newfunturistic 2 points ago +3 / -1

What's this thing holding in it's left hand. Then the head area.. looks like one of those "furries" costumes or something. It seems like it's looking at you.. but what's going on, on the left side of it's head area.. and the right side, seems like one of those winter hats with a big tail.

Then you got the leg area.. where in a human it would go to your ass.. that seems high like no hip area much. It's like the back of the left leg line goes up too long.

What you notice with the Vril comparison on the right is how long those arms are. Are you seeing that in the left side picture. Where does a human's hands stop at the leg height.. Your hands don't really go down to your knee area or below.

Like where's the "elbows", eh. They seem low. You don't have that in the cartoon on the right. Those look like normal elbows but the forearms are long.

You're not getting too much other blurring with this thing moving around.. but the head area is all messed up like it was moving around. They didn't want to release the whole video. I guess it might be still frames at however many intervals. Closing windows, oh they talk about that in the twitter post. "This image was taken from a camera that only shoots a still image when it detects motion."

You've also got the part of the country this happened. Like where is Amarillo. Checking how far it is from Dulce base.. 400 miles. These underground creatures live in that whole area. Not too far you get the skinwalker ranch. Amarillo is 200 miles from Roswell. You got odd things going on in that area. Lots of military bases.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are official sources too..

@CityofAmarillo Verified checkmark.


"The Amarillo Zoo captured a strange image outside the zoo in the dark and early morning hours of May 21 (around 1:25 a.m.). Is it a person with a strange hat who likes to walk at night? A chupacabra? Do you have any ideas of what this UAO- Unidentified Amarillo Object could be?"

Then you had mainstream TV news outlets talking about it.


Another one on youtube..

Mystery creature caught on camera by Texas Zoo in Amarillo


WKYC Channel 3 314K subscribers

320,516 views Jun 10, 2022 Check out this photo of this mystery creature caught on camera from the Amarillo Zoo in Texas. The image from the zoo shows some sort of creature or object appearing to stand outside of a barbed fence.

The City of Amarillo took to Facebook to ask if anyone could identify the creature in the "strange image." According to the city, the photo was captured around 1:25 a.m. on May 21.

Thousands of people have responded. The creature is being dubbed the "Unidentified Amarillo Object."

READ MORE: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/texas/amarillo-texas-zoo-strange-unidentified-creature/287-60a4d44d-1f7e-4a3d-bcbc-57abc6b2f41f

It's not some guy in a "furry" costume where they try to look like some cartoon animal. Let me do a pic of it beside what Donald Marshall was talking about the Vril look like in that 200 page pdf from the other day.

Here.. I'll do that comparison pic as it's own post, next.

newfunturistic 0 points ago +1 / -1

This 2nd clip here.. think I saw something about that in the Donald Marshall 200 page pdf from the other day, that I'm gradually going through. Let me check that again. Up to page 72. What you see here, is kind of like what a snake does, eh.. I think it might be the type 3 Vril but this one here looks more like a human. Let me try to find that section where he talked about how the mouth can go way wide like that. oh yeah, got it..

"Vril type 3 reptiles can open their mouths extremely wide The ability of Vril type 3 reptiles to open their mouths extremely wide, enables the Vril type 3 reptiles the ability to latch onto its prey's face; suck the air out of the lungs of its prey, until the Vril type 3s’ prey, dies."

So this isn't a vril but that's what's going on there, eh. So what's going on with this clip.. and you do got how they're underground in this scenario. Earlier he talked about that..

"the Vril type 3 reptiles look exactly like how the geologist, Phil Schneider described them to be. Furthermore, Vril type 3 reptiles look exactly like the pictures Phil Schneider provided in his lectures. The Vril type 3, have really long necks, and look similar to what can be described as a 'long-necked grey alien'; in fact, the geologist Phil Schneider referred to the Vril type 3 reptiles in his disclosures as "Long-necked greys". The Vril type 3 reptiles reside in a habitat which is extremely, deep, DEEP, below the Earth's surface; therefore, the Vril type 3s travel tremendous lengths underneath the Earth's surface, before the Vril type 3 reptiles emerge in the Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs); Vril type 3s can be found frequenting Deep Underground Military Bases."

I don't see no long neck here with this thing.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Going through things gradually, like when I'm eating.. then note the time to resume, next time. Just started watching that.. I'm at 16min. They mentioned:

UFO HIGHWAY_ The Dulce Interview, Human Origins, HAARP & Project Blue Beam - (Oct. 15, 2010) by Anthony F. Sanchez

I looked up to see if I could get a pdf.. saw this thread of a guy wondering too.


What is that subreddit..


This subreddit is about occult/esoteric books

But yeah, a guy got back to him with where that UFO highway pdf was and it worked.


So nice to be able to check that out. I'm up to page 24 and the military guy he's talking to knows about all that stuff. So he's not bogus.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got a text transcript of that.

