XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's trying to explain that the "cracked wallets" you heard about are people who made their metamask password "1234" and then had an attacker gain full access to their system.

A properly generated and properly stored private key is uncrackable.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep... Trillions of dollars have flowed into the crypto market all betting on the idea that what this guy is fear mongering about is not technically possible. 15 years later, with all that money on the line no one is hacking the system, and some of the richest people in the world are trusting it to secure their funds.

But he's seen a few WatchMojo videos about crypto, knows nothing about cybersecurity, and thinks the government has supernatural digital omniscience...

XxxRDTPRNxxX 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just because the blockchain ledger is public information doesn't mean you can't anonymize your activity with relative ease. It's laughably simple.

Show me one of these stories of the FBI "cracking down on wallets".... Please show me one. Guaranteed you won't find one where they can actually stop a wallet from operating.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 0 points ago +1 / -1

Or maybe you're just stupid and don't understand that all of the things you're afraid of a CBDC doing to control you aren't possible with coins on a decentralized network.

Can you show me anyone reversing an on-chain Tether transaction for any reason? Can you show me anyone remotely locking down an ETH wallet for doing bad things? Can you tell me how any authority figure can remotely stop you from setting up a wallet and receiving/sending coins?

No? You can't? Cause again, you don't know what you're talking about and those things aren't possible.

XxxRDTPRNxxX -1 points ago +1 / -2

CB stands for CENTRAL BANK... Stablecoins exist on DECENTRALIZED networks. Big difference.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 4 points ago +4 / -0

When someone starts dismantling this money laundering operation for the first time in history, it's extremely newsworthy.

Fail by dukey
XxxRDTPRNxxX 3 points ago +4 / -1

If he cuts their aid immediately, what negotiation leverage does he have over them during peace negotiations?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 4 points ago +4 / -0

What are the top 3 dumbest conspiracies you've looked into?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fun fact.... Due to inflation and regulations the current dollar also has purchase restrictions and an expiration date.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aww, just gay this time? Not Jewish too?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Source: "Concerned Citizen"

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

What makes you think those clips were all taken at the same time? And how do you know that's an abnormal level of fog?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +2 / -1

Establish the fog actually exists.... Then I'll listen to your theories on what it is.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 2 points ago +2 / -0

What fog? How do i know its not completely made up? Cause theres a random tik tok with stock footage?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it legal for a president too incompetent to run for office, to make any decision in his last 20 days in office?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, he's clearly levitating, but the guy in blue also has nothing to stand on if they are really in choppy seas instead of at a dock.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 3 points ago +3 / -0

The guy in blue? I figured he could be standing on a dock or something, but then why is the boat rocking if that's the case?

XxxRDTPRNxxX 6 points ago +6 / -0

This looks ai generated to me. Aside from the obvious fake sparks, the architecture of the boat makes no sense, and the guy in orange's feet are hovering mid air at the start of the clip, and his legs get longer by the end of the clip. Also in the final frame legs without a torso appear next to him.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those are the on/off ramps, since they deal in Fiat currency they are centralized. IE.... Binance, Coinbase, Crypto.com

when they are holding your crypto you don't actually own crypto. you own a credit with that company. it's only when you withdraw your crypto to your own wallet that you control that you actually own it.

That's how so many people lost their money when FTX collapsed. they left their crypto with the exchange and when the company collapsed their funds were lost.

Once you get crypto in your own wallet there a bunch of different wallet apps you can use and setting up a new account is as simple as a few clicks and generating a new address.

You can even swap and trade crypto through various decentralized exchanges. it's when you go to change it back to USD that you'll have to deal with an institution again.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

And BTW.... The reason the ledger is public is because without it being public and transparent, you'd have to have a central authority maintaining it's trustworthiness.

Like imagine we're in a payment dispute.

"I already wired you the $500!"

"No you didn't, I never got it!"

"Ohh yeah?! Here's a receipt from the bank proving it went through and landed in your account!"

In this case the trustworthiness of a central authority provides authentication and settles the dispute.

Now imagine it like this...

"I already sent you 0.005 bitcoin!"

"No, you didn't, I never got it!"

"Ohh yeah, Here's the public ledger and it's saying my 0.005 btc is sitting in your account."

In this case the trustworthiness of the network's source code provides authentication and settles the dispute. But it doesn't work if both of us can't see the ledger, and that's why it's public.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a distributed ledger though. So yes it's public to view it, but in order to update or make changes to that ledger (send a transaction) you need cumulative approval from a bunch of independently owned and operated computers around the world to check and verify that your transaction is legit (ie... Has the mathematical signatures necessary to prove ownership of the sending account).

It's not actually used as currency for daily transactions. It's a fraudulent store of value

It's value lies in the fact that nobody can control it, gate-keep, halt, or reverse transactions on the ledger. Anyone can create a new bitcoin account without needing to register or provide ID, and nobody can stop them from using the network.

That feature is valuable enough to create a consistent userbase willing to spend money on it, which is what gives it monetary value. And from there speculation adds more value of course, and there's gonna be ups and downs in the price for sure due to the specualtion.

and is worthless in a crisis.

Actually it's EXTREMELY valuable in a crisis. When Venezuela had their hyperinflation crisis Venezuelans were all over the internet begging strangers to send them $20 in Bitcoin because they can't get USD into the country, and food sellers didn't want to take their dogshit native currency with a plummeting value.

Next, another thing that makes it EXTREMELY valuable in a crisis is the fact that bitcoin can be smuggled in your mind with zero physical evidence, and nothing that can be seized from you.

All you gotta do is set up a wallet, transfer funds to it, and memorize your 12 word seed phrase. Then you can cross any check point or border in the world with nothing but the shirt on your back and still have access to your funds as soon as you acquire a computer on the other side.

XxxRDTPRNxxX 1 point ago +1 / -0

In 2013 I did some preliminary research into building a bitcoin mining rig. I determined it would have taken a year to pay off the hardware, and that it would've been cheaper to just buy the bitcoin directly instead of buying the hardware.

So I just said "fuck it" to the whole thing. Cause I didn't want to invest in bitcoin, I wanted a computer that printed money. I would've sold off all the BTC as soon as I got it if I did.

Yes, I'm retarded. Now, I'm still not invested in BTC (probably a bad time to buy RN anyways) and I have all my holdings in a handful of shitcoins and meme tokens I'm hoping take off this cycle. So I'm probably still retarded.

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