No idea what you're getting at. Yes I didn't vote for Zion Don. I'm wondering whether they are trying to use him as a hero or villain.
Sometimes it seems like a hero setup they are giving him. But with this Tate thing, it is a villain arc they are setting up.
The stage is set for the Beast (US Empire) to turn on the whore riding it. That doesn't mean the end of evil though, as there is more to Revelation than that.
If you remember my name maybe you would also remember I'm one of the biggest critics of Trump here.
It has been said that officials in the Trump administration put pressure on Romania to allow Tate to travel abroad. So far no direct denials of this from the administration.
They are hopping on that bandwagon pretty late. People have been replacing support with chatbots for several years already.
But companies not run by idiots still make sure to have a team of real people to handle support.
I know, I can't forget about that. But MotB is not here yet I would say.
I have every confidence the Lord will allow things to unfold in a way that good men can continue to provide for their families and that we won't need to live our lives in anxiety.
Your title omitted the important "My opinion is..." which completely changes the spirit of it (no pun intended).
Here's the real question. Is Bibi Netanyahu "pissing his pants" over Trump? Maybe with glee. And what country rides the USA like a beast?
I'm not trying to sound condescending, but I can confidently say that one day you will see what I'm saying and that it is right. I am that confident in my assessment of Trump.
I think Elon is a transhumanist too.
You're almost starting to get the point then. Gee, Trump hangs out with transhumanist technocrats, he attends their conferences and praises their leaders, he pushes for 5G and 6G and mRNA jabs. Hmmmm maybe I could draw a conclusion here about Trump also? Maybe Democrat / Republican labels don't matter very much when they are all technocrats.
Democrats? Or is it the Techocrats?
I'm in favor of being skeptical of current narratives. But here's my thesis:
Regarding inflation: we are running huge deficits and the only way this government will pay them off is by decreasing the value of outstanding loans (by decreasing the purchasing power of the US dollar).
We have a bubble based economy. It goes from one mania to the next. Real estate had it's over-exuberance. Crypto has reached absurd levels. Technology stocks (AI especially) have reached their highs. Warren Buffet is holding more cash than ever (he represents the smart money). When the air comes out of those bubbles and people are disillusioned I predict a return to safe havens and that bubble already began last year in gold. That was driven mainly by central banks (smart money) and if true there could be another leg of the average person jumping on the band wagon (as people like to do).
Personally I think the gold bubble might take the momentum as the other's deflate.
Or maybe I'm wrong. I don't care all that much. At most I might lose 1/3 of my networth in the short term, but if I bet right maybe I double it. It's a fun game to play.
Do you care about the truth or just slandering people you don't know (me)?
It's not ad hom, sir, it's calling out bad practice. Citing that rag is bad practice. They've changed their name twice in just a few years because they keep burning their reputation. Formerly "News Punch", formerly "Your News Wire".
Nothing worse than enemies pretending to be friends.
To hell with Alan Dershowitz and f*ck "The People's Voice". The problem is disinfo rags are used to lead people away from the truth, who might otherwise listen. That "news outlet" has changed it's name twice in just a few years. You know why they do that? Because they ruin their reputation posting lies and want to gain back credibility.
No doubt Dershowitz is part of the pedo club. I just hate these disinfo rags. They only serve as debunking material to lead people away from the truth.
"The People's Voice" is garbage.
Not the end of the world, for those who don't get suckered into buying at the top. Some people would have us believe housing prices (and stock prices) only go up. They love to say "think of what you could have made buying 3 years ago, you don't want to miss out on the next 3 years!" etc.
Unsustainable. Next few years will be stagflation and correction.
It's a built in blackmail mechanism in "the club" and to those who worship money / power just the cost of doing business. They willingly give their children over to Molech. And they brain wash the kids to think it is normal, or when they complain they are punished, just as in the "Children of God" cult.
Ultimately these DC parasites pay their kids off with money, and financial security for life, with the other side of the coin being threats of an untimely demise if they speak out against the cult. And if they can get them compromised too with criminal activity, of course they will.
This video details the practices from a cult survivor, and it mirrors what we see with Biden.
She states the adults had free reign to abuse other people's kids and rape was common. It reminds me of these parents just letting their children be groped by Biden. Just the cost of doing business in D.C.
If he did die, I'm sure he's with the Lord now. He was doing God's work and died a hero's death.
There is a download button within Odysee. Just open the video url in a new tab and it should be there under the video somewhere.
This is definitely not financial advice, and I'm not saying buy or sell anything.
Personally, I'm going to bet on a surge in retail demand as stagflation continues to unfold in the USA and real estate declines. The average investors invest after the price has already gone up and the mainstream media starts hyping up the trend, so I'm interested to see how things play out.
Not really.