alabaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

The go-to source is 'The Invisible Rainbow' (Rubenstein... yeah, I know). If what he says is true, then things make a lot more sense.

alabaster 4 points ago +5 / -1

You probably know this... but there are various ru**ian sites where you can get the games with the commercials cut out.

A two-hour, commercial free, football game is like heaven to us fans (although I'm more of a college football guy - NFL is a bit too professional).

alabaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump knew, and said right at the beginning that it was just the flu.

Then other forces got involved.

alabaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes sense. When I said that there were a few normal comments... I meant two or three.

alabaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Curiously... it's not. If you look through its history, there are few 'normal' comments in there. Maybe it's been replaced by a bot. Can't say for certain.

by DrLeaks
alabaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh... outside G7-type countries, nobody was dying. Isn't that odd?

alabaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a common 'criticism'...but if you believe in science, then it's a bit beside the point. Viral infection has never been demonstrated by clean, pure experiments -- despite many efforts -- therefore it's off the table as a 'real thing'.

Why do diseases 'appear' to be communicable -- that's a long, paradigm-shifting discussion. But... assuming that you're a young-ish dude... why do you pop wood when you see an attractive woman -- did she infect you with a virus? Or, why, when you're running up a hill, do your legs give out 10 metres before the top -- are there viruses around? Why do chicks synchronize their periods if they live together -- viruses???

alabaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm totally on your side -- but it's a tough sell to normies. The book was fantastic, though. Duesberg's Inventing AIDS was fantastic, too.

alabaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that the average normie doesn't really understand the difference between science and engineering -- and they valourize 'science' much more highly than engineering, largely because of a (((psy-op))).

I would contend that, unless fusion turns out to work, science is already largely dead. Engineering will never die, because there will always be novel situations needing novel solutions.

alabaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree with your first sentence... I think that the real problem is that a society that can even contemplate colonizing Mars will be, like ours, quite decadent. The decadence leads to allowing women into leadership 'roles', which, in turn, destroys any capacity the society has to colonize Mars.

There may be other life forms out there without such a stark male/female divide (I don't believe that, but I'll happily be proven wrong with a real example). But our society's 'great filter' is... chicks -- or (((chicks))), if you're into that sort of thing.

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