They already are showcasing their wish for self-spreading vaccines or ones that can be delivered by food. I mean who cares about informed consent nowadays.
After you do that just call that force "The Base", but spice it up by using Arabic translation to make it truly exotic.
Haven't you learned? You just have to change definitions and labels and problem solved.
Coke vs Pepsi
Don't worry, they'll have public warming centers where you can keep calm and shiver for ukraine while reading BBC headlines and instructions.
More of the same? She's part of Aspen group. Just another extension like Curt Richter and his rat drowning/treading experiment.
“Whenever I saw a model of the lunar module, it had these rigid sides and [it] really looked strong. Turns out that external portions of the lunar module are made up of Mylar and cellophane and it’s put together with Scotch tape and staples. We had to have pads on the floor ‘cause if you dropped a screwdriver, it would go right through the floor.” – Jim Lovell, Astronaut (Gemini 7, Gemini 12, Apollo 8, Apollo 13)
Babies first AP like story.
Corbett report had to make a recent video just because people don't understand the business model. It's not surprising at all especially when controlling society comes into play.
Can't wait for digital ID and forced carbon credits and UBI. It is every citizen's final duty to go into the recycling tanks and become one with all the people.
Woman moment
Wait until you find what swabs are gassed with.
Her also would call out Jesuits like the priest that was shilling for open borders and he called him out that they can lie. Next day he had a drive by on his house.
Jesuit involvement as well. Also, look into Operation Aerodynamic.
Funny how they couldn't find any fingerprints or DNA of the shooter in the car he supposedly used and was a anorexic twig that could carry all that gear.
Blaming the victim, nice.
I'll pass on choosing between two sides of the same shekel.
Cities already doing it for GRIDpox.
Capital is full of fascist and Catholic symbols.
But geoengineering is conspiracy....
Holds up spork.
So any counterpoint or just lol no?
I am, so what now? It's all hidden harmful greedy bullshit.
Guess you missed the programmer of the voting machines testify in court he was paid to rig them so that one could easily win. Hint, this occurred for Bush in Florida.