Its a video of someone's amazon alexa.
Always hear this response too, I forgot to add it to the list.
You must be a retard to believe [ makes up ridiculous claim that no one implied anywhere ]
One time I had someone say "Youre crazy if you think that passanger airlines are spraying aerosols." No one mentioned passanger airplanes.
Ive got about 20 of years knowing and truth seeking in this partiticular topic, and this is the first time Ive ever seen anyone anywhere suggest that the aerosols are within "commercial jet fuel".
It is like if anytime you said the election was stolen someone always showed up building some made up strawman like "You must be crazy to think China counted all the votes".
Idk. But that pic looks like chemtrails indeed. Anyone who says those are contrails or stratus clouds probably also thinks that trannys are what they say they are.
Cheetahs run in a zig-zag pattern at incredible speeds. As they approach their target, they go left then right then 👈 then 👉 then left then right.
Zog is the same. Zog zigs, zog zags, zog zig-zags us all into the NWO.
U2 played inside the vegas dome and had similar style messages. This may be the same, but its notable that the messaging is on the outside this time.
How is that "closing the boarder"???
People need to wake up and realize Trump never intended to fight immigration, because he didnt secure our boarder to stop the Honduran caravan during a "global pandemic" that granted federal emergency powers. Never forget that.
How / where?
If that's true than they were already retarded before they saw it.
Yes the truth is all that matters. Youre the only one hung up about his race. Idc who he is or what race he is, i didnt care to research his history or learn his name. Is what he is saying true? Thats all that matters.
If a wicked man sought out redemption and turned to God, would you act like this towards him? Would you hyper focus on his past as if it were 100x more important that the truths he spoke, if he spoke about God?
I dont think God cares about race as much as you do.
The format of the map sucks, entire counties are filled in with the shade that represents the acres of land ownership within that county, not the percentage of land, so the larger counties are shaded darker.
There are 2.3 billion acres in usa, less than half (880m) is farmland. Canada owns about 12.8m acres and that is 31% of the all foreign owned land. Rough math says thats about 40m acres of foreign owned land total, around 5% of our farmland.
Not nearly as bad as billionaires owning land. Were lookong at millions of acres for each corrupt family, and that is a lot! Scary to look into tbf.
Ok but did he say anything untrue?
Thanks for doing some research on this guy, but what does it matter who he is? Im not sharing his words for his fame, he is simply showing how it is beneficial to intentially catch hiv.
And what does race have to do with it?
You think hes joking lol
blah blah blah vox link
Does anyone have a downloadble version? Or any context?
You are my favorite smartass
Makes sense.
Please never stop being yourself
My opinion: It is possible and there are multiple reasons why governments or secret organizations would want to pursue cloning experiments. The main reason would be to combat genetic degradation but also phamakia and intelligence. When CIA asset "Alex Jones" ranted about the pig-human hybrids being created from babies sold to the ccp from planned parenthood, he was delivering the truth bomb via a misinformation missile, to quote mind war, his playbook, Jones is the cyber shaman.
Hey number 317. Youve been thinking about this, havent you?