TheChillConservative 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because they failed to make omicron scary enough in the public eye. People see it’s not lethal at all and they have to backtrack on the name to leave the door open to fear again in everyone’s mind.

by pkvi
TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

What’s the backstory here?

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks a lot for the response. I always think it's best to hear ALL arguments with a healthy dose of skepticism, even the ones you think to be factual. Had a high school teacher who preached "don't take my word for it, not your parents, not Fox News, not CNN... etc, read everything, do your own research, try to get as close to the SOURCE as possible, and make up you own mind.". Everyone needs their own assumptions and perspectives to be challenged and doing so in a constructive, open, and uncensored way is the only route to the truth.

So thanks for engaging. To be honest, all of that "evidence" I was pointing out here came from the movie Zeitgeist and the raw footage they included (the pictures of the beams cut, very shady "scripted" looking interviews, firefighters describing the "foundry" of molten steel, the basement workers describing the explosions far prior to the actual collapse).

Maybe you could rewatch that chapter of the movie if you wanted a refresher on what I'm referring to. In the meantime, I'll see if I could find any raw footage or images myself. The way the movie presented the "facts" left no doubt in my mind that this was not something that could be accomplished by a group of self-trained terrorists without a lot of inside (gov alphabet agencies) help. Too many "coincidences" and lack of transparency.

This is what the real people in charge do though, chum/muddy the waters and push and pull different narratives to the point that no one is ever able to distinguish fact from fiction. A very scary thought. That's why I think it's important to keep questioning everything and not be complacent in accepting anything as fact.

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, thank you for the thorough response man. I will certainly have to look more into all of that but on the surface, unless you are a top tier bull-shitter, it sounds like you know your stuff.

I personally know jack about those reactions and technical factors in controlled demolition but it was an attractive theory along with the support of the Fairbanks study and the claims saying the parameters for the 9/11 commission report have never been able to be duplicated in any independent studies attempting to recreate the event.

Some things I would be curious about your take on in order to attempt to discredit the Zeitgeist movie further if you don't mind taking a crack? Because it sounds like you are knowledgeable and level headed and you're the first person I've encounter who might have facts/ sound theories to back it up.

  1. The basement workers claims of getting blown to shit in the lower levels of the building like a bomb went off. People dying, getting thrown to the ceiling, wall, etc.

  2. The images of the perfectly angled cuts in the supporting beams.

  3. The "rivers" of molten steel within the rubble that looked like a foundry according to the firefighters.

4 The clearly scripted phony interviews with talking points built in given by "witnesses" with those handlers standing behind them.

  1. Reports of tower 7 collapsing before it even happened

  2. Tower 7 collapsing perfectly like a controlled demo via "debris that started a fire".

  3. The free fall speeds that don't support the pancake style collapse (the top layers failing and at least encountering some interference to slow the collapse)

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you haven’t watched “Zeitgeist” I highly recommend it. It gets into all of these questions you raise. Also, there was thermite and direct evidence that explosions took place based on survivor interviews. Have you seen the film I’m referring to? I think it would be very informative to you.

by pkvi
TheChillConservative 4 points ago +4 / -0

Any way to appeal to another judge to overturn?

TheChillConservative 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don’t know if the actual act was orchestrated necessarily but the media’s ability and effort to spin anything into a “white supremacy”/“hate crime” issue despite the killer stating his motive (and his background backing it up), the list of victims, and every crime statistic available saying otherwise proves they have a clear and defined objective.

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any links for those kind of claims/encounters by early explorers? Seems like a really interesting topic.

TheChillConservative 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't a recent University of Alaska(?) study just confirm that it is scientifically certain that the freefall speeds must have been triggered via some sort of a controlled demolition and not fires? That the official reasoning in the 9/11 reports is literally impossible to replicate in any way shape or form?

Yep, Fairbanks:


Do you have any response to these findings?

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

Insane that this Covid scare has been able to have its grip on the world for so long. Very sad and alarming that even in the face of indisputable numbers and facts, the media can maintain control over peoples thoughts and actions.

This is a great straight forward, cool, calm, and collected video laying out the facts and evidence. Thank you for sharing.

TheChillConservative 2 points ago +2 / -0

In for the long ride as well. $BB to the Moon as well. Cheers to everyone else who hops on board.

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