by DrLeaks
TheyLiveSunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

By waiting until the next big news story to eclipse the revelation.


(Also Chauvin died)"

TheyLiveSunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed completely.

Capitalism's greatest weakness is a wealthy entity that no longer cares making money, and we have no protection against that.

TheyLiveSunglasses 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish our representatives weren't so fucking stupid, such as the example given in the article.

"Women are women!"

Yeah, duh. How about,

"Gender theory is an unfalsifiable ideology with no observable scientific foundation aside from the BELIEF its followers hold. They are free to believe it, and everyone else, including the government, is free to ignore them."

Their beliefs have no more reason to be codified than the beliefs of people who think Santa Claus is real.

TheyLiveSunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody would have ever guessed the damage it would cause to give so much of our West coast to one state government.

California is China's gateway into America. Due to the inordinate voting and financial power this allows California, they sway the entire country to become more and more reliant on China, all while China gets its roots in us.

Has anyone every wondered why China outwardly encourages racial division and other culture war topics through their control of our corporations... all while banning these things in their own country?

TheyLiveSunglasses 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe they cleaned her up because people would accuse them of propaganda if they let her keep walking around looking like a broken rape victim?

It's not like they have any incentive to fake a rescue. The propaganda machine would have benefited much more from finding the brutalized body of a missing soldier.

TheyLiveSunglasses 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, I'm saying Hamas drives civilian cars.

Destroying a "civilian" car is not the same as killing civilians.

TheyLiveSunglasses 1 point ago +1 / -0

The type of healthcare doesn't matter. You know insurance companies are salivating and wringing their hands at the thought of medically executing their "expensive" customers.

As usual, America wins out because of the 2nd Amendment. Nobody wants to cross that line, because they know what will happen if they do.

TheyLiveSunglasses -2 points ago +3 / -5

When Hamas was driving down Israel streets, gunning down civilians, they were in "civilian" cars.