TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

I can see you know nothing about the temporality of power. People who hold power by means other than the natural order are in perpetual fear of its loss. They must constantly guard against external natural forces that will undo their control. Active measures have to be taken in order to claim and retain it.

But once they have it, their greatest fear is change. The jews want the fulfillment of the prophecies in their holy book. They’re also the most patient of all the human subspecies. As soon as the social needle moves even slightly in the way they want on a single metric that will lead to the fulfillment of one of their Talmudic precepts, they lock it down hard. for them, it’s enough that something is happening. Speed is rarely an issue. If it spreads of its own accord after the initial push, that’s great. They’ll take it. But if things move too quickly, it can cause unwanted change. So they’re perfectly willing to “work against” their own desires in order to shore up gains they’ve already made.

See: every single political party and media organization in the West. Half are controlled opposition for the others. They exist to give the goyim a psychological outlet for their desires to “pull back” from what jews want, all the while never reverting any changes that have already been made. This is also where you get the delusional claim of “accelerationism.” Supposedly we can magically “damage” the system by helping the jews achieve their desired goals “too quickly.” The point is that they already have systems in place for when this happens. They’re perfectly able to arrest changes that are too quick (see: all stock market rules and regulations) and keep things moving on their inexorably slow course.

They certainly seem to want a global currency. They also pretty much have one already, given that the US dollar is the denomination for international trade. Before the U.S. dollar, they had the British Pound. Before the British Pound they had the Spanish Peso. They do this shit all the time. For centuries. They’re good at it. Any change to the system is entirely controlled.

This brings us to CBDCs. They’re not ready. Internet isn’t everywhere. Electricity isn’t reliable everywhere. “But they want us to die, so they don’t care!” No. They want their control to be unwavering. Loss of power—electrical—is wavering. Loss of Internet is wavering, because they would locally lose communications, as well. They can’t afford it. Even when they can, they don’t think they can due to their genetic paranoia.

They could declare the US dollar illegal right now. Today. “All bills and coins are no longer legal tender. Download the app to get your money.” 95% of the population would instantly comply and be willing to give their lives to slaughter the other 5%. You know, just like they are right now about dozens of other social, economic, and governmental topics. To jews, that’s not good enough. The 5% represents an uncertainty, and uncertainty can alter their level of control. They already control 100% of the population right now. Even if the entirety of the 5% would either eventually comply or simply be killed, that’s not good enough. They don’t give up ground. And why should they? They already own us.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Because they’re not objectively smart. Wow, I just saved however long the video is and prevented ad revenue from going to grifters.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts

you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute

you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings

you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said

you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said

you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said

you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews

you’re a jew because you want every jew on Earth exterminated

you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying

you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality

Thanks for proving me right every waking moment of your life.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[I lied about what you said but it’s not a strawman because… uh…]


what is it

Congratulations on not being literate.

everyone should be actively working on whatever they think is best

[personal opinions matter more than objective truth!]

Neat, you’ve already lost.

[personal attacks because he can’t provide any proof of his claims or refute anything I have said]

Thanks for proving me right every waking moment of your life. Good fucking god, it’s the same spam every single time no matter which one of you subhuman kikes does the spamming. Why do you think it’s not going to be noticed? YOU ARE NOT READING THE POSTS BEFORE REPLYING TO THEM. YOU ARE BRAIN DAMAGED.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

Which aren’t ready. So there’s no reason to destroy everything they built over the last three centuries.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

go do [strawman]

I’ll go do [things that are proven to never work]

Enjoy white genocide, dipshit shill.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +4 / -1

That would be good, so it won’t happen. Why would the currency ever collapse? They control everything. Their replacement isn’t ready. Nothing will happen.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

you have neither of those

Funny how you can’t distinguish between what we have and what we don’t. Imagine thinking the government has the real power…

Keep screaming into the void. They’ll still kill you as a reward for helping them.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[literally not even reading]

Cool, thanks for proving me right.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

the most technologically advanced military the world

lol. lmao, even.

The direct kinetic war against the federal government advocated for regularly by fedposters cannot possibly ever be successful.

Every war in the last 60 years proves you wrong.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oh well. Doesn’t matter.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally don't think violence is tenable path

Then you’ve already lost and white genocide is complete. You’re psychotic. There are exactly zero other options.

Be careful with the anti-capitalism stuff.

Hence why we need a definition before being able to discuss “capitalism.”

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk about that if you're born into a shell game is it your fault?

I know; I wrestle with that a lot. Our knowledge confers us with a duty to act. We refuse to. But the situation we’ve been handed wasn’t our fault; it was the fault of our ancestors–who didn’t act. Do we blame them? The living or just the dead? Does blaming them–and acting against them–serve the purposes of our true enemies? Or is it a necessary sub-act, like applying suction to remove the loose blood impeding your vision during surgery.

We live in one of most abundant times in history when it comes to Maslow's hierarchy of needs

I prefer Max-Neef’s. He’s not a jew, for one. I feel our thinking needs not be clouded by their interpretation of existence.

but there's an underlying false scarcity by the nature of the national religion Capitalism.

Tentative agreement with the statement, provided we concur not to pin down the definition of the word ‘capitalism’ until there’s agreement upon it.

even us speaking about this is a strike against the system that binds us all, however miniscule

Yes. I just wish it mattered.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think if the people of the world collectively realized these people we ALLOW to do things in our names

I talk about “victim blaming” from time to time. Are we the victims? We aren’t. Us, here. That’s unquestionable. We’re aware and we still allow it. That’s not victimhood; it’s complicity. The 95% of the population either objectively too retarded or simply ignorant of what’s going on? They’re the victims. Not us. Our complicity means we’re the ones victimizing.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once upon a time, different countries didn’t intrinsically hate each other.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hate isn’t the opposite of love. It’s the inverse. The opposite of love is obliviousness. Not knowing and therefore not caring. I don’t care what jewish media has to tell me. It is intrinsically and unequivocally false, and the conclusions they wish me to draw can only lead to my ruin. Hatred is attention and leads the reader into a dichotomous trap of belief.

Politico gets nothing from me, as they are incapable of telling the truth.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

Made more what, coward.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you willfully have a defeatist attitude?

No, it’s a consequence of all available data for the last 80 years. We don’t have a choice in accepting truth.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, it’s just that no one, anywhere, will ever do anything about any of this, so the continued assault upon us from the media is only an act of psychological torture and humiliation, akin to that practiced by the Ottoman Empire to their newly-conquered regions.

The articles should stop being posted, is what I’m saying.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

how would you know

It’s experimentally verifiable, whereas your paid shilling is not.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I already prove earth is not a ball.

Didn’t happen. Run along, paid shill.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[still no argument at all]


The Earth is not flat. Nothing you have said is true. You are physically incapable of replying to anything anyone here has said. You cannot answer any questions about your claimed beliefs. You have no substantiation for your claims. All you can do is spam personal attacks. Reported.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +4 / -3

No, this is just how nonwhites behave.

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