PACIFIC ECLIPSE is what will happen in 2024 as all eclipses will shadow over the pacific ocean...
They do not rush their plans, they only set into motion when the skies are willing.
nice breadcrumb there...
if jews are, why not amish too?
or are you a racist antisemite antivax piss o'shit? :3
these djoornalists never stop, do they
surface politics is just a show for the plebs and to justify doing whatever the fuck they want to do, mate
if you try to push surface politics to real motivations, you won't understand the world properly
thank you, use this against him until he hangs himself in his bathroom
there's a covert push in the background that is related to secret space programs
that's what's going to cause the massive energy crisis in the next 2 years
if you want to know when our lives will end, it will probably be around 2046 according to Diehold Foundation
that's why the elites are so hellbent on mars and space shit
never take the test too
it's a trojan horse
i never took a single fucking test
and never will, specially not the nose rape test
anyone who comes to magically save us from all this bullshit will be the ac
if u meet the buddha on the road, kill it
the only thing that is going to be edited is your DNA
the war on terror [of the virus]
we are... refuse the mark!
i'm not christian and my multidisciplinary research through ancient and greek references definitely tells me these are the end times
no fear, align yourself with good and never bend to the empire
if you cannot see this happening, time to get a new brain
Assume that this is manipulated data, simply the most amount of manipulation that they could get away with...
Reality will be even worse
worldwide chernobyl
except we see, but:
- medics refuse to accept it's vaccine related
- if medics accept, then what, nothing can be done
- if person goes to social media, it is ridiculed and ignored by the vaxmass
- people cog dis themselves even full of symptoms
you underestimate the effects of a psy op and how cowardly people are that they prefer to sacrifice their lives than to stand apart from the herd
not everyone is a warrior or a shaman to tolerate being truly alone
there will be no elections anywhere in the world next year
if you're afraid, don't take it... your gut knows best, trust it
ignore peers, if friends shun you, fuck them, no one needs retarded friends
get another job, request vacation money, start your own thing
do anything, but don't bend over to the empire
me since January 2020...
go away trumptard, stop worshipping a degenerate
it's a soul prison for when the sun discharges and awake those that didn't take the bug
"Their favorite tactic is deflection towards ridicule. They are masters of subtly derailing a discussion..."
you're just sad, dying without resisting is a fag's death
in 1920 the few who resisted were real tough people, not afraid to shoot, explode and die...
1 million pussies behind the computer without guns is nothing compared to 50 real men commited to a cause
and normies listening to "company CEO" as if it's their pope
what in the actual fuck...