kareemB_1 4 points ago +4 / -0

That made me chuckle. And that comment would get you banned on Reddit.

kareemB_1 6 points ago +6 / -0

I assume that's why the word vaccine is encased in quotation marks in the title. Scare quotes as they are called - when an author doesn't agree with the term's usage.

kareemB_1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't really care for Gateway Pundit. But the reality is that Twitter is just revealing itself for what it is - a radical liberal, big pharma echo chamber. Never thought I'd see mass censorship in my lifetime like this. Crazy stuff. Tow the radical liberal line or be silenced.

kareemB_1 14 points ago +14 / -0

All this will lead to is cops getting shot and killed. I don't care who you are or what you're wearing. You come into my house uninvited, you will be killed.

kareemB_1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moderna, Pfizer and Fauci have all said that these shots do not stop the spread of COVID. Since that's the case, even if you're a die-hard virtue signaler, what is the point of getting these experimental shots? It's like masochism.

kareemB_1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Need to get back to the basics. Man and wife/family, Second Amendment, fiscal responsibility, MLK/Abe Lincoln, etc. Otherwise homo-liberalism takes over. Really hope Trump doesn't run again in 2024. I get and accept there was fraud in the 2020 election. But he is way too divisive when regular white, black, and Latino Americans have enough in common and enough numbers to come together nd stop this liberal nonsense. "Only" 80% of black men voted Biden. It was 95% in 2008 and 87% in 2012 for Obama; and 82% for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Just need a non-radical, non-Trump, and Democrats will never win again.

kareemB_1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe I'm not following. Silver has been my hedge for 15 years. Have many hundreds of pounds of bullion. I've heard this "silver to $5,000 or $10,000/oz" narrative for years. Why is it different now, IF it is different now?

kareemB_1 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're looking for "lottery tickets," XRP and XML (Stellar). Bitcoin was no risk, high reward before 2016. Now if you're wealthy, sure. Buy up $1 million worth and hope it triples. But BTC is no longer an intelligent buy for regular folks.

kareemB_1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bitcoin lost its charm long ago when "futures," aka fiat Bitcoin came out. I dumped most of mine in 2017, then a little more last week. I'm going to hold a few units as i think it will balloon up to $100k by the end of the year. But there's far too much central bank and China meddling in BTC now. If it's allowed to continue blowing up in price, and everyone cashes out, it would absolutely destroy the dollar and other currencies. I sense some sort of major disruption in blockchain technology in general by the end of the year too. Just be happy if you're one of us "conspiracy theorists" who got in around 2012 or earlier and are living happily ever after now. The run is over after, IMO, close to $100k by the end of 2021.