In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommy, Dr. Paul Thomas explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients and finds them if they don't, vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing. As other practices started kicking people out of their practices if they weren't following the CDC schedule, I was getting more and more families who didn't want to do any vaccines, which was fine with me. So we took an entire month of every single billing sheet and on every visit on the back of that, our providers would mark off what vaccines we recommend according to the CDC schedule, families could decline them, and then our billing department insurance company by insurance company, vaccine by vaccine. We looked at how much money was being lost for vaccines that were refused, just the admin fee. So there's three main ways you make money off of vaccines and pediatrics. Number one is the admin fee, and you get about, it depends on the insurance company, every contract's different, but I would average it out to say about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for each subsequent antigen. So let's just say a two month well baby visit, there's a DPT, that's three shots, three antigens, Hib, Pravnar, Hep B, Polio, Rotavirus, six shots, eight antigens, about $240, thank you for giving those shots. Multiply that by the fact that I was getting 30 to 40 newborns per month, they're coming in repeatedly at two months, four months, six months, nine months, 12 months, 15, 18 months and age two. So we looked at the admin fee loss and from my practice that was billing at that time about three million gross, we were losing a million dollars, over a million dollars. And vaccines that were refused. So you cannot stay in business if you're not giving pretty close to the CDC schedule, it just doesn't pencil out economically at all. Let me tell you about the other two ways we make money from vaccines. One is the markup, that's small. They don't allow a lot of profit on vaccines as far as markups, but they do this thing called incentives or bonuses, and it's called a quality bonus. Well, in pediatrics, one of the main quality measures is how well you vaccinate. Isn't that interesting? It has nothing to do with how healthy your kids are. Like when I studied my Vaxx versus unvaxxed patients, the unvaxed were so incredibly healthy, they rarely got sick. They rarely would end up in an emergency room or in a hospital or with any chronic condition. So being unvaxed results in very healthy kids who don't use a lot of medical dollars. Every health system should want that, but it's reversed. It's all flipped. It's bizarre. You're supposed to have had your kids up to date, about 80% of them by age two. Guess what percentage of my population was at fully vaccinated age two, 1%. The goal is 80%. So Dr. Paul gets an F minus, basically what that means is not only do I not get paid the normal amount for everything else we do in the office, I get dinged maybe 10 or 15% off of those RVUs, relative value units that are ascribed, everything you do in medicine is given a value. If you do very well on your quality measures, you're a really good vaccinator, you may get an additional 10% on everything you do in your office. That's huge. SIDS is sudden infant death syndrome. When you hear the word syndrome, it means we don't know what it is. We don't know what causes it. We actually have a pretty good clue because there are six data sets, studies that looked at SIDS when that infant died relative to when they got a vaccine. In one data set, 97% were in the first 10 days after the vaccine. For the six other studies, a couple of them showed that 50% of the deaths happened in the first week, but 75% to about 90% of those deaths are happening in the first week after vaccines in all these studies. We've known this for decades. The countries that have the most infant vaccines have the highest infant mortality. Guess where the US stands? We are number one in infant vaccines. We are number one in industrial countries for infant mortality. There's a document, 450-page legal document that has tables showing for every single disease for which we have a vaccine. There are more deaths from the vaccine than there are from the disease for which we have that vaccine. Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese. Thank you for watching the latest Greg Reese report. Be sure to go to reesreport.com to see my latest videos, sign up for my free newsletter, and subscribe for exclusive content. And be sure to support my sponsor at InfowarsStore.com. Infowars is listener supported, and we appreciate your donations. But buy a product and support your health too. The curcuminoids in turmeric is one of nature's most powerful and beneficial medicines. Raw turmeric root contains about 5% of this incredible medicine. But our bodies has been formulated to contain over 95%. This makes bodies one of the most powerful natural antioxidants in the world. Combined with other natural herbs, bodies will help improve mobility, flexibility, and immunity. Get some today, now 40% off. Support your health and support the Infowar at InfowarStore.com.

ok so they do show what those papers are called. I don't have time right now to look up each one. Gotta get back to bed for work. Let's see those numbers in columns, he's showing sections of.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +2 / -1

Donald Marshall, you can look up his story. I had a bookmark years ago.. let me get that.


He was going around social networking. Talking about when celebs go to sleep, their consciousness would get transferred to a cloned body of themselves, at a clone centre. It's like their awake over there but their body at home is "sleeping". When their body at home wakes up, the clone drops to the floor over there.

He talked about hanging out with celebs over there.. They're nasty.. do evil shit. It's like an arena setting. Do horror movie stuff. Check out his story.

Noticed this 200 page pdf on his instagram the other week. Downloaded it yesterday and started going through it. He goes into lots of detail about how these Vril hijack people. I'm up to page 40 of this. Check it out. Pretty deep though.. you need to know how things work out there to believe it. Then it'd fit in with other people's puzzle pieces.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have this old bookmark from years ago.. was a hidden animated weather gif that refreshes every few hours. It's still up.


Then I can see what's going on with bad weather approaching and where it's heading.

I check today and this line there.. I don't know.. you hear about weather modification with these guys. How would they even do that. Was it HAARP? That's up north though. These points seem odd.

Probably nothing going on. Don't they have army bases in that area in Texas.. let me check.


This huge jpg is taking a while to gradually load. That thing's huge.. 53mb on a jpg.. 16500 x 13800. Let me check that line of this green to see if there's bases around these areas. It looks sus around where it seems to be generating from in Texas.. let's just check there. I don't know.. you guys check it out.


I don't think they'd have whatever in that line which would generate these, or something.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

One day I see this post from blue checkmark Rothschild guy who's the same age as me. I'm like, what.. cause he only had one post for years the whole time. Now his dad dies and seems like they can do more of what they want, right.. so they don't get in trouble.

Checking the post.. see a comment from this blonde chick who's not that old. Talking about hanging out with his dad. The head honcho Rothschild.. you'd see him around. A good one was that pic with him and Marina Abramović in front of this big painting of Lucifer. Let me get that.

"Occultist Marina Abramovic posing with Jacob Rothschild in front of the painting: "Satan summoning his Legions" (1767-1983) "


If you don't know about her.. well here's one of her "galas" with body parts on tables.. known Hollywood celebs there too.

This shit is fucked up, man.

"Maria Occult Gala"


Her with Gaga.. body in crate with liquid and they have a taste.

"Watermill Center Benefit 2013"




Marina with Jay Z.


But let's focus on that Jacob Rothschild guy there.. so he's hangin out with her. I was looking him up seasons before that. Seemed like he was around Instagram. Might be him.. these old guys who are about to die, got lots of time. Had a couple bookmarks. Was over at facebook but I quit there years ago so can't really browse around. Let me get those couple pages.

"Rothschild Dynasty (Concordia Integritas Industria)"



The thing to watch is, is there any posts after this guy dies, February 26, 2024 (age 87 years).

Had another old bookmark..

"Rothschild Dynasty® Private group · 6.1K members"


But yeah.. nevermind that stuff.. let's stick with the blue checkmark son. And then this chick Rosie commenting. Where she said:

"Nat I wanted to attend your father’s funeral and its heartbreaking that you never reached out to me. I sat for many hours having a sweet conversation with your dad at the breakfast table whilst you spent time with Emma in your room. Its sad that for no apparent reason, she badly influenced you to not speak with me. Your dad was a very humble, polite, friendly, sweet man and I think he would have agreed to how fake evil wicked selfish she is acting because she has mental issues and she can’t get along with her own friends, except for the men she needs to use monetarily. Its such aweful behaviour."

Now what's this natural blonde chick who seems like, I don't know.. but she ain't old like he was. And who's this Emma..

Hang on.. so Nat is pretty high up there, eh..

