ZyklonShower 1 point ago +2 / -1

The jews need to genocide themselves in order to bring about their end time. Never forget, jews are literally psychotic.

ZyklonShower 0 points ago +1 / -1

It’s more Huxley than Orwell. People are drugged up, wanton abandon, etc.

Orwell based his book on the Soviet Union and china whereas Huxley based it on the inevitable decline of social democratic societies into degeneracy.

ZyklonShower 3 points ago +6 / -3

They did this in Europe with data protection laws in Europe. Originally they were designed to allow you to demand all your information from a company to see what they had on you and to get criminal records from when you were a child expunged. They ended up being used by corrupt politicians to force embarrassing information about them to be deleted. German politician went trophy hunting in Africa. Photo went viral and people criticized him. So he used data protection to delete the information about him.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +5 / -3

What does a counter notice do? A DMCA counter notice is a legal avenue that individuals can pursue if they believe their content was wrongly taken down in response to a DMCA takedown request. It empowers them to challenge the claim made against them and request the restoration of their material. By filing a counter notice, individuals initiate a process that can potentially lead to the return of their content and the preservation of their online presence.


ZyklonShower 2 points ago +3 / -1

At least they can virtue signal for Reddit.

ZyklonShower 6 points ago +7 / -1

This is peak Reddit.

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +1 / -0

I said it’s not a jewish psyop lol. It’s been the norm in the anglophone for generations.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why even consoom the goyslop?

ZyklonShower 1 point ago +2 / -1

Muslim countries sometimes ban non Muslims from their most holy sites. Even the progressive ones like Morocco have certain mosques and temples that infidels may not enter. The fact this filthy jew was allowed into the building as a jew so long as he removed his Kippah and instead he threw a tantrum and fled the country shows what creatures jews are.

ZyklonShower 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. When they get White actors to play jews the kvetching is bad enough even when the White actor could easily pass as jewish such as Gary Oldman or Cillian Murphy.

Of course jews playing non jews is a-okay.

ZyklonShower 7 points ago +7 / -0

Different cultures have different values. It’s actually not a jewish psyop in the anglophone world for adults to move out. If you trace your family tree you will see that generations ago it was normal to move out but you usually lived a few doors down from your parents- you didn’t move to the other side of the country lol.

My great great grandparents in England lived three doors down from their parents but my great great grandparents in Russia lived in the same house.

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