Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I love Mexicans but the others, tbh, I don't know anything about them and have never met any.

Except a few Brazilians and 2 columbians. One young girl who had already had an AMAZINGLY skilled nose job. And the other, I couldn't figure out what race she was because she was basically white (we were chatting naked in the sauna lol) but she had an enormous butt. I finally realized that was a Brazilian buttlift implant thing. I'm not sure of the surgeon was unskilled or the nature of the implant just looks like crap. Just looked like a mutant.

Mexico has incredibly skilled plastic surgerons as well, you just have to go where the rich locals go.

But I have watched (what's that uncensored video archive with all the beheading and Mexican gang murders?? I should check it out and keep it to show the truth of their behavior)

I would say that the South American ethnotype is the most violently savage on the planet. Australian aboriginals may naturally eat their young but they are slow and low iq.

Africans can be very extreme, violent and scary but not quiet the unique savagery of South American Indians.

Arabs can be really violent and cruel, but for some reason they aren't as bad as Africans..... although I would accept a debate on that.

Asians have a weird hidden savagery. They seem to instinctively view life differently, people/animals as meat or not meat. And have regular calculated torture murders of animals.

Slavs are a bit savage, possibly from the Asian admixture.

I think south/north American Indians are just Asians that evolved to suit their environment (amazon, etc so very extreme) therefore they have a fair level of intelligence to their violence and ruthlessness. Look how bad the Indians were to the white settlers and other tribes. And the north American ones mixed with the original white people they found from the pre-clovis times, so they weren't quite as bad. (At least the ones they didn't torture kill and genocide).

You could call the South Americans turbo Asians.

The only ones on their level would be CIA/mossad/deep state. I don't know where they got their horrific savagery from. Maybe the corruption of unlimited power, tendency to promote psychos, and brainwashing. And jews are part asiatic.

by Asterix
Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

I've never really gotten into bitchute or too much online stuff.

Is bitchute automatically uploading videos to torrents so they can never be censored? Or is that megaldon or rumble or LBRY or DTube or Odysee? I swear there was one that gave you some type of crypto based on how popular videos were.

An auto upload the torrents/into block chains would be cool.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

I saw a mostly white big city become empty, especially after 5pm. It was basically deserted, not many lived there sdue to the prices and foreigner ownership.

And then a few years later it became jam packed full of NYC ghetto level dangerous black/brown people. With did they come from? Probably open borders and subversive immigration. They stared at me with hate and acted like they were going to run me off their 'territory' so I just keep walking.

I would assume the same will happen elsewhere.

Whites flee/are priced out of the cities, then come the violent underclass to take over the territory and create a huge increase in violent crime stats, which will be blamed on white people.

It's almost textbook and cliche at this point. Boring.

Redrum647 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wow, you started off nice but ended up really mean. He would never do that.

He seems like the diverse mentality that would give you the shirt off his back and actually be a pacifist. The opposite of a psychopath or narcissist.

He could have used his skills for wealth and evil.

Redrum647 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Who cares? It's quicker and more dignified than a slow torturous death or living under techno tyranny. The solar nova is coming anyway.

Redrum647 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah. The jews I've met have been pretty decent.

The gold business guy was super cheap but whatever.

Redrum647 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why are the slavs always sex slaves? Shouldn't they have developed a defense against it by now? Like been like thousands of years.

Yes, they are probably the most beautiful, but they need some kind of cultural / mind defense that makes them aware and guarded against this situations.

It's even more shocking because slavs have more intact families than the west. So they should be able to convey information.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh I have some info I think you would find interesting and useful but I don't want to put it out publicly. Can you dm me? Thanks

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's really interesting. Do you have a link to the one you had? I didn't know dali painted Quixote.

You are a unique person, you keep meeting these elite and yet stay impoverished.

Maybe you could somehow ask them to mentor you and guide you into gaining generational wealth. You to be likable to them. Or join the shiners.

Redrum647 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Did you see shows like Buffy the vampire? It's actually a typical plot line with the redhead/jews/witchcraft.

Willow, the redhead, started off coming from a family of somewhat strict jews. She was the 'nerd' of the group, super smart that was key to their success. She transformed in high school into super sexy. She also became the super powerful witch.

I think Buffy was supposed to be classic blonde American, scholastically dumb but strong.

Produced by a ginger named joss whedon, who was actually really talented as created Firefly, a fan classic.

But whedon recently got in trouble for problematic behavior, despite always being a vocal male feminist, with female leads. He really hated the buffy/angel woman who played character 'Cordelia' because she got pregnant and is catholic so she wouldn't abort. So he did her dirty on set.

I suspect whedon might be part Jewish.

What do you think really happened with the European witch hunts?

Redrum647 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oh that's really intersting to see the difference.

Which country is the one with a culture of students bullying teachers? I remember seeing an article about that.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait, why and what did you mail Steven hawking?

Isn't he a psyop that didn't really write and say all that stuff, they just made him their puppet like that woman who was blind deaf and dumb?

Redrum647 1 point ago +3 / -2

He's just sharing his research and stream of thoughts. If it bothers you, you can block him and his posts won't show up.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think they've already gotten rid of most of the wise elders and left us with the discards. But I have been meaning to watch Logans run! Thanks for the reminder!

Redrum647 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes his dad had a book about depopulation, right?

But overall, his right wing gf said he used to be different then he became a totally different person. Had to fall in line.

Redrum647 2 points ago +3 / -1

Iran has announced it wants to expel all 5 million of the Afghans living in their country.

This comes just days after Pakistan started deporting 1.7 million Afghans.


Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't think Afghanistan exists anymore. There are the refugees in Pakistan or possibly other places.

And then there are the leftovers from western occupation now under whatever that gang is called. ISIS?

Note: ok i respect the down vote but im not trying to offend the Muslims here.

I don't think Afghanistan even has a legitimate government at this point.

It could be that the ISIS or whatever become the Iran type of leaders. Only in charge on paper, but selling out their national resources to China and other surrounding countries.

It's even worse than Iraq, that barely exists. At least syria has a central leadership and common purpose.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lmao, yep 2 more million afghans kicked out of a Muslim country for doing terrorist attacks.

But tbh, I feel bad for the afghans, Iraqis, Syrians.they started off innocent targets and then it evolved into destroying their country and ancient structures.

But it's definitely not a good idea to be genociding and torturing Muslims for generations and at the very same time you are killing their families, bring back military aged men to live in your own country.

Not only that, but many western countries have the airports controlled and run almost entirely by Muslims. They sometimes like to make white native euro men/boys submit to their orders and randomly call security/cops on them. I've seen it.

Germany in particular is all Muslims now.

Their homeland and the invaders are running the airports, controlling whether they can travel or if they get hassled and interrogated. Very sad.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good question. The horizontal thick lines remind me of Epstein Island and Ellen, just different colors with different meanings. But relating it to animals - girls go into the monarch program wearing cheetah and tiger prints. Maybe this is some kind of reflection?

But the bears.... suspect. Probably some kind of code we know what panda bears are now there is a white bear necklace and brown bear with the black guy.

Or it could be related to the gay culture where there are the 'bears' - maybe a reference to that dynamic.

Or is could be a total coincidence and just the fashion of the time.

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