That isn't the Iron Cross you fucking cretin.
Not surprised that you believe this bullshit propaganda story. You have to be a special kind of retarded to believe Russki propaganda.
You made that claim 9 months ago and see where we are right now.
As predicted, no explanation at all.
You are even more ignorant and dumber than the cretins I usually talk to about this topic.
You have literally no knowledge of this. None whatsoever.
Seriously, this is a whole new level of empty-headedness.
Holy shit, how do you even get through the day?
"Canadian Covid Care Alliance"
Claims to have all kinds of scientists in their ranks.
Not a single person named on the site.
Just another grift.
Axo, you really have a talent for finding these covid grifter sites with no credentials who popped up in the last few months and all ask for money.
I explained it to you
You did not explain fucking anything.
- How do you introduce it?
- How do you deal with added value?
Was your answer to 2 "just deflate the value of gold"? Is that it?
"Almost everyone who got the covid vaccine in the 2020s is dead. Who is laughing now, vaxxers?"
That's a lot of words just to say "I pretend to know but I will not explain it".
You think that deflation is a good thing?
Here's an important video
How about a proper article that explains the mechanism and how you even came up with the idea?
Anyone with even a basic understanding of how currencies work knows that a modern economy cannot be backed by a gold-backed currency.
It is literally impossible.
If you disagree please explain:
- How do you introduce it?
- How do you deal with added value? Mine more gold? Conjure more gold up out of this air? No advocate of a gold backed currncy has ever been able to explain this point.
I can smell your stale sweat and piss bottles.
yeah, din't think that any of you dumb fucks would be able to substantiate that claim
ah, so op is probably just a fat landwhale who doesn't like to be told that his lifestyle is unhealthy
I think you misunderstood the question
Implying that there was some court-mandated gag order that prevented government officials to make statements about the trial
When all that happened was a lawyer requesting it which means nothing. Lawyers can request whatever the fuck they want, that is not binding to anyone.
What "die off" are you talking about exactly?
Got some actual numbers?
So, how did the judge answer?
lawyer asks
Well, what was the answer from the judge?
Funny how all you idiots can show is the REQUEST by the lawyer and not the ANSWER from the judge.
I wonder why that is the case.
Holy fuck this is fucking hilarious. You fell right into the trap but I already knew you would.
You dumb clown didn't even read this, did you?
The request was filed the same day President Donald Trump replied, “I just wish her well, frankly,” when questioned about Maxwell.
So, the request was filed AFTER Trump wished her well.
And there is no mention that the request was actually APPROVED.
I'd like to see a source for that
If you are not obese, you are usually more healthy.
How is that a controversial fact?
Ordered sealed by whom? When?
Any source for that claim besides a twitter post?
you are not the target audience for the message so there is no need to dumb it down so that barely literate people can also understand it.
Why stealth change?
It's a public lab alert. How is that a "stealth change"?
Countdown until COVID disappears:
Yeah, by Easter, like a miracle, remember?
Then right after the election, remember?
Then after the inauguration, remember?
2 more weeks!
Russia seems to be full of Nazis. They should be denazified.