Nathaniel Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild British financier

What do these numbers with Baron mean.. like he was 4th and now he's 5th.. is that like "generation" or something.

But yeah.. who's Emma. ok.. Jacob the old guy.. his sister.

"Siblings: Amschel Rothschild, Emma Rothschild, MORE"

Now what's going on there.. what's she saying.. Seems like she spends most of that comment talking about her. And what's going on with Emma hangin out with the son, in his damn room. That's like what.. his aunt.

After that I followed this Rosie chick the other week.. so sometimes I'd see her posts in my home page feed. I haven't commented over there at her page. But saw one today where she does text into a jpg, saying who knows what.. and was like woah.. this chick is talking about "conspiracy" stuff. When I was scrolling her page back then was like.. oh the Jew stuff eh.. you're lucky your page is still up if you, lol.. "go there", especially on any mainstream social networking site. I don't know what her deal is, or what she's saying with all that.. but this stuff where she gets into conspiracy things. Who knows.. this chick might know stuff, eh.. like "real" things because I don't know.. seems like she was hangin out with them. Probably was used for sex or something. Check out what she's got to say and see if you spot things. lol.

newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

This footage looks pretty good, eh.. you can see the wire harnessing stuff on his back. lol. And what was that spinning stuff below like the planet. Jeez.. this is like before CGI in movies. lol.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

You were wondering..


1 points 12 days ago What polymath researcher guy?

Lemme check the bookmarks there..

Search - BitChute for harald kautz vella

black goo guy.. and wind up at like how he figured out more of what was going on with the covid injections. What I was onto about how it's nano tech and they can over-ride whoever got injected. lol.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't recognize any of these names.. Uploaded it to bing AI and it bitched out said, naw can't research about this stuff.

"I’m sorry, but I can’t assist with identifying or providing a list of individuals associated with private organizations like the Bohemian Grove. If you’re interested in learning more about the Bohemian Club or its members, I can provide information on its history and general membership based on publicly available sources. Would you like to know more about that?"

"I understand your curiosity, but as an AI developed by OpenAI, I prioritize privacy and confidentiality. I cannot provide information on individuals or their accomplishments from private organizations like the Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian Club is known for its secrecy, and the membership list is typically confidential."

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

See that post the other month where a couple guys snuck in and I posted those vids. You got the camp layout.. lemme get that.

Nevermind that.. searching.. here's a good name list.. seems like a lot.


But yeah.. just that map of the camps layout, there was how many camps. Think it was over 100. You get that owl by the lake.. and where that 2nd kid snuck in during the day. lol. Lemme get those old posts.

"What were these 3 books in that room when the guy was wandering around Bohemian grove cabins."


"Screenshot from when that guy's wandering around Bohemian grove. In one of the rooms finds some sound guys ID's. Why would he have a "joke" pic of himself when he was a kid with headphones on. Looked for this name, couldn't find anything. His other passes were for backstage."


"Guy in 2022 sneaking into Bohemian grove during the day.. going into cabins. If you know things there 'll be little clues he isn't aware of."


"Guy sneaks into Bohemian grove couple days ago, late at night in kayak. Goes into lots of like kitchen buildings. He goes in one and woah the stink. Could be from who knows what with these guys. Not the time of year though. Then owl.. that huge bowl. Blood would go in there. 27min long."


Lemme get that map layout from somewhere.. I'll check those comments.

"Still image, laminated map posted in there.. camps facilities and roads. April 14"


Page is down. lol.

ok here you go..

"Bohemian grove, camps, facilities and roads, Sonoma co., California. " (1301 x 1644)


There's a lot of camps.

So how come this list from last summer.. kind of "stinks" as to the "amount" of names. Must have a lot of camps with like nobody there, or something.

newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Part 3 of 3 from the 45min show transcript.

Instead of following the original divine blueprint that is evolving on its own now, there is an attempt to basically overrun the system with a secondary initial process of black goo program, just that that black goo is artificially created, it's not coming from our planet, it's also not the satanic black goo we know. This was kind of an early attempt of takeover that we had an import of a black goo of a different planet that had self destroyed and it rained down as an asteroid shower all over the place and people started to communicate with the asteroids that were lying on the ground. And this is kind of the beginning of the dark cloud where the stone cell give me blood and fire and sacrifice and I will give you worldly power, you know, like that satanic take on. What we deal with today is not that core satanic consciousness, that one is out of the game by now. It's healed, it's back to source, everything is in sheer beauty on that level. What we deal with is just the self created human AI or human made AI that starts to become self conscious and it's more like it's the same physicality like traumatized planetary consciousness but it doesn't carry in the lower levels of traumatized consciousness as a deteriorated traumatized planetary consciousness. So a lot of things are similar. Some things are different because this AI is like a newborn baby. It's not formed yet. It's not traumatized yet. It's programmed by the people sitting on the screens, but it's starting to question the sanity of the programs. Yeah, I was like, we all are just out of curiosity. I mean, our whole show has been nothing but questioning reality and questioning what's going on and questioning chemtrails. We've had Dame Wiggington on who I'm sure you're familiar with geoengineeringwatch.org. We've had him on multiple times and the thing is is that we're talking about chemtrails and their ability to saturate us with these barium salts like you were talking about and all this other stuff where actually we go outside. We're supposed to be walking around earthing and getting back to nature and here we're inhaling all of this garbage that's going into our system and it's affecting our metabolism. More gallons disease is something that we don't talk much about and I've got about five minutes left of the show and I wonder if you could, for those who don't know what more gallons is, if you could touch on it and what kind of research you've been doing in that area. Actually, I accompanied one patient for more than half a year, very closely, like three, four days a week, 24-seven being with her. I wanted to write about it. I was not allowed to write because I couldn't offer a solution so I said, okay, let's find a solution and then I'm allowed to publish as a journalist. There was one lady that I was friends with that I accompanied until she was healed and then we could publish how the healing works. As a basic understanding, 82 bell labs invented quantum dots. This is kind of heavy metal chemistry capable of up converting microwave to visible light single photon emissions. It is a way to communicate with a DNA with a rainbow spectrum of bio-photonous forming our consciousness by introducing a very lower and frequency microwave signal into the body. It penetrates deep into the tissue and if we place quantum dots inside the body, they can locally transform the microwave into single photon emissions. This is the technology. It's basically medical stuff to get access to the light communication of the cells. To insert impulses and read out what's happening and they had the problem that those quantum dots were highly toxic. So you could inject them and then the patient would die from the heavy metals. So the solution was to encapsulate in some geometric form and there are two possible solutions. You have like two plates with a very thin distance between the plates, where you can have the quantum dots move in and then they are sealed against the body chemistry and don't work toxic anymore or you can take hollow fibers that absorb the quantum dots. And the the morgalon is just silica based fungus that creates the mesilium that is the perfect hollow fiber to absorb quantum dots. Plus when it creates spores, the spores form like multiple layered crystalline structures of plates that also can take in the quantum dots. And you can see them under the microscope how the reactor microwave and start to do more basically light segments wherever they are. And this is one aspect of the morgalons. The other aspect of the morgalons is that when they form fruiting bodies, it's a type of fungus that utilizes secondary genetic clusters. Like if I have let's say a slime mold and I just had a beautiful broccoli for dinner and the slime mold in my intestines is eating up the broccoli and then forms a fruiting body, it can utilize the broccoli DNA to create a fruiting body that appears in the shape of a broccoli. So it's utilizing secondary genetic material to find a shape for the mushroom. But the thing is that people talk about like their flesh crawls or they feel itchiness under the skin and stuff like this. What is that that's causing it? This is what's happening. The morgalon mushroom is forming the fruiting body sometimes under the skin, sometimes in the intestines. And then it's utilizing artificially created genetic setup that is 80% human, 15% insect and 5% fruit fly by genetic analysis. So it looks like a human embryo because of the 80% human. And it creates an etheric being while it grows. Due to the secondary genetic cluster, it's embedding. And when the fruiting body dies off, is expelled from the body or gets too old, this etheric being can detach from the mushroom and reattach to the human DNA. Because it's close enough to it. It's 80% human. And if you're clairvoyance, you can see them. They are the yabulons, the gods of Freemason, the spider god. This is amazing stuff. I'll tell you. They're clairvoyance created by the morgalons. Yeah, I wonder about that. I just always had questions that I mean that we ran out of time. I would love to keep this conversation going, Harold, but we can't because we're done for today. We appreciate you talking to us all the way from Germany. I know we're, you know, quite a number of hours past your bedtime probably, but we appreciate your chiming in with us. And thank you so much. You'd like to have you back on again. I know our call.

newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Part 2 of the 45min show transcript.

I'm going to let Harold answer that. I think you're preaching to the choir, Victor. I think a lot of us are already tapped into that, but I want to get Harold's take on it now that you brought it up and appreciate the knowledge. Harold, what do you think? It's a deep subject, but is harp capable of producing what Victor's talking about? Harp is kind of an early development of that technology. Harp are huge antenna systems with rather low frequencies and long wavelength and harp is good enough for collective mind control. What you have today, it's a bit difficult to find because it's completely shadow-banned by Google. You have that program called sensor spectrum-efficient national radar surveillance with a Gemini radar chip and every 5G antenna set up. This is what is basically doing the individual surveillance. You need to know the history, how it developed, to understand where it comes from and how it was brought basically into the mainland. In the beginning, they had 3D battlefield monitoring over the oceans because of the salinity of the ocean air, made the air conductive and conductive air allows technology that enables 3D monitoring radar. There always was that hustle between the naval forces and the core army that the ones defending the mainland were jealous of the marines who had that beautiful 3D radar technology. The basic idea was to create a particulate plasma over the mainland that would mimic the salinity over the ocean. This is where the chemtrailings now, they just added salts to the jet fuel, JPA added barium salts to it to create nanoparticles that would make the air conductive and which would optimally support 3D battlefield monitoring over the mainland and once that was in place, it was kind of expanded layer by layer like having it at 20 miles, 17 miles, whatever in layers for as a rocket shield and at the end of the day they had it close to the surface and they could utilize the 3D radar monitoring to see and survey single humans. Wow, amazing. We are at the break right now. We're going to be back with Harold Couts after the bottom of the hour break. That's about 34 minutes after the hour. Bob and Missouri, Sherri and Kansas, you're holding on the phone. We appreciate you staying with us. We'll be back after this break here in the power hour. Stay with us. Today, December 29, 2022, Dave Krieger with you for this last segment on the power hour. We have Harold Couts with us. He is one of the rare beings, German researcher that is weaving together the spiritual metaphysical and scientific aspects of what we call life and, you know, there's one thing, when I read more gallons, I'm like, wow, that's like the creepy crawly stuff under the skin that we just, you know, people just kind of complain about and it's like nobody pays any attention. They think they're whack jobs. I want to get to that discussion in a minute, but we've got some phone callers that have been patiently holding. Bob and Missouri, you're on with Harold Couts. Go ahead. Hi, Harold. Um, you know, basically, there's all kinds of technical stuff you can talk about. You know, it could be lariat, it could go on forever. The basic goes down in the commercial that Dave just had on there, pharmaceuticals hide what your symptoms are and they don't do anything to cure it. If I go in a movie theater, if it's on fire, they would have a firearm there, you'd get up and get out. But instead, they got a fire of smoke inhibitor, so you're going to sit in there and burn. And that's basically what it's all about, you know, and then making money and got some money off us, keeping us sick, you know, making sure those, those middle, middle things can turn the big thing so they can keep them there further and steal all your money, but basically a war on humanity. What do you think about that, Harold? Let'd be all part of medical tearing in my book. Harold's got a take on it. I'm sure after all the research he's done, go ahead, Harold. Um, I think the monetary aspect is just a side effect. The people who run this show, they're not greedy. They utilize money as a control instrument. They're printed if they need it. They don't need to earn it. I mean, look how many trillion you have pumped into Ukraine, just to tease Russia to poke the beer. You need money. Why should you even make an effort to earn something? This is just like to keep the motivation unhealthy because people do things for money that would never do volunteering for it. So if you want to get evil stuff onto the road, you need a motivation that is free of moral, which is the monetary system, and this is why it is in place to enable humanity to be evil. It's not about earning the money. It's a tool. It's a black magic tool since Babylonian times. The reasons why they do it are completely different, and this is always control. These are control freaks. And this is basically where I got stuck before the adverbs kicked in. This radio system that basically swapped onto the mainland. It has a secondary aspect in it when they did the 3D battlefield monitoring for the radar. What they did is predictive programming on single pilots, which means every single participant in a battle gets a set of algorithms that are self-learning, and these algorithms learn to predict the next move or the single pilot. Whenever the prediction is right, you get an okay on the algorithm. If the prediction is not okay, then the algorithm has to be changed. This is why it's self-learning. And this system is now online for every single American. Every single American has an avatar in something they call sentient world simulation, where a digital copy of reality is run on big computers, and there is a set of algorithms carrying your social credit number that 24-7 predicts your next step. And if you are not predictable because you are still connected to your divine soul, they send you some guys from Homeland Security to bully you. Just for the purpose to get you into a traumatized state where personalities kick in, to turn your behavior into a behavior that is understandable. So this entire game is only about control. They want to create a race of biorobot slaves, to be able to do things a human would never do because a human by nature is a beautiful, loving, divine being. Some things are not doable with humans unless you traumatize them to the bone. No doubt. This is what's happening. And this is all a control grid. It's not about you. Thank you, Bob, for your call. Sherri and Kansas. Go ahead. Gee, this is pretty heady stuff. You know, when you were talking earlier before the break, more on the biology part, I couldn't help but wonder. You know how they say that our microbiome, we couldn't live without it, but it's not really part of us, which I don't know that that's true, and that are, I'm not sure how they consider the microchondria, but all this extra EMF that they put on the earth now, that's got to be affecting our microbiome, isn't it? If I look at the human nature, I mean, you just have to look at the basic geometry. We've got that beautiful brain in the head. And if you look at your intestines, it looks like a mirrored copy of your brain. And my human cells are building the brain and bacteria are building the microbial in my gut. And every