christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are just ONE declaration from victory over death. There is a way to escape the wrath to come. Bend the knee before the rightful inheritor of the eternal kingdom.

This is all.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a conspiracy long ago to kill God and take his place. Despite your piety you are still suffering from their conspiratorial efforts. There is a deeper truth for you yet, and it has everything to do with Jesus Christ. God doesn't need your glorification or moral purity; those are for your own benefit. He needs only your acceptance. He needs your informed consent; otherwise you are worshipping the chief conspirator.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is "the word"? What is "good"? What is "love"? Look beyond the simulacrum for your answer.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Predictions alone are insufficient for what you feign to seek. Lack of sacrifice renders your warnings mere noise. Keep seeking and stop pretending you know what will happen; are you prepared for when the real Mr. X returns?

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

To admit you know nothing yet suspect you know something is a gift. Despite the veil of illumination many are still in the dark ages. To realize this is to begin the effort of piercing and tearing through that thick and cloudy veil. You are a giant who has been lulled to sleep under a fog of fake illumination. You are awake, but need to rise and walk. There is true light beyond the fog if you can only muster your strength to stand and walk. The answers will be revealed to those who seek diligently. Keep stitching and keep asking what needs doing. There will come a time when you look back in amazement at the fabric it yields.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can you (of all people) not seriously consider the case for a demiurge-like being? You think if God was benevolent he would force beings into a perfect existence? A benevolent God MUST acquire willing vessels from a demiurge-like realm. It is the only way to retain benevolence! Mind the harvest Mrex, there is only one way to escape the wrath that is to come.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Truer than I suspect you even realize friend. You have a gift of keen observation. Nurture this and prove yourself a force for good. The body (church) was offered as a sacrifice AND a trap. Those EL-ites took the bait hook, line, and sinker (think: fishers of men). Be encouraged that today's lawless ones are falling for another being laid as we speak. Their anti-christ will be manifest only to be wrapped in chains and set on prominent display for all to see. They refuse to accept this but it will happen. Angels serve God's will, fallen or not.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The credibility of a phd"

As vacuous as the free energy you dream of.

Sorry to hear you've lost your sight brother.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

"The Marek's disease vaccine is a "leaky vaccine", which means that only the symptoms of the disease are prevented. Infection of the host and the transmission of the virus are not inhibited by the vaccine. This contrasts with most other vaccines, where infection of the host is prevented. Under normal conditions, highly virulent strains of the virus are not selected. A highly virulent strain would kill the host before the virus would have an opportunity to transmit to other potential hosts and replicate. Thus, less virulent strains are selected. These strains are virulent enough to induce symptoms but not enough to kill the host, allowing further transmission. However, the leaky vaccine changes this evolutionary pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains. The vaccine's inability to prevent infection and transmission allows the spread of highly virulent strains among vaccinated chickens." From Wikipedia

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only fools waste hopium to get high without purpose. The wise store all they can to be used when the wounds of the good fight seem unbearable. How it's used is up to you friend. Jesus Christ is not who you think. Neither are you.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

Extremely relevant post friend. It is because they have not grasped the form of good for themselves. They acquire that toxic positivity as a derivative of a source outside of themselves. They then impulsively eschew anything that might contradict that source outside themselves they rely on. The tragic irony is how obvious the phenomenon is if only they would be diligently honest. How can they think "everyone thinks they are doing good" and not realize the implications of this truth? This is why everyone's unquestioning consent empowers the centers of evil. How can they say "nothing is absolute" and not realize this is the ONE absolute certainty from which all truths are ultimately derived? They can be awoken but it is painful, especially to those unwilling to pay the cost of grasping what is good. These evils will go away when those who do not consent stand up and make sacrifices and pay the cost to eliminate the factories of false consent and tools of mass coercion. It will happen sooner than seems possible precisely because pain is coming.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Precisely friend. Just because they can do this doesn't mean it will endure. They will initiate their own undoing. In time it will be plainly obvious that what brought them down was their own lack of love for truth. Poor souls.

christophoros 3 points ago +3 / -0

Queue discussion about the stable white male family oriented christian chill surfer dude who recently spear-gunned his two young children allegedly because Qanon ideas led him to. Do those developing and using this stuff really have no idea what's coming for them? Do they really think a world in which this is possible does not also have divine justice waiting around the corner? How can these technocrats not see the world has always been a technocracy and that there has always been a master tekton at the helm? We have let them live off our vital force so long that they have become so weak spirited and demented that they are about to parasite themselves out of existence and actually think they are winning. I almost feel bad for them.

christophoros 5 points ago +5 / -0

What a day to be alive. We are EXTREMELY blessed to have the good fortune and oppurtunity to stand up to these fools. It will be glorious. We tend to lift the greats of history above ourselves, but WE are at an even better place in time than any of them. They are watching us with ENVY! Good will win. We are good!

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

It WILL stop Mr. Ex. We will stop it. Thank you.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

[...] now following a repetitive, near identical script, you SHOULD BE learning something.

Believe me, I am!

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the spirit!

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine a day where everyone stops thinking in terms of regional hive minds and realizes that individual sovereignty is the mandate of heaven. The people of Japan and Melbourne are vaguely aware of this, they simply have little means to exercise it. This will change.

christophoros 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can only leave hints and hope that you can see it yourself. Look carefully, but also let your mind wander. If I said it outright it would sound absurd, but if it resonates with your very being how could it not be true?

"The kingdom of God is within you"

"You are the temple of the spirit of God"

Jesus was asked "are you the king of the Jews? He said "You say so".

"Before Abraham was, I am"

"I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth"

"For with God, nothing shall be impossible"

"And Jesus said unto him, If thou canst! All things are possible to him that believeth."

"Why callest thou me good? There is none good, but God"

"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"

Also consider these quotes from men who saw it:

"Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed"

"Cogito, ergo sum"

"Scientia potentia est"

It goes on and on once you see it friend. The real blasphemy is to deny what we are.

christophoros 3 points ago +3 / -0

Geneva was essentially the first translated into English. Shortly thereafter the King of England's official propagandized version came out with the force and coercion of law. It was done in Geneva because "the church" held it illegal to translate it into english. Seems pretty suspicious that the royalty of england never bothered to have an english version but as soon as the Geneva version came out all of the sudden they cared. That speaks volumes to me. But it's not even the translation that matters. There's a very simple hidden truth that MANY miss which does the real trick of enlightenment and conversion. One has to be ready to see it.

christophoros 3 points ago +3 / -0

For the love of all that is good, read it yourself and come to your own conclusions before operating on what he has to say. Innumerable souls have given everything they had so that you can, and that should tell you what you need to know. If you never have, start with the words in RED. Mr. Ex's disbelief in good is his primary oversight! They did not write it. They tried to hide it many times and when they finally realized they cannot conceal the truth within they tried to corrupt, confuse, and distract by any means available. Jesus Christ flipped the tables of the money changers. Think about that!

christophoros 3 points ago +4 / -1

My friend, I wish you could see how precarious the position of the enemy really is. You give them more credit than they deserve. Good will win, not selfish demoralized clowns. Just because suffering occurs doesn't mean there won't be reconciliation. The power to do good is in your hands just as much as anyone elses. You sound like either a paid shill or a machine; either way you need to build your spirit. What you advocate appears to be disobedience to authorities, but what is necessary is for people to realize from where authority comes and to assert that authority from within themselves.

christophoros 4 points ago +5 / -1

Those who participate in vicious cycles cull themselves. The cull is lethal... to the communists. Do not fear the fools drunk on their power, they will veer into perdition.

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