how quickly inflation will eat our savings
In the short term things like this can happen. But if we are talking over 40-60 years historically there will be booms (and busts) to take advantage of if you don't give up. Yes they screwed us on pension / Social Security, that's why I don't plan on them.
I can only speak from my life experience, but when it came to my finances a lot of it was self imposed. Even after getting sober, I stayed in college longer than I should have, and didn't immediately chase money after graduation. Not to mention getting chronic illness from a bad vegetarian diet.
So much dumb crap I did, and still by God's grace I was able to grind enough to get into a good career. Would not wish those mistakes on my kids though.
But still, at what point in history could you make a living online as a skilled worker? It's a blessing, and there are still opportunities in this world. Even as it may be going to literal hell (but then again, it may not be yet).
I'm with you on that. I plan to always work on something. Likely writing in my old age. People who lack that attitude can end up drinking their lives away.
No, I'm a Millennial who despite f-ing up in his early years is still on track for retirement without needing social security. So if someone who screwed up that badly can do it (I screwed up high school and became a homeless addict after graduation), this generation has the wrong mindset.
Though, given that we seem to be entering end times rather quickly, I'm not so sure planning for retirement is even needed. Just go all in for the Lord.
Can't be mad at them staying in the workforce when people will also complain if they retire too early and are a burden on social security.
Yes they are a weaker, more liberal generation than their parents, but sour grapes is a waste of time. Especially when this current generation are the weakest faggots yet.
If you can work 60 years with nothing to show for it, that's mostly a you problem.
Jumped around to 21:15, and it is "wormholes" and "spacetime". That's all I needed to hear, I'm out!
This video is worth a watch. After skipping the music video near the beginning, it's just good info on the coming (basically current) deception.
Hmmm. Give people Einstein's theories that are sort of right, but don't actually work when applied properly (leading people in circles). Use Tesla's work in secret and advance that technology for 50+ years. Stage fake alien / replacement god psyop.
You sound like an entitled brat. Nobody owes you anything.
The L-1A nonimmigrant classification enables a U.S. employer to transfer an executive or manager from one of its affiliated foreign offices to one of its offices in the United States.
For all L-1A employees, requests for extension of stay may be granted in increments of up to an additional two years, until the employee has reached the maximum limit of seven years
Are they really using this more than H1B? Doesn't sound like it, but I guess it is possible.
Two different effects. Effects due to different gravitational potential and effects due to velocity.
You're conflating the two. SR deals with velocity and not acceleration.
They use half of what SR would call for, thus invalidating SR by omission.
Relativists try to justify the asymmetry in time dilation by saying "orbit is non-inertial and SR deals with inertial frames". That also invalidates the original argument then.
"Your truth" is the truth. Because, spacetime.
Spacetime is the fabric of the universe that somehow knows your relative velocity to something stationary and then changes reality only for you.
I don't know if relativity -- or at least its popular adoption -- was some plot to lead people away from real science (as Alan Watt used to say) or if in fact it is a purely cult like phenomena, but either way seeing the absurd conclusions relativists come up with continues to amaze me.
In this video science youtuber Veritsium tells us that magnetism is a product of length contraction.
Let's be real. China is an f-ed up authoritarian regime and they are subjugating dissidents ruthlessly.
You know maybe God didn’t want you to find a wife there or even now. Have you ever considered that possibility?
Yes sure. But He could use EMF to do it, doesn't have to be some miracle or magical burger sauce.
You have allergies?🤧 it’s not uncommon for libido to be effected by immune disturbances
I just know my rhythm well and I've dealt with low grade allergies for a long time. A low grade sinus infection is basically equivalent to stubbing my toe, it doesn't even amount to real sickness. I rinse with some saline solution, have some vitamin C and iodine and keep moving like normal.
It's fine if this doesn't look convincing from the outside, I don't blame anyone from that. But I'm sharing my experience because it was so remarkable to me.
I've heard you make this argument about Lorenz tranformations, and perhaps you're right, but the way I learned about them was that they were ad hoc fixes to Lorentz's ether theory with respect to the Michelson-Morely-Experiment. They require that the preferred frame is the ECI (Earth Centered Inertial) frame, and tell us that somehow length can physically contract and time can "dilate" when moving relative to this frame, which presumably carries the ether wind.
I haven't read the original papers from Lorentz, so this is all second hand. But that explanation made sense to me and forms part of my narrative on relativity as I understand it.
Part 2:
Either this was from EMF or they are spraying something. I still say EMF because the effect dissipated so quickly once I was in another place. A sprayed chemical would likely linger for days or longer.
I even did deadlifts in my first weight lifting session in the city. Anytime I do a full body exercise or leg day my T surges the next day. It's like clockwork. But not that time. Even if I'm at a calorie deficit that day, it doesn't matter, it works.
It just doesn't make sense that a low grade sinus infection (of which I've seen many) would shut me down so much reproducitvely, but not in any other way. I could still get my work done, I wasn't overly sleepy, I still felt like going outside and exercising. But my normal desire for sex was just gone.
Nonsense. Nothing they could do would completely chelate out the zinc of beef.
Not grass fed, but I never eat grass fed anymore since I can barely find it. Counter argument rejected.
Imagining things that fundamentally could not be built (like Turing machine) to prove or disprove something is just a scam.
Einstein was found of thought experiments. I think that is part of the problem with relativity.
Don't you dare say "our religion" you Jew troll. You don't even resemble a person trying to be Christian.
You JDF guys really need to step up your game. I can't wait until your false Messiah Trump turns on you.
Seems to be an increase in new trolls here. JDF perhaps.
Fools will always laugh at truth before it is later accepted. By all means wait for your double blind placebo controlled study, and keep sterilizing yourself.
Reference to his work outside of Youtube.
He looks into Jesuits but is not pro-Jew either. Pretty balanced.