TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m too stupid to understand how something happened, therefore it didn’t happen

Thanks, discussion over. You’ve conceded the argument.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Literally no. You know nothing at all about me. You’re physically incapable of defending your claims so you attack anyone who calls them out and demands information you can’t provide rather than actually defending them.

The white man went to the Moon. Nothing you say or do will ever change this. The white man harnessed nuclear fission and fusion. Nothing you say or do will ever change this. The white man invented rocketry. Nothing you say or do will ever change this. The white man has arrayed the greatest show of force this planet has ever seen. Only by insidious means has it decayed in the first place.

But get this, shlomo. It had to exist in the first place to have something from which to decay.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck. Is. Your. Argument. We have hard physical evidence that the missions and their launching systems exist. It’s not possible to question this. You have nothing to add. Military fund embezzlement comes from inflated prices, not by not doing what is claimed to be done, because you can’t fucking hide “not doing” this.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1


Fuck off. You failed. You don’t even comprehend how reality itself works. You cannot hold these discussions.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it’s 100% off because it’s a completely different argument.

TallestSkil -2 points ago +2 / -4


You have conceded the argument. Your position on this matter is dismissed.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you think rockets ready to launch on a moments notice can sit in silos for 50 years without maintenance?

No, which is why our entire arsenal is literal fucking junk. That’s what happens when you embezzle funds from whites and give it to nonwhites.

Yet we can sends thousands of them on a moments notice with the turn of a key?

That’s how computer networks connected to rockets work, yeah. Did you think the Internet was created to give you pleasure? It was a DARPA project from the beginning solely to allow this technology to happen.

with no crew, or pre-flight buildup.

The idea is that they’re kept flight-ready constantly, with only the act of fueling before launch to be determined by command at DEFCON 1. They’re not, but they used to be.

Does that sound even remotely believable?

Yes. You’ve yet to give any legitimate explanation for how it’s not physically possible, given that every individual aspect of the system as described is physically possible.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m literally a kid

Ah, that explains why you’re so vehemently wrong about things. You’ll learn.

everybody in my church is a bunch of hypocrites

Probably. And this somehow magically means that God doesn’t exist? Because you’re bad?

the abrahamic religions

Don’t exist.

we are some sort of genetic experiment.

lol, by whom? God?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on an imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. It’s going to explicitly release real data, with citations, directly from a source. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… FIVE ENTIRE YEARS early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? FIVE ENTIRE YEARS of waiting is FIVE ENTIRE YEARS to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 75 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Even if Q-LARP is a real “organization” of a sort, everything it says points to the action as being nothing more than “Part A of the ZOG wants to do something Part B of the ZOG doesn't.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about during said martial law? Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend FIVE ENTIRE YEARS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening around the world, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 75 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, it is real, why is Donald Trump no longer in power and his entire legacy destroyed for all eternity? If Donald Trump is magically the “shadow emperor,” why is every government policy being put into force a direct contradiction of what Q-LARP says it supports?
TallestSkil 15 points ago +16 / -1


You mean income tax. We had dozens of taxes before 1913. That’s literally how we funded those things.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

the Abrahamic religions

Don’t exist.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do you really believe your literal paid shilling is going to be believed just because you spammed it 6,000,001 times? Your buzzwords reveal you for what you are. Fuck off. It didn’t work.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +6 / -3

tips fedora

You built your beliefs on fundamentally incorrect premises and then burned a strawman based on them. No wonder you don’t understand.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +4 / -3

Because the claimed numbers have always been too high.

In what respect?

How long did it take them to make just 2 bombs for the end of world war 2? And then suddenly we have enough plutonium for thousands?

That’s how economies of scale work. Aluminum used to cost more than gold. Then we learned how to find it, mine it, and refine it. Radioactive deposits weren’t of any use until they had one.

Just as impossible as traveling through the van allen belt.


TallestSkil 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why would you assume that current incompetence means past impossibility?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why should I believe this any more than I believe the results of the election itself? Specifically, why should I care what someone who betrayed and abandoned everyone who ever supported him has to say on any topic?

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I forget who it was, but yeah, someone here said that when I finally got him backed into a corner with his ludicrous inverse-COVID narrative.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

It said in a different thread that it supports children being allowed to watch adult porn. No one but actual child rapists thinks this is acceptable.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

That’s it? Well, 1.493 billion to go in a year and a half for that one moron’s “prediction” to be right!

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