You forgot "Destroy the purpose and functionality of the space then blame the original creators for creating a 'toxic' environment"...
And now we know why he's trying to resign; can't prosecute the former perpetrator of crimes against humanity.
Ever notice how a straight path gets narrower the further it gets from an observer until it dwindles to nothing?
That's because physical reality is fake and doesn't exist until you, personally, get close enough to observe it.
Also why mirror reflections are backwards. Nothing to do with geometry, it's simply a reality spanning conspiracy that's existed perfectly since the beginning of time for no discernable motive...
Oh, just like everyone looking at your image...
It doesn't male sense because *you don't understand it", lol
Flat Earth is debunked by time zones, period. It's an easily provable phenomenon that cannot happen on a flat Earth; if we were on a disc we would all see the sun rise and set at the same time.
I don't care so I'll reply three times.
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Yes, it's a conspiracy to discredit all other conspiracies because of how dumb it is.
You try to tell someone that Covid vaxxes have no effect on case or death rate, and health agencies around the globe are conspiring to hide that fact, and they turn around and say "I bet you believe in flat Earth, too".
He can't.
His entire world view is based on the idea that "the establishment" has lied about everything. If even one thing turns out to be true, he has to actually start evaluating statements for truth, and that's a bridge too far.
I love how flat earthers went from "pictures from the moon are fake" to "look at these high altitude pictures".
If there's no curve on the Earth, why can't you see New York from the Rockies?
See examples in the replies...
So, you're saying that all it would take to make you stop spouting this garbage is a picture from a balloon with the sun overhead?
And you all assume the exact opposite of what "the establishment" says. Equally stupid.
The whole narrarive here is bullshit.
We're supposed to think that people having student loans they can't pay off is the problem, but why can't they pay them off?
Seems to me that, if 50yos still haven't paid off their debt, the Universities are offering an inferior product and/or these loans are being issued without due diligence.
Instead of paying off student debt, we should raise admission standards to reduce the number of students needing loans and require a minimum SAT score to qualify for loans. That way only students with high academic aptitude get support for school and parents that want their kids to be run through the diploma mill regardless can pay for it themselves.
No, I'm super grateful that this post has outed the obvious bad faith actors who try to hold the untenable "flat Earth" hypothesis to the same level of credibility as something like MKUltra or the Great Reset, things we have actual evidence for.
Only a fool looks at the sky, the literal opposite direction, to study the shape of the ground....
It's called "topology" and, yes, you can make many predictions about it based on how external objects interact.
For example: if the Earth were a flat disc, and you put a light above the disc, anywhere, it would be visible anywhere on the disc.
If the Earth were a globe, and you have a light at some distance, there will be a point closest to the light, and a circle centered on that point will represent the barrier past which the light is no longer visible due to it being blocked by the curvature of the globe.
It's pretty obvious you're talking out of your ass here...
JIDF forum sliding be like...
Cameras are designed by Big Photo to change how stars work and thus fool people...
Trump was not on board with the lockdowns, and every time he was forced to go along with them, he became enraged and lashed out at Birx – the person he believed was forcing him.
Man, Trump really turned out to be a little bitch, didn't he?
Anyone else remember that time lenders gave out no-down-payment mortgages to people who couldn't afford it, then they all defaulted, and the banks hid the bad mortgages in investment "vehicles" to spread them around the economy, and then it caused a global recession in 2008, and Obama gave said banks $700 billion dollars because they were "too big to fail"?
Wonder what they're doing these days?
I would never take seriously a story sourced entirely from TikTok...
I'm doing the opposite; it's time to point these people, who will suffer more than purebloods, at their true enemy.
If we don't rise now, we never will.
Me: Well that's a perfectly reasonable statement for a parent to make.
Checks name...
Eh, he's no messiah, I don't put much faith in him. It's interesting to see the Conservatives finally wake up, but it's a bit too little, too late. And Jean fuckin' Charest, the actual Liberal, got second? Whatever...
The fact is, we won't make it to another election. They'll be bringing mandates any time now. If Canadians accept it, after all the bullshit they've pulled, we've had it.