SiggotsMeAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you believe the government really does have our best interests at heart? Is that what you're saying?

SiggotsMeAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm torn on cigarettes.

Nicotine is an anti-viral and has been used for centuries all over the world.

The government don't care about us, so why ban smoking? I very much doubt that it's for our health.

Basically, whatever the government says, do the opposite and you'll likely be right.

by DrLeaks
SiggotsMeAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

Urgh... Too true.

by DrLeaks
SiggotsMeAgain 8 points ago +8 / -0

Most modern digital cameras can record video. Would be a shame if someone was to go against the rules and video the event.

SiggotsMeAgain 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's also quite obvious that r/Conspiracy is being overrun with shills and bots lately.

Way too many people quoting mainstream news to "disprove" what people are saying.

Many reasonable conspiracy related comments downvoted to hell almost immediately.

I recently started a new reddit account after getting doxxed on the old one and no matter what I can't get the mods to approve my new account so I can't comment there any more.

Reddit has been shit for a while and is getting worse and worse. Fuck that place.

SiggotsMeAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a retarded twitter comment.

OP seems to be retarded as well, given his post history.

Hey OP, try not to be such a retarded faggot.

SiggotsMeAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Notice how everything that isn't completely progressive is "offensive"?

The progressives/regressives want to protect "people" against offense. But the only people they want to protect from "offense" is the people that are on their side. They don't give a shit about the offense that normal people feel. Hell, they are even proud at the offense they give to normal/conservative people.

They don't care about being offensive to other people, it's all just an emotional lie.

"You misgendered her, how dare you cause her offense?"... Well I find the idea of calling a man a woman offensive. Does my offense matter? No? Then go fuck yourself!