americathegr888 7 points ago +7 / -0

In terms of schizo posting the autist-level obsession with etymology isn't nearly as bad as, say, the numerology schizos.

americathegr888 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I don't know why anyone is acting like this is news, we've known this for a long time.

I do find that shitlibs especially tend to do that, where they find out about something 20 years after the fact and then rush to soycial media to pretend it's breaking news. Yeah good job guy, welcome to common knowledge from 20 years ago, you're such a sleuth.

americathegr888 3 points ago +4 / -1

Pedo non-human goblins don't deserve to exist.

by DrLeaks
americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

What a bunch of fucking faggots.

americathegr888 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's less about knowing COBOL and more about knowing the design decisions, libraries, common functions etc that were in use at the time, or in many cases, knowing the codebase itself (once those guys are gone...no company will pay the 1+ years of salary needed for someone to become well versed in these large codebases).

I had someone who was a bank COBOL programmer explain to me (programmer professionally for 20 years) about this, because I thought the same thing, but the situation is a bit more complicated than first glance would indicate.

That said in the end it comes down to the fact that they just don't want to pay for results. Whether that be paying a retired COBOL programmer who knows the codebases for banks and whatnot a LOT of money for a short consulting and fixup gig, or paying someone who is newer in their career for a year or more to get up to speed on it, potentially build a test network etc.

Software development is considered a "liability" and not something you should do or maintain to keep your business running well, so they just avoid ever hiring any programmers to do anything for as long as possible and this is the result.

americathegr888 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't care about jews enough to care about whether they are lying (probably) about this. The whole region should be nuked to glass, including their brown jew brothers.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably not unless they found a White country to steal it from first.

americathegr888 7 points ago +7 / -0


Globalist pedo-defending trash


americathegr888 0 points ago +1 / -1

No because I'm not a retarded hippy. That said my comment was referring more to people on PDW than this guy who I'm basically not familiar with at all.

Novocaine doesn't have any of the shit in it that "vaccines" (barely even qualify for that term, since most of it is just "preservatives" and "adjuvants", 99% of which are highly toxic, and very little actual "vaccine" which I'm not convinced have ever truly existed in the form that medical literature describes them) have in them, for one thing, because unlike "vaccines" that retarded faggots get, novocaine has a defined usage and has to function every time, so adding random bullshit to it would just ensure that dentists go to a different manufacturer for it.

Since "vaccines" don't actually have a real market and are (at least in terms of what's actually produced, if not the potential science of them) crackpot pseudoscience bullshit at best, they're the perfect vehicle for every population control and experimental poison anyone could ever want to test.

by DrLeaks
americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I am Fuhrer I will repurpose all of the servitor robots to torture globalist pedos.

americathegr888 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's amazing to me that some people who resisted the poison gene therapy are still willing to inject themselves with other concoctions created by the same jew demons.

by DrLeaks
americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Suck my balls glowniggers and jews

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just one more reason to hate the jews, it's not like I could stop them anyway.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

Third worlders and their jew owners have proven they aren't worth caring about, so if jews nuke one of their golem cities what's it to me? Still not going to fight for globopedo Epsteins.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

I often say kikes behaviorally are just grey skinned niggers that have +5 on the bell curve.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any target worth nuking is one I don't care about. LA? New York City? OH WELL.

americathegr888 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump was mentored by (((Roy Cohn))) who was a pedo blackmailer for CIA and Mossad, just like Epstein.

americathegr888 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it was a pretty retarded comment even for the average jewlover. Alleister Crowley didn't create an ideology that killed over 100 million, for starters.

It was completely irrelevant to my comment. Typical kike argumentation tactics where they post something irrelevant and only barely related to derail the conversation, then pretend they don't know that they did anything underhanded at all.

Fuck kikes, and fuck anyone that defends them too. Traitors get the rope FIRST.

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