SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many hours on average do you spend producing the song? What percentage of the process is automated?

Edit: If I remember correctly, you have an active bitchute channel. I forgot to bookmark it.

SystemGay 3 points ago +4 / -1

You are acting like that suicide truth shlomo or that mad use-good-data miga. Having problem with my content? Post better content and put mine to shame. Getting triggered much? Get the mod involved and I am sure he will do something about it, if he is half as aggressive as the kike admin. Still going no where? You can always downvote and move on, you know. Votes mean nothing in a community where half of the users are kikes or miga followers.

 35 Conspiracies 2023-08
 51 Conspiracies 2023-09
 52 Conspiracies 2023-10
 55 Conspiracies 2023-11
 19 Conspiracies 2023-12
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 13 Conspiracies 2024-02
 26 Conspiracies 2024-05
 29 Conspiracies 2024-07
 43 Conspiracies 2024-08
331 Conspiracies    NULL
331         NULL    NULL

  1 Conspiracies 2021-07
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 60 Conspiracies 2024-08
115 Conspiracies    NULL
  1         Meta 2021-04
  1         Meta 2021-08
  2         Meta    NULL
117         NULL    NULL

Even u/SuicideTruthbomber is becoming more proactive than you are. So, go ahead and post better content. Maybe I will start upvoting, too.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Full video:

Me​l K and Ro​sea​nn​e Ba​rr share their opinions and observations and their J​ew​is​h her​it​a​ge

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

MO​NK​EY​P​O​X TH​E CO​VE​R ST​OR​Y: In 2021 N​T​I pre​di​ct​s a la​bo​ra​to​ry en​gi​ne​ere​d va​cc​in​e re​sis​ta​nt Mo​nk​ey​po​x ou​tb​re​ak with 271 Mi​ll​io​n de​at​hs. This is a co​ve​ru​p for the fa​ta​li​ti​es of the Co​vi​d in​je​ct​ed. W​H​O is a cr​im​in​al or​ga​ni​za​ti​on le​d by Bi​ll Ga​te​s, Ro​ck​ef​el​le​rs and the We​ll​co​me Tr​us​t.

Du​st​in Mo​sk​ov​it​z sp​on​so​red the li​ve pa​nd​em​i​c si​mu​la​ti​on of the la​bo​ra​to​ry en​gi​ne​er​ed v​a​cc​in​e re​sis​tant Mo​nk​ey​po​x (M​po​x) ou​tb​re​ak with 3.2 Bi​ll​ion ca​se​s around the wo​rl​d and 271 mi​ll​io​n de​at​hs. He is the fo​un​de​r of Op​en Ph​il​an​th​ro​p​y and wants C​R​I​S​P​R ge​ne ed​it​in​g te​ch​no​lo​gy used on a​ll hu​ma​ni​ty.

ST​AT​EM​EN​T FR​OM N​T​I: We are gr​at​ef​ul to O​pe​n Ph​il​an​th​ro​p​y. The ex​er​ci​se and re​po​rt would not have been po​ss​ib​le wi​th​ou​t the​i​r ge​ne​ro​us su​pp​or​t.

Ex​ec​ut​iv​e Su​mm​ar​y:

In M​ar​ch 20​21, the N​uc​le​a​r T​hr​ea​t In​it​ia​ti​ve (N​T​I) pa​rt​ne​red with the Mu​ni​ch S​ec​ur​it​y C​on​fe​re​nc​e (M​S​C) to co​nd​uc​t a ta​bl​et​op ex​er​ci​se on re​du​ci​ng hi​gh-co​ns​eq​ue​nce b​io​lo​gi​ca​l t​hr​ea​ts. C​on​du​ct​ed vi​rt​ua​ll​y, the ex​er​ci​se ex​am​in​ed g​a​ps in na​ti​on​al and in​te​rn​at​io​na​l b​i​os​ec​ur​it​y and pa​nd​em​ic pr​ep​ar​ed​ness ar​ch​it​ec​tu​res and ex​pl​or​ed o​pp​or​tu​ni​ti​es to im​pr​ov​e ca​pa​bi​li​ti​es to pr​ev​en​t and re​sp​on​d to hi​gh-co​ns​eq​ue​nc​e bi​ol​og​ic​al ev​en​ts. Pa​rt​ic​ip​an​ts in​cl​ud​ed 19 se​ni​or le​ad​er​s and ex​pe​rt​s from ac​ro​ss A​fr​ic​a, the A​me​ri​ca​s, A​si​a, and E​ur​o​p​e with de​ca​des of co​mb​in​ed ex​per​ie​nc​e in pu​bl​i​c he​al​th, bi​ot​ech​no​lo​g​y in​du​st​ry, in​te​rn​at​io​na​l s​ec​ur​it​y, and p​hi​la​nt​hr​op​y.

The ex​er​ci​se sc​en​ar​i​o po​rt​ra​yed a de​ad​ly, g​lo​ba​l p​and​em​ic in​vo​lv​ing an un​us​ual st​ra​in of m​o​nk​ey​po​x v​ir​us that e​me​rg​ed in the fi​ct​io​na​l na​ti​on of B​ri​ni​a and sp​re​ad g​lo​ba​ll​y o​ver 18 m​on​th​s. U​lt​im​at​el​y, the ex​er​ci​se s​ce​na​ri​o r​ev​ea​le​d that the in​it​ia​l ou​tb​re​ak was c​au​se​d by a t​er​ro​ri​st at​ta​ck using a p​at​ho​g​en en​gi​ne​er​ed in a la​bo​ra​to​ry with i​na​de​qu​at​e b​i​os​af​et​y and b​i​os​ec​ur​it​y pr​ov​is​io​ns and we​ak ov​er​si​ght. By the e​n​d of the ex​er​ci​se, the fi​ct​io​na​l p​and​em​ic re​su​lt​ed in more than three bi​ll​io​n ca​se​s and 270 mi​ll​io​n fa​ta​li​ti​e​s wo​rl​dw​i​d​e.

SystemGay 5 points ago +5 / -0

it is a de​la​yed re​su​lt of the v​a​x​x, not a re​le​ase,,,, its a co​ve​r for the im​mi​ne​nt v​a​x mo​rt​al​it​y

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I have not caught up with your comments in that thread yet.

SystemGay 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was only added to distinguish the plot lines. It would be hard to tell without customized styling when plotting the top 50 items.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

NNN was an interesting case. The win/scored admins were monitoring the subreddit for months and preparing for the migration to c/NoNewNormal community. That did not happen the way the admins wanted it. There was a significant increase of the active users. But that number dropped off in a month and continued to decline in the next 5 months or so. Over 31.5% of the posts made during that period were deleted, which contributed to 72.5% of all deleted posts to this date.

If that community had public logs, we would be able to look at the specifics, such as why the mod removed tallest_skil's posts there.

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is only the love of truth in a higher consciousness that can overcome it.

If we try our best to stick to the Truth, we do not have to take the sides or the party line being pushed onto us.

SystemGay 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am not drinking the (((kool-aid))) or accepting the (((cult))). I will point out the shenanigans regardless of the "sides". And that includes the fake-and-gay assassination attempt or the genocidal Zionists promoted on (((TDW))).

SystemGay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agree, many people are still afraid to speak out in the open.

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