by pkvi
RedMarl07 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not about white or black, "they" don't like any colors, they just want people to get mad, and then fight each other...

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sucks that we can't leave....

RedMarl07 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rothschild reminds me of Dr.Breen in Half lif 2.

RedMarl07 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is the last hope we got left. Think about it, all that "conspiracy" will never see the light of day, some like us tried to tell people about them, but they don't believe, and even if they do, what is gonna change with the current state? My point is that if Trump is on our side, at least all of that have a chance to be "conspiracy theory no more".

I mean, us npc were already powerless, why go through all that just to expose the awaken ones? Srsly what would that be accomplished tho....

RedMarl07 4 points ago +4 / -0

Give it till March and see if any "action" is going to blow up.

If not, I totally agree, the whole system is fucked up. Sure no one should blame him for not taking action against them, because knowing how deep they are, that would be dangerous. (Assuming he's really on the patriots side).

But the guy just keep repeating "win big, we will win" and stuff while nothing happens (yet?). So let us see if he is one of them.

Well if that the case then we are truly...finished.

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh crap, they removed the playlist...

by gamepwn
RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

What can we do then? Let say if you and me have the power, at least enough to change this, then people will follow us. But we don't have it. Slowly, people like us, we all have to accept it with the conflict that we're doing the wrong thing but there is no way out, then eventually lead us to kill ourself, it's tragic.

This is why some people think Trump, Q, patriots...They are our last hope, they are the only one with the power. I think so too.

But if true that Trump is apart of this, to expose any future resistance, oh well,.......

I do not want to believe the theory, tho it does have one point, that if he and his team did all this just to expose the future's resistance, then people will feel betrayal, they will see there is no hope left but to accept the devil.

The darkest void in the universe has nothing to compare with this scenario.

God help us all...

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is actually makes sense....Wow, thank you.

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right? But personally I don't know what to think about the flat earth theory, I didn't think it was funny but it confuses me.

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

I highly believe the flat earth thing was created to discredit the hollow earth, of course I don't think the earth is completely hollow like a donut, more like some underground part but deep, very deep. My point with the flat earth theory: "What, you gonna tell me there is civilization inside the earth now? You might as well join them flat earther"

Same goes with the ancient alien, the goddamn show not the theory itself.

RedMarl07 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go to Japan, they're mostly based over there.