Boston mayoral election is this year.
She could get whacked, or maybe they need to clear out the cities more?
Originally I thought they were psyop'ing the BLM 'We Care About Races' angle in order to increase the vx acceptance rate and roll it to them first.
Something on mass psychosis and psychology seems pertinent
this is a short one, probably some better ones out there:
But in an intriguing 2008 paper (D. M. Morens, J. K. Taubenberger and A. S. Fauci J. Infect. Dis. 198, 962–970; 2008), researchers went through data from almost 8,500 post-mortem records from the 1918–19 pandemic and discovered what doctors knew at the time, but which was subsequently forgotten — that most people in the pandemic probably died of secondary pneumonia from common bacterial pathogens.
Posted at 23:03
Illuminate confirmed.
Now do the CIA and FBI