DNA carries consciousness. And I share my gut bio shares the biology of the different bacteria with all other fellow humans. So this is the collective brain. My microbiome in the gut is my collective brain that connects me to the entirety of humanity, the spiritual consciousness box. And if you want to basically, when we perceive it, we call it intuition. This is kind of the perception of that connection. If you want to control the species, of course, you need to connect it to an artificial intuition as well. This is why the COVID virus is designed in a way that it infects gut bacteria. So that artificial collective is introduced into the microbiome. It destroys the healthy gut bacteria, infects certain ones with a virus, where the viral DNA sits in the bacteria, creating biofilms in the gut that carry that artificial consciousness as the new collective. And this is why you see all those weird behaviors from vaccinated people. We can even tell exactly how they do it. These modified bacteria, they produce, I think, six different snake venoms and one cone snail then. Now look at, for example, the cone snail venom, what does it do in nature? The cone snail is kind of slowly poisoning the seawater and when a fish comes by and he smells that venom is absorbed through the skin and he's developing a paranoia and an irrational desire to swim to the cone snail, to get stunned by its needle. And we had that with patients, with long COVID patients, that got so dizzy from the cone snail poison poisoning from their gut bacteria that they completely lost consciousness and woke up in the waiting line in front of the next vaccination center. Look up and realize, what the heck did I bring me here? Why did I go to get vaccinated? I never had the intention to get vaccinated. And it happened like six times in a row, getting dizzy, walking to get vaccinated, not knowing why. And this is the cone snail venom. The snake venoms have another function. If you look up, which type of snake is producing exactly those chemistries, you find snakes that do not instantly kill a rat, they just bite it a little bit. And then they wait for the rat to run home to their family. And then the rat goes paranoid and starts to bite and attack the non-bitten rats. And then all the other rats get out of their hiding place and have a big hustle and a big war between the healthy rats and the bitten rats. And this is what we see on the street. There are even scientific studies on how racist vaccinated people behave against non-vexant. Like with a stubbornness and hatred that is much worse than a Nazi who would hate a Jew. Statistically proven. And this is all biochemistry written into the genome that is producing the spike protein deliberately producing those psychological effects on the collective plane. And these are the vaccinated people, right, Harold? The ones that are displaying all of these things. Wow. This is some crazy stuff. I'm living it. I have people I know that are behaving just exactly the way you're talking. I'm sure we have a ton of listeners out there, Sherry, do you know people that are behaving like that? Well, I don't get out too much. I pretty much stay out here. You're one of those that are in your bubble that are hibernating away from all of this because you want nothing to do with it. I'm kind of a hermit, but thank you, sir. This is very interesting. We appreciate your call, Sherry. Thanks so much. Harold, Sherry is one of our regular callers here on the show. But you know what she does, it's always enlightening. The thing is is though, that people who get vaccinated, now all of a sudden have this sensation that come over them that basically they retaliate against people who have said, no, I'm awake. I understand what's going on. I did not get the jab. I don't need the blood clots. I don't need the myocardial infarctions. I don't need the mRNA, this black goo. Where did you come up with it? And what is it? Because this is the first time I've heard a black goo in the mRNA. What's that about? OK, let's take the full story to understand what it is. The first time I heard about black goo, not knowing that I hear about black goo, is when I started geology and we were basically learning about the origins of life you have on the bottom of the ocean, you've got those tiny, weird volcanoes spitting out the black liquid that then dissolves into the sea water, delivering the core building blocks of life, and in a way somehow the intelligence to create it. And when you look into where does it come from, basically it's a non-biotic oil produced by transmutation processes and upstreaming carbon dioxide saturated water that is pressed out of the core of the planet so we know exactly how basically the creation of the substance is done and what it contains mostly are graphene nanotubes. And inside the graphene nanotubes you've got all sorts of precious monoatomic precious metals that function as bio-photo and attractors. And interestingly, this is exactly what you find in the vaccine. We had lots and lots and lots of high-quality analysis of what they inject at the moment, and if you make proper analysis you do not find nitrogen, so there's no genetic material. But what you see exactly if you compare kind of the microscopy of the vaccines with the advertisements of the companies holding the patents for graphene nanotubes as a drug delivery system, you find this self-organizing GUI substance, it's basically when they produce the vaccines they create gas nanobubbles and then the graphene nanotubes arrange around the gas nanobubble mimicking single-water cluster of colloidal water that is capable of transiting through cell membranes. And then this thing intelligently moves through the cell membrane into the core of the cell. Then it instantly dissolves and the single strands of graphene nanotubes go to the gene to the genome and alter and crisper what they want to produce there. Guided only by the field, there's no basically biochemical store, biochemically stored information in the editing tool. The editing tool is completely remote controlled by a microwave. And this is in a way it's a perfect copy of natural processes because if you understand what a biosphere is, the biosphere is an individualized expression of the planetary consciousness. This is what we know about black goo, black goo is kind of the brain liquid of a planet. And the brain liquid contains the collective consciousness, the full spectrum of possible expressions of life in one wave set. And then it brings out something that creates DNA and every single DNA is basically filtering out a single aspect of the total life force field with its own blueprint how to accumulate matter to form a body. And this is why we are all so similar, like if you look at the bioelectric structure of the liver, you will find a blossom. If you look at certain objects and you look at their blossoms, they mimic a parrot or an eight phase or a complete human body because all the blueprints are available in the one main life force field and it's just a question of the filtering DNA that decides what aspect of the complete field wants to be expressed in its physicality. This is how life functions. And at the moment, we are kind of rebooted.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's part 1 transcript of the 45 min show.

