cautiousaardvark 2 points ago +2 / -0

The excuse will probably be "During war time it's against international law!"

cautiousaardvark 5 points ago +5 / -0

Glad you're keeping an eye on things!

Interesting how often conspiracy sites are undermined...... like we're on to shit, and those doing shit really need us derailed.

by pkvi
cautiousaardvark 13 points ago +13 / -0

African Americans were GIVEN LIBERIA as reparations in 1896.


cautiousaardvark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just like Asbestos.

Every one thought it was really safe - it didn't burn in flame it was that stable. What could it possibly do to harm a person?

Years later...


cautiousaardvark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thing in mRNA shot ISN'T a vaccine. It doesn't work like a vaccine. It's entirely new.

by pkvi
cautiousaardvark 5 points ago +6 / -1

Two white kids that will be surrounded by their peers who are people who will have learned all about white privilege, and white supremacism, and white colonialism, and white structural racism..... and those minorities will be very very angry about it.

Simply put - they're fucked.

cautiousaardvark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember Zikka?

It came, hit the news all over........ VANISHED.

I bet someone made a lot of mooney.

Covid might just be Zikka money maker V2.

cautiousaardvark 2 points ago +2 / -0

VPN AND older virtual machine - like Win XP, or Win 7.

That way the browsers on your virtual machine only leak ENTIRELY DIFFERENT identifying information than your main PC would do through a browser.

It's called "Browser fingerprinting" and there's hundreds of ways to do it.

One such way is make a canvas on an invisible web page, draw some text in a particular font - and they can tell some of what your OS is.

Do that with cookies,HTML 5 local filesystem files, browser name and version, (used to) Flash super cookies, page referer (from the PREVIOUS site you were on!), FAVICON cache list_... all this adds up to a UNIQUE BROWSER and therefore user.

See that browser again with a new IP AND different Reddit account?

They KNOW you're the same person.

VPN AND VIRTUAL MACHINE. DO NOT visit or log in to ANY personal account sites you have on it.

cautiousaardvark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone's reading TOO MUCH into this. That's a retarded way of faking an injection.

Saline... simple, and the injection's real.

Unless this is one of those immuminati "We show/tell the herd what we're doing or hint at what's going on - it's up to them to be aware enough to heed that warning."

Making the injection look fake for the leaders would be one way of instructing the observant... but this is a crazy side conspiracy that's not on my main list.

cautiousaardvark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not the ones doing it to fuck with the rich.

Just the late comers really.

cautiousaardvark 3 points ago +4 / -1


Let the conspiracies flourish!

Reddit's "conspiracy" sub became an "acceptable alt-speak that we kind of put up with" with a huge dose of "We need to change the narrative on the front page of the sub - stat!"

A conspiracy site that MUTES CONSPIRACIES - that's a fucking huge massive red flag.

I suggest all conspiracy posts should be automatically BELEIVED by members and then whatever evidence can be found should be posted.

Real shit is likely going to have a lot of back-up information, lots of cross-linked facts and so on.

A fake "tin foil hat" conspiracy (a proper bullshit one) - won't have fuck all supporting info...

ANYONE who posts "This conspiracy is bullshit because this page here says so...." is silencing the investigation, and is how the public think en-masse... and how people stay tricked.

Reddit conspiracy was full of that shit. Legit conspiracies were getting sidelined, and silenced by a massive SPAMMING of "this site here says it's fake!"

...... but a bit of brain-work for people is needed, if "JaneDoe killed X with a knife" is the conspiracy, and there's several photos of JaneDoe at some night out where the date and time's on a clock in the image, or something like that - that's relevant. Just not sites that hand-wave shit away with vague denials.

cautiousaardvark 2 points ago +2 / -0

China - old people dying from it the most?

Looking back, they wouldn't shut down society for old people, not one fucking chance.

I thin those video's were made for American audiences.

cautiousaardvark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Radiation too - could have fucked up all their photos.... made them grey and grainy.

Which makes me think this is a real photo!

The rest are entirely radiation free and clear.... reconstructions later?

cautiousaardvark 1 point ago +1 / -0

And radiation screwing up all their photos! Grainy and grey....... oooooo - just like this possibly real moon photo!

All the perfectly un-radiated pictures from the moon?! Seems sus man.

cautiousaardvark 5 points ago +5 / -0

amazing that 6 million comes up before WW2.... it's got symbolism they use a lot with it.

cautiousaardvark 3 points ago +3 / -0

If shit goes south in 6 months - imagine the amazing private gloating you can do when you're all in the office discussing if you'll get the "horrific delayed side effects starting to appear".

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