nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

^ OP’s alt account trying to do damage control after face planting

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

Someone should call CPS on you immediately.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

I take offense at your stupidity, not at what you hilariously perceive as “valid criticism” of an entire people. No one could take any of that seriously. You’re too schizophrenic and low IQ to form a coherent thought. Tell me again about “3D chess,” clown.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

lmao, you are the OP posting under another account because I schooled you so hard. You should be really embarrassed.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

What data did you feed me? The only response I’ve seen from you is the same boring shit you always write about Khazarians, criminals, etc.

Show me where Trotsky invented the word racism. I’m happy to be proven wrong. Quick.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yep, proud of being retarded. That could essentially be the motto of this forum. You fit right in.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Are you another philosemite? I can’t be bothered to look at your posts, safe to assume you’re probably a fellow schizophrenic retard.

by pkvi
nicknightingale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now do white Christians.

How come you can’t actually respond to a single thing I say? Is it because you’re dumb?

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don’t need your “guidance,” you clown. I’m asking you to provide evidence for what you claim, which you obviously cannot. You’re an embarrassment.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

You post the same shit over and over again in hopes of getting yourself off the hook for having to respond to any of the lies you constantly get caught in. The sigil of Moloch, your multiple accounts, now this. If there is clear evidence of Trotsky having invented the word "racism" then why can't you just present it to me? The jpeg in your original post is not proof.

The word racism is actually relatively recent. French appears to be the first language to use the terms racisme and raciste. Surprisingly, this was in the 1890s among members of the French far right, who used the terms to describe their own racial attitudes. The author Gaston Méry coined the term “racisme” in his novel called Jean Révolte, about a man who establishes an organization to preserve the integrity of the French “Celtic” race against the supposedly dangerous influence of Jews and the “Latin” race of southern France. This idea, rather than merely “patriotisme,” he calls “racisme.”

The first English use of the term “racism” came in 1902 by a white general named Richard Henry Pratt, who spoke at a meeting of a group formed to protect Native Americans. There he said, “Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary in order to destroy racism and classism.”

I don't see a single trace of Trotsky anywhere here. Do you?

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

If the facts are the facts, then show me the facts. A jpeg that says "Trotsky invented the word racism" is not a fact. Show me the evidence and I'll gladly apologize to you.

nicknightingale -7 points ago +1 / -8

Thanks for succinctly proving everything I just stated in my previous post. You're truly one of the dumbest people here, which is no easy feat to achieve.

nicknightingale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh look, a Christian is trying to lord their supposed moral superiority over someone they've never met. I'm shocked, truly shocked. I have no problem with anyone living a traditional lifestyle, I'm happy that it works for them. What I take issue with is the arrogant and myopic position that retards that you misconstrue as some sort of objective fact. Your world is tiny, you have the mind of a child.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +0 / -2

The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.

"Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism."

The burden of proof is on you, retard. Show me the evidence that Trotsky invented the word racism. You post pure garbage under multiple accounts. Back your claims up or stop posting.

nicknightingale -3 points ago +0 / -3

What facts? Can you show me where Trotsky invented the word racism? I will gladly apologize to you if you can show me evidence of this.

by pkvi
nicknightingale 1 point ago +1 / -0

First of all, moron -- the phrase you're trying (and failing) to use is "4D Chess." Chess is already 3D. Read a book. You can barely speak English, try harder before you respond to someone whose intellect towers over yours. You're lucky if I'm even giving you my time.

My point -- which you're incapable of grasping because you're a schizophrenic, Jew-obsessed philosemite -- is that Christopher Reid's pedophilia is not emblematic of Christian behavior in the same way that Ari Shaffir (who I still don't know, nor am I familiar with what you're even talking about) is not emblematic of Jewish behavior. You view all Jewish people as a monolithic entity, whereas you'll do backflips to reframe and justify the behavior of white Christians. This is because you're stupid, You're a very dumb person. Anyone who has the misfortune of engaging with you knows this -- from your neighbors, to the people at your church, to the clerk at the gas station, to the people on this forum.

Why would I need to "admit" that Anthony Weiner sent lewd texts to a teenager? I have no skin in that game and I'm not afraid of the truth. You're the one incapable of looking at the truth -- you look at life like a reductive little comic book. You have the mind of a child.

nicknightingale -7 points ago +0 / -7

You're too dumb to use the internet, dude. Trotsky did not invent the word "racism." Why do you post this pathetic shit that can be picked apart in 2 seconds? Are you actually just a retarded shill or what?

nicknightingale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is "embarrassing" a big word in your world? You're even dumber than you seem, shit.

"Real women know their roles" is something I just have to laugh at. I'm glad your lifestyle works for you and I'm sure whatever woman is condemned to spend time with you is just loving life, but your myopic perspective on gender politics isn't of interest to anyone outside of this frightened, emasculated echo chamber.

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