bioweapons research that lab engineered the virus is not.

This all begs the question how much of this was planned. Are we to believe it was just a convenient coincidence that these vaccines have that liability exempt status just when government bioweapons research is in the frame for causing a global pandemic?

No. Of course this is not a coincidence. Their entire strategy on this was blame shifting since they first blamed it on vaping then blamed it on Wuhan. Nor is it coincidence that they tried so hard to force the vaccines on everyone even when it was clear they didn't work. The entire purpose of that was to make sure an unvaccinated control group did not remain to prove the cardio damage was really caused by infection by the virus. It is for that same reason they are still trying to push for the children to be vaxxed.

Whether or not they vaccinate the children they will get the same cardio damage, and the same myocarditis because the vaccines are not causing that today any more that they were when NBC made that news report in April 2020. The cardio damage is caused by the virus and they will not stop trying to cover that up because they are ultimately responsible and that is the only reason the y are trying to vaccinate the children. They dont care if the jab harms everyone elses kids or not as long as it covers their ass.

There is a massive psyop to blame shift post-covid cardio damage onto the vacvines and there are a lot of people all over social media involved in trying to push it.


So who is responsible for ensuring the same restrictive format prevails across multiple platforms, reddit, saidit scored etc. All of them contrived to ensure users cannot compose compelling informational posts with text and images together.


The top image is captured from this video of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon.


If you watch the video you will see how the image on the top left is the original blurry footage as recorded by the camera on the Lunar Lander. The image on the top right is the same location as captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) with a white square to represent the area that was visible in the lander footage.

So you can see from the image on the top right, the LRO image shows the lander touched down close to a very big rock. It was so close that the lander would have barely avoided landing on it.

The bottom picture is the Apollo 11 lander on the moon. So, where's that big rock?


Here was a study in Italy that examined frozen blood samples collected during a cancer screening trial in 2019.

Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33176598/

Full Paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0300891620974755?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

Click on figure 1 table to expand it.

You can see 10% of the blood samples collected in the first week of September 2019 tested positive for sars-cov-2 antibodies. (The red line).

This proved the entire Covid narrative was a lie. It did not start at a Wuhan outbreak in December and if you do the math, just from what we know about the speed of the spread while it was being monitored in 2020, for it to have already reached 10% of the Italian population by September 2019, It had long since reached 100% of the developed world by the end of 2020. Most did not realize that because at least 75% of sars-cov-2 infections did not produce the covid19 respiratory symptoms so they were essentially asymptomatic.

So what does this mean for the vaccines? It means they were entirely useless as a prevention or even as a symptom suppression. It is impossible that exposure to the vaccine induced spike protein could create more of an immunity than exposure to the real virus that contained that same spike protein as well as many other antigens that the immune system could latch on to.

So I am not discussing here anything that the general scientific community does not already know. They are all aware of that Italian study. They all know it is just not possible that any significant section of the population was not already exposed to the virus before the vaccines were rolled out.

This means they are all involved in perpetuating the lies. That is why none of them ever even discuss the fact there never was any antibody surveillance of the population to see if they even needed vaccination before they were all involved in promoting the vaccine mandates.

They have all been blowing smoke and they all know it.


So I'll tell you why. It is called blame shifting. The virus really was created in a lab. It belongs to the US government and they know its long term effects will devastate the human race so they do not want to carry the can for it. This is why they created the warp speed, liability exempt vaccines and tried to force them on the global population. They needed everyone vaccinated because they intend for all the long term effects of the sars-cov-2 virus to be blamed on those vaccines. If the could get that jab into everyone and get them to believe the vaccines are the cause of all their ills, the vaccine's liability exempt status will ensure no one will ever be held responsible for what they did in their bio-research labs.

I hardly ever used Twitter until recently I posted a few comments on the Amber Heard trial threads and now I see how it happens.

So Amber Heard's attourney says Johnny Depp dragged Amber Heard across the floor with broken glass on it. Someone on Twitter claims if she was dragged across broken glass she would have serious injury that required medical attention so it must be a lie. So on Twitter they give that hundreds of likes and scores of retweets in under an hour. So apply some critical thought. Is that what would really happen?

If you break a glass bottle then sure there would be some glass on the floor. But its not freaking Die Hard. The floor would not become a carpet of jagged glass. There would probably be a few large pieces and the rest would be small and spread thinly around a wide area. If she was being dragged you might assume she would be trying to get to her feet so if she was unlucky she might get poked or scratched by a piece of glass or feel a piece under her foot. If she were barefoot she might even get get a glass splinter but she would have to be really unlucky to receive an actual cut that even required a bandaid and the chances of anything occuring that required medical attention would be slim to none.

So the thing is, how many intelligent people are even going to bother arguing about that with the idiots on Twitter? Maybe one or even none because with the 180 character limit it would be hard to explain all that so with little to no opposition, the clown world consensus is formed: Amber must be lying because the broken glass on the floor did not slice her all up and put her in hospital.

Makes me wonder how much of the nonsense we see presented by the mainstream media is based on such Twitter consensus because they all seem to be on there every day, or is it that Twitter taught TPTB how stupid and easily mislead the majority of the people are?

I have friends in Europe that told me video links I sent them do not work and that they get a "this video is not available in your region" message. Is this kind of censorship common in Europe? Are you seeing the videos in Europe that we see in the U.S. from people like Gonzalo Lira, Scott Ritter and Patrick Lancaster that dispute the official narrative on Ukraine?

