cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rothschilds are not Jewish in any meaningful sense that we would apply to any other religion

then why they have rotshild boulvard in israel ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_Boulevard

Jewish nationalism called Zionism have religious roots,and it is the same ideology like German Nazism. Germans believed they are ubermensch (super-human) and all other are untermensch - sub-humans.

Jews religion is concentrated on similar idea - idea that there there are jews and gentiles/goim.

Not only I found this similarity between Nazism and Zionism, as Polish I heard for example about our Polish "ancient" philosopher Feliks Konieczny (1862-1849) whose analysis of civilizations in book "On the plurality of the civilizations" are of course sometimes proven to be bit anachronistic and not always exact enough (and ok - he has of course polish "nationalistic" bias too) ,but he for example noticed,that in fact Hitlers ideas of so called "German Nationalism" were in fact like injecting jewish mentality and cultural attitude to German "Bizantine"-like civilization.

Obviously fighting "white suprematism" but allowing zionism,black suprematism or chinese communist suprematism is at best doublethinking and hypocrisy,and most probably it is campaign against europeans and white americans - against us. So the only choice we have is to defend ourselves against those nazis,especially against those jewish nazis - or to be dead sooner or later.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excuse me... but difference between virus and self replicating nanotechnology based on proteins is really non existent, like between chemical urea and natural urea. Difference between nanorobot and virus ? Future nanorobots would be smaller - maybe,but self replication would make it less affordable.That's all the difference.

Of course - it is complicated. But there are research on synthesis of proteins based on viral source already. About artificial DNA and artificial proteins not known in nature. We don't know much about those research even if it is all done in plain sight - ok ?

And technically NO - not "nanoarticle". nanoparticles are less complicated like fullerenes. Calling virus "nanorobot" would be more near the truth.

Of course there is a question - is thing natural,modified or completely man-made.

But difference between bioengineering and nanotechnology isn't too natural or sharp really.

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Creator/intelligent design ? Yes. It is very possible.

But it doesn't mean it might be perfect and logical using simplest logic. Those logic behind it all might be hard to accept for some people,because it is complicated.

In fact - evolution and other things have perfect sense. Set up starting condition, and "push the button" - almighty god have probably big knowledge,but making things perfect from scratch would be too annoying to even try - so why to bother with every simple proton or quark when you don't have to. People call laziness "sin",but come on - "creative laziness" isn't criticized in Bible, Bible criticizes just not respecting and not doing your duties ok ?

To maintain control over things after start you have to have mechanism for inserting "exceptions" precisely - that's all except setting conditions and pushing it. Simple engineering.

For example - as there are no enough proofs for multiverse (at least for now) we shall assume "happy accidents" which happened for life and humans in our history might be as well miracles ok ? Earth-snowball,dinosaurs extinction which gave way for mammals,fact that humans ancestors were at the brink of extinction but survived, fact that we don't killed ouselves using nukes or so...

But at the end of course it isn't just logic,it is belief,faith it all have purpose and sense. What would be worth the completely chaotic and purposeless world without god ?! Asking is faith right or not doesn't have sense,cant be proven one way or another you know. But it gives us strength and hope so questioning it is wrong.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well then there is only one solution - "final solution" for the "ellites".

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

WOW - you reinvented captha. Which is not working so well by the way.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

& u/Eisenhorn: Well, proper digging on GA.win would lead all rather to "means sonething conpletely different" , as things recognised as clues he thinks the opposite.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

"poor parenting"... Where was "social wellfare office" or something like that ? XD "Royal Family"... - It is completely dysfunctional family !!!

But being member of such dysfunctional family not justifies paedophilia or any other criminal activity anyway...

cee8hooz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Warren Buffet is Bill Gates friend,so I wouldn't trust this rich bastard a bit.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

In fact: no. Whole thing is about Chinese army occupying America, commies don't need army of armed Americans. Bidet is traitor of USA and Chinese puppet.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
by pkvi
cee8hooz 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well use tor and mail it to al-queda ;) (JOKE)

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh,so many leftists ? Are there troopers with motars behind the guy on the rock ?

Shashlik a la leftist would be delicious

cee8hooz 1 point ago +2 / -1

Absurd unless you want USA to lose hot war with China. Don't call it "Qtardism" it is truth: He is on Chinese paylist,he is traitor of USA.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well then - "joke":

  • What is the difference between the Dominicans and the Jesuits?
  • Dominicans* were called up in the 13th century to fight the Albigensian heresy.
  • Jesuits?
  • Jesuits were called in the 16th century to fight the heresy of Protestantism.
  • Ok,but how they differ ?
  • Dude,have you ever seen any Albigens ?

