coverstory 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because saliva accelerates blood coagulation.

coverstory 0 points ago +1 / -1

The U.S military commits far more crimes than Israel. The Russian military commits far more crimes. Literally every single military in the world would kill more innocents if they had to defend against these fanatics. When you make an omelette you break eggs.

You can't fight terrorists without any mistakes killing innocents. IDF soldier had recently killed another IDF soldier because he mistook him for a terrorist. You probably don't give a fuck. You also probably didn't care or know about all the terrorist attacks in Israel these days.

This is an antisemitic hellhole, so I don't expect any sympathy here. I'll just say that if "the Jews" had the level of control of the media you're claiming, the Palestinians would have already been treated "the American way" and would have been flattened the way the US military already flattened countless countries without as much as a cheering from the world's media.

The funny thing is that many antisemitic pieces of shit here actually support treating Muslim immigrants in Europe even worse. It's obvious that Europe is committing suicide, but I can help but feel schadenfreude for all the antisemitic pieces of shit there that criticized Israel without understanding what it means dealing with Muslims. Go ahead, hug all the Muslims your leftist media tells us are just freedom fighters. Go coexist with them.

Hey op, why don't you go relocate to some nice Muslim immigrant slum. They are such civilized people.

Palestinian keep on fucking around and finding out. All of you second amendment supporters are so mighty behind your keyboard and in range. Here in Israel we actually do need to carry these guns around because of these fuckers. Go support Kyle Rittenhouse and then come and cry to me about how the IDF soldier is such a murderer for accidentally hitting a reporter in a shooting fight. Leftist hypocrisy. Israel shouldn't even need PR like Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn't even need a lawyer in a just world.

coverstory 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn't matter. "Elections" based on mail ballots and electronic voting machines and very slow post-morterm "audit" that's incapable of recovering the truth because that information is gone, are not democratic elections.

They are a process full of intentional backdoors intended for the government to reelect itself without the support of the people. It is amazing all you have to do to control a country is convince the dumb population a sham process is an "election", and control enough of the media to push that false narrative.

Real democratic elections are a process done in the open watch of the citizens, with enough decentralization to guaranty that meaningful fraud would require a conspiracy of unreasonable number of people.

All it takes for democracy to die is for the people to trust their government with their election, and treat it just like another beaurocratic process.

You can trust your government with nearly everything so long as you didn't trust it with the elections. The root of trust is the election process.

coverstory 0 points ago +2 / -2

It's not the Jews, it's the British royals. Every single us president is descent from the British throne, look up US presidents genealogy. Even Trump is one of them. They want a return to modern feudalism.

coverstory 4 points ago +5 / -1

Notice that even Trump is descended from them. They have controlled both sides for decades.

I don't get how people miss it when it's so obvious. They somehow deflect the blame to other scapegoats like Jews and Communists and intelligence agencies. It's the British royal family all along.

Look at all the British colonies, they all have same rigged political systems with mail voting and media concentrated and owned. Britain too.

They even tease you with the name of the Corona virus - they tell you it's the crown. The British crown.