LOL, there's so many posts like this on Reddit it's easy to spot the trend.
And let's replies to comments, zero replies to comments in previous posts, three TOTAL comments in history.
Geez, who woulda thunk it?
Also, there is la petite mort from French...
The "little death" that suggests a link between orgasm and sex.
And OP missed a big one...
Why is it that "oh God" is a common utterance during orgasm? Is it because one is reaching the "highest point"? I floored an ex-girlfriend bringing that up as a good piece of evidence for the existence of God LOL. Even atheists say it. Pretty odd thing to say for them.
Oh, I get you.
There are people that are basically raised in environments that are, like ya said, alien to us.
And I was raised in a not so nice environment in Baltimore.
But I feel sorry for the people that endured generational abuse. Even Hunter Biden. Now he's a goober and all, but I doubt all the crack and hookers in the world will make up for the shit he had to deal with.
And Hunter Biden is like Disneyland compared to some of them.
As for God's work...well God, is the Word, Logos. God is completely understandable because God, and the universe, is based on a logical framework. It must be.
The ancient Greeks were pretty on point with that, well before Jesus.
God's work is sussing out the details of reality, and I feel that whether you do it internally or by externally observing reality, it is a worthwhile endeavor.
Nah, TallestSkil isn't Christian.
That's why I made my post about him linking to the Fathom Journal, something no "conspiracy theorist" would do. Not only that, he used it as a reference for Christianity. LOL
He also said other users, including myself, should not use "Jewish sources", yet it's perfectly fine him using the most radical of Jewish sources.
Check out my post history. And even given the comments in the thread, he's still vetted by old Clem as "genuine". Sure.
This made me think of Waynel Sexton. George Floyd's "teacher".
On a lark I did a quick search of her. She actually has a Facebook page, and has one public pic of her and I would assume her husband in a field of flowers.
She has the same pic for her profile pic, but with a weird "#TogetherAgainstAntisemitism" logo with a star of David made out of different colored interlocking's her page
Not even a BLM tag...nope, antisemitism. Cause you know how bad antisemitism is in Houston...LOL.
But everything about that publicity stunt was wrong. She said that Floyd at eight years old was so impressed with Thurgood Marshall that he wrote the essay about becoming a judge. I've taught thousands of children, and shit like that just doesn't happen. The essay also has zero connection to anything about Thurgood Marshall.
And this woman is supposed to be an English teacher, but doesn't grade or correct their essays (or even write any comments), slaps a cheesy sticker on them, and throws them in a binder?
On that note, it's deluded, not diluted, that you meant in the third paragraph. :)
Ahh, can't answer the question.