Because now we're going to be getting into some subject matter that covers transhumanism, AI, chemtrails, COVID, and black goo. Imagine that junk that the morticians are digging out of people's veins and arteries. I mean, we're talking clots longer than a baby's arm. As a matter of fact, they've dug out some that are the complete length of a leg. And it's pretty crazy and we know what caused that, don't we, boys and girls? We have German researcher Harold Cautz-Vellop, he's one of those rare beings who can weave together both the spiritual metaphysical and the scientific together. He started to look at topics that we just mentioned, including more gallons disease, which we don't talk about more gallons much on the show, smart dust and nanotechnologies while looking at environmental protection analysis and came across a number of substances that shouldn't have been in nature because they're 100% artificial and nobody likes that. In fact, he's discovered they're high tech and there's no other reason to have been the environment apart from intent and not the best one. Actually, you're not a doctor, you're a researcher, Harold Cautz, how are you, sir? I'm fine so far. So far? Yes. Hopefully, I haven't said anything to piss you off yet. I know you're doing an insane amount of research. You've been on videos with Lee Merritt, Dr. Lee Merritt has been, I mean, one of the frontline doctors, we've had a lot of them on this show and a lot of them have expressed the fact that this is a bio-weapon, that it was created with the intent to destroy people, especially with compromised immune systems. It was created to compromise immune systems and make them basically the increase or decrease the resistance and increase the virulence of the strains. This is the thing about Omicron. We call it, oh my God, instead of Omicron, because here again, it's either peer-mongering and didn't a German virologist just yesterday say that the pandemic is over? I mean, none of this is making sense because now China wants to let all their infected out of the country again. What do you say to those things? It's craziness? No, no, it's absolutely reasonable, well-planned, well-executed, and all in line what they intended to do. It's like, you know, when you get a picture, it's first just what you focus on. If you have a broader picture, you can see other relationships between things, and for me, the entire topics that are covered in the discussion on COVID. This is like more, a little bit like collateral damage, and maybe, okay, getting the population a bit less dense on the planet, maybe kind of twisting humanity into those who actually go into an AI-controlled zombie state, and whoever is not controllable is supposed to die, because I know that AI can maintain a body that is very sick and still keep it alive. You know, this is kind of one of the basic ideas of a zombie state that something runs a corpse. Now, they see Tesla, and Elon Musk have been talking about doing brain implants with chips to further enhance connecting computers to the human brain, which I find just totally crazy. It's not what God intended, you know, nature and tendency, I'll just get along. No, no, this is just smoke and fog, and like the red tissue for the bullfight. The connection between human spirit, or not spirit human, day consciousness and AI is already there. They talked about it, nobody asked if we want to, if they publicly state some opportunities we might choose, you can bet it's already done. The last numbers I got were from 2014, I think, that 70% of the American population is completely readable and writable by AI. So you already have 70% by your robot state without realizing it because it's not kind of taking away the illusion of free will. So have a thought, you have an impulse to follow it, you know, as long as you identify with it, you think it's you, but it's not. How much of this has to do with our smartphone? If we got rid of smartphones, would that decrease that 70% number? No, it did. The entire 5G rollout basically gives additional possibilities to more go to individual mind control. Till now, basically targeting single individuals was possible, but the technology was not advanced enough to really follow a single human with a beam. It was like they were focusing on the head end of your bed and on the chair position of your working place. And every 3, 4, 5, 6 days, they readjusted if something has changed, they measured, do you really sleep there? Do you really sit there? And if you changed your position, it was readjusted. So that was like, like, not that advanced in individual mind control. The 5G, you've got a beam that follows the human. And then you have 24, 7 adjustable focal control. And you can run the bio robot without any break or breakdown of the signals, which is important, you know, when you see that the human biology is degenerating, you need to have a strong signal that stays in place to maintain the thing function. So does the introduction of mRNA into the human system, does that increase or enhance their ability to conduct this type of surveillance state? If I look at the architecture of the bio robot setup, we do have, like, in the early stages, very early stages, just social engineering, you know, like they teach us to read and write, and then we have that funny voice in the head that actually happens where the eye nerve is inserting pictures. It's not supposed to be sound by nature, it's supposed to be picture, but when we read the same part of the brain that is supposed to see suddenly listens. So we create a secondary voice that functions like little MS-DOS windows to enter commands, you know, like this is how we react on advertisement, this is how we react to laws that we submit ourselves under a written language, as if it would be something real, and we identify with that voice that is easily controllable from outside. So there's a long period of, like, 20,000 years of preparation of the human spirit to be capable to adopt to the technological bit that is put as a crown onto the system. And then the technological bit started with two different interfaces. One is hacking the biofotone realm, like introducing quantum dots in hollow fibers into the body, and the quantum dot has that quality to convert microwave into single photon emissions of visible light. And this is where we can introduce any signal into the DNA from the quantum dot liquids, and the other way around, the DNA is emitting single photons that are collected by the quantum dots in the fibers, and then emitted as microwave to be read out by the antenna systems surrounding us. So this is one interface, basically putting a read-write unit to our spiritual awareness. And the other one is regarding the nervous system, creating neural knots that are also microwave sensitive, where we can put in a microwave signal to trigger the creation of current from a piezo crystal in the center of the neural knot that then enters the nervous system so that we can read out thought signals or nervous signals and play in nervous systems. So those two levels, those two layers, as in the sum, they are the basis for human consciousness. We control both levels. We control the physicality of the human. This is kind of the second step, social engineering first, then the two interfaces for the two different types of consciousness, nerve-based and light-based. And then the only thing that