RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife had severe hyperemesis (severe morning sickness). After finally being hospitalized and made better, one of the anti-nausea meds they gave her was compazine.

Compazine is a mild antipsychotic, usually used as an intermediate when switching people from one harsh antipsychotic drug to another. Long-term use can cause neurological problems like pseudo Parkinson's. Before the super scary shit starts, there is a time window where mild dystonic symptoms show up. Eventually most people will develop dystonic symptoms after months of use. Normally this isn't a problem because pregnancy is over before they usually show up. For my wife, she started developing a lisp within days.

Normally people ween of anti-psychotics to avoid withdrawal. For those that need to be off the drug immediately, they can give another drug (can't remember name) to avoid the side effects of quitting. Unfortunately, that drug is a Pregnancy Category X Medication. Pregnant people get to quit cold-turkey. Withdrawal for anti-psychotics isn't like quitting smoking where you have an urge to smoke, or going on a diet where you think about cookies. Oh no, she went full on batshit crazy. Pacing up and down, constant anxiety attack, couldn't sit still, talking in tongues, etc. ... So that whole shaggy dog story to say: I can relate to you becoming insane.

About your stack:

  • NAC: I greatly prefer Jarrow Formula's NAC Sustain.
  • K2: This is only optional for lower doses of D3. You are taking a very high dose of D3. At your point, I would say its mandatory. I do think MK4 is the better than MK7... but why not take both? When my current D3 + K2 supply ends, I will be switching to Life Extension Vitamin D and K with Sea-Iodine . As a 5000iu daily, this would be the simplest for me.
  • Ivermectin. During my Covid research, I stumbled upon several HIV Studies. Here is one. It is definitely worth investigating.
  • mycancerstory.rocks/ Not relevant to HIV (unless you believe cancer is caused by a virus), but you look like someone that would enjoy the read. He attributes his anthelmintic stack to his cure, but I do wonder how much his decision to go on a starvation diet during chemo played a role.
RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is "Map and Territories". I see several different authors for this one.

As for myself, my wife and I paid off our mortgage last week. Not to bad for a family in their 30s.

by pkvi
RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I count 36 boxes, so around 200 per...

It does beg the question, where did they source it from?

RageQuit 1 point ago +3 / -2

On average, you are only going to get the flu once every 10 years.

RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

So they already have a cure for the vaccine. Good to know.

RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better example:

  • Looking at the moon from earth, it takes up around 1/2deg of field. The picture is around moons, or 1.5 deg of sky.
  • The earth will rotate 360 degrees in 24 hours. 1.5/360*24=0.1 hours (6 minutes). It takes 6 minutes for a stationary object to appear to move 1.5 degrees.
  • On April 20, the moon will be at it's first quarter. (same phase as picture)
  • Go outside and look at it.
  • Wait 6 minutes and look at it again. Does it look any different?
  • The moon moved roughly the same angular amount that the space station did in that picture.
RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has electrolytes.

RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any business that put up a sign saying mask required.

Any business that reduced capacity.

RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck those business that lost all without putting up a fight. I will support the locals that actually do something.

by pkvi
RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, he can see the backstabbers coming.

by NotACop
RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rich people tend to have influence that can put a stop to this practice if they want to. If the fines are small enough and the stops are not terribly inconveniencing, they may accept it as "A cost of doing business". A few hundred dollars is a pretty cheap price to discourage the unwanted from traveling through those parts.

To put it another way. The police department is going to get funded one way or another. The residents have to make a choice:

  • Pay an additional $200 / year in property taxes
  • Pay a fine of $1000 on average of once every 5 years. The cost for both is the same. The 2nd option also gives the side benefit of discouraging poor from traveling through.
by NotACop
RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

OP had it correct. Its keeping the poor out of areas that do that kind of shit.

RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read a comment that said the ship behind it also lost power. Need a source for it, but if true it's way too coincidental. Energy weapon?

RageQuit 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • The first video can easily explained by video compression.
  • The lack of stars during daylight can be explained by bias lighting. It takes 30 minutes for eyes to adapt to darkness.
  • The bubbles can be explained because its staged.
by pkvi
RageQuit 5 points ago +5 / -0


Another angle, still odd. His hand appears in front of the one mic but not the other.

RageQuit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I never thought of it that way. Thank you.

RageQuit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Placenta previa at 23 weeks isn't rare and isnt a complication.

Placenta previa at 39 weeks is rare and is a complication.

by pkvi
RageQuit 0 points ago +1 / -1

Water boils at 212 degrees. Coffee is best brewed around 205 degrees. Proper coffee is fucking hot. Take some personal responsibility and dont do stupid shit.

RageQuit 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is an interesting (Q) theory that the massacre was a distraction after a failed assasination of Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman and President Trump. Not too long after the shooting, MBS purged a bunch of other corrupt Saudis.

This is something that I would also like to know more on.

by pkvi
RageQuit 4 points ago +4 / -0

The wuhan lab itself announced that they were successful in splicing in HIV virus years ago.

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