jedijobay 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sucks, big time. I've seen some young and healthy people taken out by cancer, and there's never a comforting explanation nor a reasonable explanation. So sorry you and your wife (and others) are going through this.

jedijobay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure. I see more and more government control happening, and I've more or less lost hope that enough people will resist to change the way things appear to be going. I see the covid pandemic lasting a lot longer and/or morphing into something else that may or may not legitimately kill substantial numbers of us. I think the elite/TPTB will find ways to further reduce the world's population and that they (elites) will be on the receiving end of various anti-aging, gene-modifying, life-extending interventions while we all become poorer, weaker, and sicker. That's really all that I'm fairly certain of. Being a spiritual and yes, religious person, I hope that God eventually intervenes...I'm not convinced that'll happen, however, and I'm not even convinced we deserve to be saved. It's hard not to be disappointed in humanity after just a year of this mess. Maybe cannibalism is inevitable, I won't rule it out. I was simply curious as to why you were convinced. Thank you for responding.

jedijobay 3 points ago +3 / -0

You seem to truly believe that cannibalism is going to happen on a large scale; you've said this in several posts. I'm simply curious as to why - have you had a vision? a dream? Do you have insider information?

jedijobay 1 point ago +2 / -1

sadly, you're probably right

jedijobay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work in healthcare. A lot of patients are so terrified of covid, they're unwilling to leave their homes for doctor's appts or even to go to the ER with an actual emergency. We've seen a worsening of chronic conditions and the results of delayed screenings and treatment more this year than in many years prior. More patients than usual are dying of heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary emboli, kidney failure, dKA, etc., at home. Healthcare is even more of a mess right now than it was before. Maybe this could account for some of the increased numbers, if those numbers are in fact accurate.