PS: Dominicans were also called spitefully: Dominicannes. Check why.

by pkvi
cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jews were decimated by USSR

Wrong and part-lie. Jews were controlling USSR first.

They were not "decimated by USSR" - just part of jews are just parasites. And like all parasite when the host is unable to longer sustain it (parasite) - they moved. To Israel and other places. Now the host are palestinian arabs in Israel and Americans in America...

And you are right - it is about Jews: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=crimea+jewish+plan

Also profit from Ukraine was mostly concentrated on Crimean Peninsula really:

  • Syria (removing Assad) - pipeline from middle east
  • Removing Russian base of navy in Sevastopol (Russians were building another but it would take years) and so - from Black Sea and Middle-East

Also probable result is NATO on southern Russian border endangering Moscow (St. Petersburg is already near NATO countries). Russians couldn't afford strategically such things it is less acceptable than USSR nukes on Cuba. It would be so "safe" for them that for example Chinese occupying Florida would be for existence of USA federal government in Washington DC...

And looking at western (especially Jewish one) attitude about Russia,calling it "gas station rulled by mafia" by Mc Cain and no better things from Demoncraps all wanting next Jeltzin in Russia that would be first step to full scale invasion on Russia. Donbas and Crimea were obvious reaction no "imperialism".

Even if Russia would ever risk to allow Ukraine or Belarus to be economically independent what is risky - they cannot allow those countries being part of the west and NATO. Ok they could - but only if they would be invited to NATO too :P XD

by pkvi
cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

No islands ON MAPS and on Google earth. Do you REALLY think they show us all on google earth or maps - even today ?

cee8hooz 3 points ago +4 / -1

Focus on the leftism, because it explains far better.

What explains expansion of leftism ? Sorry,but at least there are some bad Jews which are leftists. And all Jews should not be trusted unless they will prove to be trustworthy - helping in slaying those Jewish communists at least.

Majority of USSR government and big part of officers of genocidal security apparatus were Jewish. Those bolsheviks on American universities are in many cases again - Jewish professors. Bidet government of Demoncrap party is jewish. Same with Epstein and Maxwell.End of the story.

Jewish community could easily prove being innocent.By doing thing Moses and Levites did with those of them who praised golden calf. There is no other better option for Jews which are good and not want to hurt communities and countries they live to prove their loyalty. They shall prove they are loyal or suffer the consequences.

Same with islamism - muslim communities shall help to stop terrorist attacks,or suffer the consequences.

cee8hooz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well radical muslims including terrorists claim Saudi government is full of Jewish puppets,so I guess they would change the date or blow some things.

Because Al-Queda is probably CIA I wouldn't be astonished if they would play to blow up some "vaccination centre"... Nah,in this case I could even cheer those fucking islamist throat-cutters being real and hope they would do real attack blowing up thousands of satanist "vaccines" - what the fuck happened with this world...


cee8hooz 4 points ago +4 / -0

also u/Graphenium: Even if those "LARP" is popularising it,and it is good...

And - reminding such "obvious" "well known" things is also good.

cee8hooz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are a stack that reversed AIDS in 99% of people studied in a casual study in Africa

u/ghost_of_aswartz: sorry,but if you have AIDS - you have AIDS. Doubt it is fully reversed,but at least proper supplementation keeps you well despite of deficits of your immune system caused by the virus.

Thing is however proper nutrition you mention really could work, current medicine without proper nutrition and habits cannot help alone. And that means that despite those one sentence about "reversing AIDS" thing you wrote have BIG value.

I would add also that PROPER DIET could also be the key. Yes,the main problem is choosing good one diet,affording it and respecting it rules but results might be worth it.

And the problem with medical care - not only in USA - is despite medicals are well paid, not all of them are worth it. Still medicine is rather kind of art than science really. Not mentioning pharmaceutics industry and its drugs.Sheeple claim "trust the science". But medicine isn't so rock-stable and easy as physics or chemistry, medicine is COMPLEX.

cee8hooz -1 points ago +1 / -2

u/GoodvsEvil2 & u/YourLordPutin : Science is not "NWO Religion" or leftist lie.

The thing is leftists and NWO scums claim their lies are scientific,when they aren't

Let's take for example Bill Gates - Harvard dropout, no degree in medicine and he is made "vaccine authority" ?! When they take "argument" Science says I would answer: "Excuse me.What science ?! And I would look for scientific evidence proving otherwise.

In most cases - excluding "flat earth theory" or other idiocies - science not denies majority of our "conspiracy theories"...

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