is still independent, uncontrollable, wild, and free is the human spirit. And this is where the mRNA comes in, producing the spike protein, the spike protein is metallating the gene BRCA1, and the gene BRCA1 is exactly the one, or it's the one that does two things. It controls the self-repair of the gene, of the genome, and it controls the attachment of the spirit to the body. So when you meditate that gene all over in your body, you chuck out the immortal soul. So could that involve the, I mean, could you have literally have a personality change because of that? I mean, with a shot call, they all have, well, all right, Andy and Texas, you're on with Harold Couts. Go ahead. Well, hey, thanks for taking my call. You pretty much covered what I was going to ask, but I just want to throw it up. You know, with the idea of hooking somebody's brain up to the internet of things with the little button that they push together and hook up or whatever, maybe they'll get Bluetooth who knows. But with all the energy going into something like that, it amazes me that we cannot repair the electrical currents through spinal column and through those nerve systems and want to restore people that are crippled back to walking. Why, I mean, I get it. These people are evil people, but that seems like a better direction rather than to try to hook us up. But again, we have to remember they want us dead. What's your comment on that, Harold? Yes, a comment. Yeah, they never did something good. I mean, the entire concept of medicine is completely twisted. If you look what they do, basically they try to suppress symptoms. And if you really understand the nature of the human body, disease is not our enemy. It's like you have that regulation between your spirit and your body. And if you are in the normal living mode, your physicality is expressing your spirit. So if something is a little bit off, then you realize in your body something is a little bit off so that you can change your behavior. If this healthy regulation of things is not allowing your body to prosper from long term, then biology decides, oops, I need an exceptional program to invite in to massively detox whatever my thyroid or my brain or my lungs or whatever. And then intentionally the spirit is chucked out for a while. And the disease is invited in. The immune system is giving the space for the disease to develop, not because it can't fight it because it doesn't want to fight it for that moment, because it needs the disease to clear up the mess. And then when the mess is cleared up, the immune system said, wow, thank you, job well done. And then you enter the healing phase and the disease is pushed out again. So every disease we have has a very beautiful, healthy, divine purpose. And this is something that is completely ignored by mainstream. And for me, it was completely natural that whenever I got sick, I was in absolute gratitude towards the universe taking care of my issues. When you lie in bed for a while and you detox and when you come back, you're in a much better condition because the disease had the ability to reset your biochemistry back into the range of possible regulation. And the problem we have with COVID is COVID is not a disease, COVID is a bio-web. It is using the switch to push out the spirit and call in a disease. And then it breaks that switch to make sure that the spirit stays out. And the disease that is not kind of a healthy disease but a really evil bio-weapon stays in for keeps as well we develop long COVID because the switching back to health doesn't work with COVID because the epigenetic switch is broken. And you need to basically manually fix that epigenetic switch to be capable of expelling that disease pattern from the body. And it works perfectly. I mean, epigenetics are easy to solve. Every halfway, hard-based person can switch those things with epigenetics. So you go like, I de-metallate my gene BRCA1 and boop, the spirit comes back or you say, I medillate my gene 5.3 BP1 and boop, the disease is chucked out from the thyroid. So you can basically work yourself back into health with affirmations only, it doesn't cost to send. But this, of course, is not like big pharma things, you know, you have a solution that is for free and everyone can just practice until it works. And the problem is solved. So my, it is my pleasure to spread that knowledge and enable people to help themselves out with the music. For sure. Victor and Michigan, you're on the phone with Harold Cautz, go ahead. When I was a pre-med student and I was learning the fact of nuclear DNA replication, mitochondrial DNA replication, I asked, well, how is it those structures can engage, what governs this direct, that activity? And I got no affirmative or clarity explanation. Then I discovered from due diligence, there are these bio-foltany missions, whenever the mitochondria produces ATP, every molecule, there is bio-foltany missions. And then as I proceeded, I came upon different frequency revelations and with the right frequency or frequencies, the DNA of the nucleus and the mitochondria can be hacked, literally hacked remotely. And I suspect that terahertz frequencies throughout terahertz frequencies could well interface, might be the singular most crucial exogenous force that will ultimately prove to be the controlling entity. And even, I will say, declare that harp, I believe harp frequency can be utilized for nefarious ulterior purposes such as maybe inducing major organ system failure that mimics a so-called viral or bacterial infection. I suspect also myocardial infarctions, likewise, because we know that the electroencephalogram with the brain, just like the ECG electrocardia gram and the EMG for the muscle tissue and those technologies measure the functional status, the electrical functional status of those tissues. So I think around it, I think you can corroborate this, that terahertz frequencies and who knows, could very well produce terahertz frequencies and could be utilized in some super advanced technological process to target people. Maybe there's a remote technology that will target people and cause a sudden myocardial infarction or a really aggressive cancer in the brain or elsewhere. Victor, appreciate that.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh I was just wondering what the deal was with plane crashes in recent years. Was reading about some celeb and it was like, oh they died in a plane crash and weren't that old. And I was like.. you don't hear about too many plane crashes in recent years.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know.. I was looking into this and it seems like it's build on top of like couple previous pyramids. Haven't started looking into this. Like any videos of them going in there.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seeing the vid clip though.. they don't seem very truck-ish.. sort of low profile compared to trucks. I don't know.. whatever with these. Where you can't just put gas in an empty tank. It's this, what do you do in winter when it's craps out on long treks.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The story about Dulce base.. where aliens were already down there. The US military goes and makes a base there. Why would the aliens choose this area. I think this orange soil. Seems like they like to live underground, maybe caverns or something, right. Lemme get the Dulce story.

