I have no idea why the site owner refuses to block the wee.so domain, despite being enthusiastic about blocking the 200+ other link shortening domains I’ve reported to him. So this subhuman third world faggot continues spamming with a new account every single fucking day.
ZH has been ContOp since they started banning anyone who named the jew. This is self evident.
Oh, you mean a negative image anti vaccination campaign. I dunno… I don’t think they ran it. They always wanted people to take vaccines. Without the preceding campaign, we would have seen 90% compliance easily.
You claiming that is not true, means you have evidence to the contrary.
I claimed it’s irrelevant. You’ll have to provide evidence that the ZOG needs people to believe this specific thing (which is your positive claim) in order to do something to us.
Yeah, there was no huge weird 'anti vaxx' rethoric being fed and soaking well into the population for a whole decade before COVID ever came around
And… it didn’t work, because 80% of the population took the shots… and everyone obeyed martial law.
Do you have any evidence of the contrary?
- It’s a positive claim you’ve made; you have to provide the evidence. I don’t have to prove a negative.
- The last century of human history, wherein the gold standard was removed from every nation on Earth and gold confiscation happened in the United States and absolutely no one did a single fucking thing to stop it.
Can you make examples of how the ordinary man sees cash as something adjacent, by default, to immorality or criminality?
Not relevant. The ordinary man didn’t see vaccines as necessary to continuing to be allowed to remain alive, or go to work, or to leave his house… until he was explicitly told this by the media, just once.
The only thing a CBDC requires is the media telling people “Cash is now illegal. Go to the bank to get your CBDC card or you will starve to death.” and they will immediately comply.
we aren't at that point with cash.
Hmm. Do you have any evidence of this?
Yeah, absolutely. If you don’t have an independent source of clean water, you need to get one, pronto, or at least a stockpile of a year’s worth of the materials needed to make water clean.
The answer is yes, regardless of the situation. Don’t sweat it too much. Stacking food is more important at this point…
Oh yes, how silly of me. It will be deemed racist to question anyone’s acceptance of foreign funding from any nation which is non-white, and since jews are already not considered white under US law…
“Only a capitalist pig would be against bank bailouts.” ~ commie talking point this October
Cool, so you’ll do absolutely fucking nothing about it whatsoever, then? Because you sure as shit don’t care about funding from Israel.
Funny, they don’t look jewish…
What infrastructure isn’t ready? The public will literally commit suicide if the media tells them to. They don’t need inflation or devaluation anymore.
I don’t see why not. They own every bank on Earth. They can do anything they please at any time.
You are forbidden from posting your Q-LARP spam here. Go back to your containment board.
Yeah, I fucking hate autocorrect doing that every time I’m trying to talk about the Haavara Agreement.
Jewish folk hold grudges
Fun fact: already happened decades ago.
Translation: There will be a federal bailout for Silicon Valley Bank.
You’re missing the point I’m raising.
Why would they do something their owners don’t want them to do?
But… how can you correct for that? Aging increases your risk of death over time.
What did national socialists ever do to you? These are communists who want to exterminate you from the face of the Earth.
Any questions?
Are you going to start shooting people? If not, how do you expect to ever stop any of this?
A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself.
Good ol’ selfism.
It reeeeeeeally isn’t. We don’t have anywhere near the capacity to provide for even a single tiny third world nation, never mind ourselves or the world.
This is, of course, true, and exactly what they will do when it happens.