Your potato will cause more blood, glowing schizo NPC.
Aphrodite and Ares are a synedoche of Inana who IS the archetype of Estrous day, your straw overlay on the passion of God. But I don't really think you consciously put those thoughts into your demonic speech. Word salads seasoned with stolen divine imagery, are goodly fyg products.
I do smell a flower: the Rose of Sharon. It's a corruption overriding scent.
Fruitless fygs wither by decree, eh, handshake?
ישוע is the God of gods, their judge and destroyer: inclusive of the world powers.
Leftism is a philisophy OF failure. r/You are postmodern, nihilistic, and cannot tell r/your left from r/your right, nor r/your wrong from r/your right, nor r/your down from r/your up. Therefore, r/you cannot tell losing from winning, nor lying from truth-telling, nor evil from good.
So "leftism is a philosophy of <winning>"... to a leftist woebegone.
Unseen Realm (nonfiction 2nd temple theology) is good.
Portent and Façade (fiction) give an appealing texture to how such a world might look.
The Bible Project (online nonfiction theology) is interesting, regarding this, especially the portions that discuss genesis and divine council theology.
I prefer the clear pill. Freely and eternally available. Hard to build any tolerance to it.
I like this because blood is bluish when unoxygenated, then red with life after passing through breath, then turns black when clotted post-injury. And clears sin, when it's Christ's. The whole process of the knowledge of good and evil is realized in the figure; suggested by the wine of that Second Tree...
EDIT: white pills: spiritual leukemia.
Antivirals are not for the weak-of-heart STS. They are sickening drugs that interfere with DNA replication, as a means to destroy viruses faster than they destroy you. They are more kin to chemotherapy [1] than to medication [2]. Some do work, but you won't feel good while they work...
[1] guiding principle: relative harm versus disease
[2] guiding principle: minimize harm versus patient