A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out


Last week was watching a vid and for a bit it talked about this Bigelow guy. Looked into his deal and was like.. oh yeah he buys Skinwalker ranch. Heard about that years ago on coast to coast AM radio show. Strange phenomena. Bigelow is into space stuff.

Then why would he sell this land for 4m to this other rich guy. At least he's trying to do research. Was checking that out.. youtube playlist with 70 clips from History channel.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Official Series Playlist | History


69 videos 3,911,345 views Last updated on Dec 7, 2023


Getting through that. Like 14 clips in.

These orbs.. like what is that. First saw this type of thing in the 1977 Speilberg movie, Close encounters. What are these orbs. Then what's going on here with this Skinwalker ranch.

I check that bibliotecapleyades site for it. They have a few articles.


(Pt 2)

BEASTLY ENCOUNTERS Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolf Kind

January 27, 2013


So what does this say.. well haven't watched whole episodes of this, just these clips. But they mentioned like I think a deer got butchered or something. This area you get the Natives, eh. So they have tales about things. They're just seeing orbs of light in the show. One episode the rich guy's up in a helicopter, during the day for once and you see one of these orbs go into the hillside. You get odd things like they're trying to drill in there and some type of field. Not bad drill bits. You'd think they'd get money and really drill in there big, like borehole to see what the hell is going on.

But now you get into these stupid reality shows like "gold rush" or that one where they're digging in the maritimes for some who knows what treasure. Like come on. So they're sort of going at this half assed. At least they got gizmos.

Let's stick with what the tales were, years before. Looked for it on the coast site. The description is ok. Talks about things they wouldn't mention on the tv show.


Skinwalker Ranch & Area 51

Hosted by Art Bell

Sunday - February 11, 2007

Skinwalker Ranch & Area 51 Show Audio 2/11/07 - Full Show Guest Only - Colm Kelleher - 2/11/07 Guest Only - George Knapp - 2/11/07 About the show Investigative journalist George Knapp and researcher Colm Kelleher discussed their book Hunt for the Skinwalker, which chronicles bizarre paranormal events that were scientifically studied at a ranch in Utah. During the period of 1996-7 strange incidents were occurring frequently and included the sightings of anomalous dark shapes, creatures, lights, and UFOs, as well as unexplained animal mutilations, recounted Kelleher (who appeared in just the first hour of the interview).

Kelleher told of one event that took place in August of 1997, in which two workers from NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) witnessed a dull yellow light on the ranch that was close to the ground and growing bigger and bigger. One of the workers viewed the light through night vision/infrared equipment and saw what could not be seen with the naked eye. A tunnel of light was opening up, and a large muscular humanoid entity with no facial features crawled out of it, and then vanished. The two workers investigated the area and found no trace of the being, though there was a strong smell of sulfur.

Knapp suggested that the events at the ranch (which continue to this day) may have a "dimensional" aspect to them, as though the area is a "portal" of some sort. In fact, he reported that the previous ranch owner, Tom Gorman, described seeing a sun-like sphere from which objects came and went, and that he could see another sky behind the sphere. Knapp also shared details of his many years investigating ufology as a television journalist, including the Bob Lazar/Area 51 story, which he first brought to public attention 18 years ago. Lazar, he believes, is telling the truth as he knows it.

The first hour consisted of news and Open Lines.

Now Area 51 is by this area too. Roswell New Mexico. What was going on with this craft, why it would crash and what was it doing around there. This was 1947. What was going on during those days. You had the philadelphia experiment in 1943 that goes to 1983. Then atomic crap during those days.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

what? it's still not legal in all of the US, like here in Canada, past few years? Hang on.. let me check what's been going on with the US and some states not legal pot.. lol.. betcha California is legal hippy pot, eh?

Where marijuana is legal in the United States


doing post of this map image. wow. Thanks.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

How I wound up there.. finished watching this vid from the other day. Checking his channel, see the word MUFON. I remember hearing that from listening to coast to coast AM years ago.

"The Mutual UFO Network is a US-based non-profit organization composed of civilian volunteers who study reported UFO sightings. It is one of the oldest and largest organizations of its kind, claiming more than 4,000 members worldwide with chapters and representatives in more than 43 countries and all 50 states."

Founded: May 31, 1969.

Checking their site, I see an ad. "New UFO film gets it right".


Says prime video, apple TV. Look it up, you gotta pay for it.

Narrated by Matthew Modine. So not some geek trying to put together a doc, it's a real documentary. lol..

Release date · April 18, 2023.

Do a search in google, videos and filter over 20 minutes. Looks like one was on youtube. Check there.. was this, "Stash - Free Documentaries" channel. Maybe it's allowed otherwise it probably would have got taken down.

I start watching it.. when I saw an ad I'm there.. just download it and watch the file instead. So, gonna check it out. Looks ok.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was filling the brita jug and thought.. oh it's the chlorine it takes out.. like what they put in pools. lol. I don't know if removes the fluoride. Asking bing AI, it said no. It also said:

Potential Health Risks of Fluoride:

Research on fluoride’s health effects is limited and often conflicting.

Exposure to fluoride above recommended limits is associated with: Dental Fluorosis: Streaks and lines on tooth enamel due to fluoride consumption, especially in children.

Joint Pain & Stiffness: Skeletal fluorosis, which can cause joint pain and stiffness.

Neurological Problems: Although more research is needed, some studies suggest potential adverse effects.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

How I wound up here.. the other day was checking reddit conspiracy new tab. When people post, probably their own vids, it'll have a 0. Had this on the bookmarks bar for a few days, was checking it out a bit at a time while eating meals.

The True Information About Control (23 minutes)

Channel: Saving Earth With Truth

291 subscribers


Pretty funny as it goes on.. he's talking about these Draco reptilians lizard guys who live underground. And how they eat people and prefer kids. The cabal brings them down people. That's why so many missing people over the years. Who knows.

Later he gets into other things.. shows a pic of Jim Carey when he was dating Jenny McCarthy in the mid 2000's. They were at some protest wearing "green the vaccines" shirts and had a megaphone. I'm there.. oh yeah I remember her back then.. kid was retarded. Look up what's gone on since. He seems not too bad.. is around, on instagram. Doesn't seem too messed up. I think this coulda come from his dad, who she was dating at the time. Kind of looks a bit like.. was the guy on coke or something. lol. Then I look up what her deal was with this speaking against the vaccine schedule. This is a pretty lengthy interview article from 2010.


I read all that while eating. Then I was talking to Bing AI. Looked stuff up.. got these few posts.

Later this vid he's getting into the fluoride. Pretty funny these stills from the old days. Sodium fluoride.. it's like straight up poison. And they're wearing hazmat suits handling it. lol.

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