Poland Dept of Defense announced there will be large movements of troops and equipment in connection with an excercise.

The department asked citizens not to publish information about the movement of troops and photographs of military equipment.

I dont think Poland would be concerned about photographs if this was really just an exercise.


  • Why don't the covid19 vaccines work? Because their real purpose was to create a liability exempt blame hole into which everything caused by their gain-of-function virus can be blamed.

  • Why did they try to force mandate the vaccines on everyone even though it was obvious they were not working? So everyone's impending SARS-CoV-2 AIDS can be blamed onto their liability exempt vaccine shots instead of the virus that is really responsible.

SARS-CoV-2 infection is an all out assault on the human immune system. It infects T and B Lymphocytes, Monocytes and Macrophages. The covid respiratory symptoms some people suffered were just a side effect of the immune system dysfunction caused by that assault.

The vast majority caught the virus without noticing any such covid effects so during the last 3 years the entire world's population was infected whether they knew it or not. We are all now in the latent stage. As with HIV, during the latent stage the virus cannot be detected because it lays dormant within aquiessent immune system cells until they are triggered to activate by a new infection. When that happens the virus within is also activated and it begins replicating again and infecting more immune system cells. This is why people have already appeared to contract the virus 2 or 3 times. It never left them in the first place. It was laying dormant in between successive outbreaks. Kinda like herpes. So this cycle continues infecting more immune system cells each time until chronic immunodeficiency causes full blown AIDS. At the same time as that it also infects cells of all our major organs too. Gradually grinding us down.

That is what the NIH and their gain-of-function research has done to the world. They do not want to be held globally liable for the impending SARS-CoV-2-AIDS apocalypse so they created these so called vaccines specifically classified as liability exempt. Once they forced everyone to take it they can blame everything the virus does to the world's health on that vaccine and no one will be held to account because they have that special 'liability exempt' status.

So you can see, everyone pushing this "vaccines are to blame" narrative on social media, bitchute and rumble etc. They are all part of this huge psyop to deceive you into supporting the great blame shift to protect Fauci and all the others involved in funding and creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is really responsible.

They say the bill targets disinformation and hate speech. Sounds like this is the 'Publish Only What We Say You Can or Be Banned' bill that will turn Europe's internet into a state controlled propaganda outlet.



This is ominous. He has said several times if we do not hear from him for 12 hours he has probably been captured. Lets hope it is just an internet issue that is preventing his usual updates.


In the years after the 2014 coup that overthrew President Viktor Yanukovych the Pentagon backed Ukranian paramilitary Neo-Nazis had a stranglehold on the government and the military in Ukraine and had been waging a CIA backed civil war against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. Zelensky ran for office on the peace token, promising to end the fighting that had already killed thousands of civilians, but shortly after Zelensky's inauguration, former UVA leader Dmytro Yarosh made it clear and openly threatened, Zelenski would be killed and hung from a tree if he tried to end the civil war between the far right and the Russian seperatists in Eastern Ukraine.

This all means if Zelensky really did want to bring peace to Ukraine he was going to have to remove those neo-nazis first but as they were now so well integrated into the Ukranian military his options were severely limited. He could not dare to try to use Ukraine's own security forces against them and as the Pentagon were the ones funding them and training them he could not expect any help from the US or NATO so who is left? The enemy of my enemy is my friend and surely no one could be more repulsed by the neo-nazis that were attacking ethnic Russians in Ukraine than the Russian President himself and not only that, Putin actually has the means to remove them.

That all makes Putin, Zelensky's most obvious ally but there could be no chance of Zelensky surviving if he formed an alliance with Putin openly so now, look what they did. Zelensky pretends to form alliance with the far right in Ukraine. They then plan a renewed offensive against the Russian seperatists in Donbass and move all the far right elements of the Ukranian military to the east for that operation. In the meantime Putin sends 150,000 troops to the border and once all those nazis have assembled Putin sends in his forces in a pretend attack on the major cities while what he is really doing is cutting off and surrounding all those Neo-Nazi troops and he spends the next month destroying all their equipment and softening them up with artillary. The nazis keep fighting back but they start running out of ammunition and they can't understand why they never get resupplied....


Missile strike half a block away from the house in Russia where Patrick had moved his family. I sincerely doubt this was just coincidence. I think it was a warning to him to stop his independent reporting of the war.

This video of the huge crater left by the missile strike is shot by Patrick Lancasters wife.



I think we are now seeing the reason why the authorities were so rabid in their efforts to force these vaccines onto the global population even though they were obviously not working.

The vaccines never were anything to do with protecting the people, it was all about creating a scapegoat onto which all the effects of their bioweapon virus can be blamed without anyone being held to account because the vaccines are liability exempt.

That explains why the US Government was so eager to pay for the vaccines and even give it to other countries for free. It explains why a plethora of big pharma doctors and scientists are so public about blaming everything that the 2020 science said would be the long term effects of the virus, onto the vaccines and notice when McCullough and the rest of them talk about this they NEVER discuss the possibility that any of these long term effects could be caused by the virus. They are all about blaming everything on the vaccines because that was their purpose. That is why they are all liability exempt.


In 2019 Utah based CEO of Tinker Ventures visited Silicon Valley for a two day seminar after which she called her family in what they described as an agitated state. She told them, it's all a game, a thought experiment, we are in the Matrix. That was the last they heard from her. Ten days later she was found dead in her rental car half a mile away from the seminar location.


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