patriot68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard him say they took his phone and laptop and he doesn't have passwords to access his usual social media.

He's back online but you can tell he's still trying to get his tech back together. He probably had to borrow a phone from someone.

by pkvi
patriot68 9 points ago +9 / -0

I remember seeing a video of Obama speaking at a town hall type event. He called out to a young teenage girl in the crowd to ask something about her. He compared her to his own daughter and then proceeded to not remember how to say Malia. I believe this clip has been memory holed.

patriot68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like I'm intentionally being dumbed down every time I hear "Keev." It just grates on my ears.

In the west we like to stupidify Russian pronunciation. Just the other day I learned that Vladimir was properly pronounced Vlad-Yee-meer. Not Vlad-uh-meer.