Iran has every right to nuclear energy and weapons. RFK, Jr is a phony.
That said, Israel has every right to nuclear energy and weapons, as well.
I'm all for it, and went down that rabbit hole, as well. Shit was wild. I also went down others. Those are just my opinions, and take them however you want. Speaking of the Great Reset of 1860's, you ever heard of CulturalLayer, mudflood, Foundlings, and Orphan Trains? Shit is wild. I reposted it here, after posting it to /r/conspiracy. Lemme know if you want the link.
All I know is, we are (and have been tricked) about our/Earth's true history.
He's a senile old pedo fuck. But hey, at least he ain't the bad, bad orange man. AMIRITE...
Side note, That bitch doing hand signals is not diversified enough for me. I'm going to need a retarded trans racial bi-arm handicapped midget flapping/wailing their hands at me to understand what the aforementioned senile pedo fuck said. Until then, no justice, no peace.
Flat Earth is the second gate, IMO. What you guys are noticing are things that can be explained by an Earth that is far larger than what they say it is (ie. Growing/expanding Earth theory). Which is an established theory dating back to challenge Plate Tectonics.
Growing Earth fits well with Hollow Earth and Abiogenic petroleum theory. These things/theories are widely known in the East.
I mean, Putin isn't an Angel, but he does love his country, I believe. General Patton also wasn't an Angel, but he loved his country, as well. For some reason US have a double thought on this. This is coming from a US Citizen. I don't understand it, tbh.
As for the rest of what you said, spot on. However, there are many forces at work, and not all of them are aligned with each other.
Got some examples? Also, what constitutes as a "Ruskie shill" in your opinion?
It's true, though. Girls just want to have fun. Which, is where the man comes into play to balance. However, man are the opposite and need to be reminded by girls to have fun and live. It's beautiful, really. Yin-yang. The problem, or propaganda, is when we are told either sex doesn't need the other. This is what Feminism was all about for women. To propagandize them. Guys can survive without a girl, but they will not thrive. Girls could not survive without guys, though.
What makes you think it's because she is Jewish and not because she had money or people in high places backing her that had money? Seems less about being a Jew and more about: "who you know and how wealthy they are".
Cool, Putin doesn't hate Jews. What's your point, and why would people be coping about that? Kind of confused...
99% of cryptos are a scam/part of TPTB control matrix. However, there is one that TPTB truly fear, and that is Monero (XMR). It is the only crypto currency accepted on the most reputable dark net markets. There is a reason for that.
Mine (with your CPU), buy P2P (local Monero), and use Monero.
Oh jeez, wouldn’t want people to see someone write “kys shill”, that might be off-putting to reachable normies...
You're missing the point. I don't really give a shit what you say minus calls of violence. However, I do care and will not tolerate attacks, abuse, and violence towards other users here. The only people who wish to do that, IMO, are bad actors.
maybe you can take some of the load off Clem for a while
Or, you know... Maybe actually do something around here....
Glad to hear, mate. I shall never forget Flytape (PBUH).
Running smoothly is one way to call it. The mod queue dates back years and you have users running around telling other users to kill themselves. I can only imagine how many people have been turned off to this place because such shit was the norm here.
It's the classical age old tale of Materialism vs. Idealism. This stems back to the allegory of the two blood lines of Cain and Abel. However, TPTB turned that allegory upside down, IMO. It's sad, really. We live in a severely sick society.
I understand your moderation style, but it still needs to be included in the official rules.
I agree, and at one point it was. I will be talking with the other mods.
you misunderstood it then, I called you a boomer for muh videogames :D
lol, I'm in my thirties, not a boomer. People who play COD are always gay to me. I played SOCOM at the time.
Thank you for explaining it further, and I'm sorry for flipping out on ya'. I apologize. I can be that way some times. I get your stance, but, I'm going to have to disagree with you that we never had that golden rule. Me and Axo discussed this very thing when Axo first created this forum and modded me. This was in the beginning when I verified who I was on Voat. I've been away/hands off for a bit, but I was here in the early days. We (me and Axo) agreed on that rule. Whether it was unwritten or not, I'm not sure. But, I'm positive we made that known to the users/community.
I've always modded in that sense. Attack the argument, not the user. I even made it more lax than /r/conspiracy and allowed name calling and shit talking. However, I never allowed straight up abuse or threatening other users here. That was the rule me and Axo agreed upon, and I 'm sure I have PM's to verify that. Or, Axo can chime in.
If you know anything about me, and my history with this forum and Reddit, then you would know my stance on Free Speech. I'm damn near a Free Speech absolutist, however, I will not tolerate violence and abuse against other users here. I've made the distinction clear on what is and isn't. Constant abuse from one user to another has always been considered stalking/trolling.
These rules (whether written or not) have always been the ethos of this forum. As I said, it stems from our Reddit days.
I hope I've cleared somethings up.
Not to mention the horror of being a "organ donor". That shit is straight up evil if you ask me, and if you checked that shit on your ID, you need to uncheck it ASAP. You are basically kept alive (sometimes able to feel the entire pain) whilst your organs are removed. One, by, fuckin' one... Until you die.
There is encryption, but, it's the case of: encryption for me, not thee. Government's want it, along with mega corps. However, they don't want the average pleb with that ability. No, no!!. What they fail to realize though, is that Pandora is out of her box, and you cannot stop the signal, nor can you stop decentralization.
It's crazy though, people want https for their banking, but, think as long as they have nothing to hide they don't need privacy in their messages (or other business). It's a crazy double thought. It's Stockholm Syndrome...
You're welcome. As for the archive? Sadly, not sure. I hope there is floating out there somewhere. I haven't archived much, unfortunately. Pretty sure Axo has archived quite a bit of his posts/works here, though. I think they are in the wiki.
When did I attack the user?
You are incorrect about the established golden rule. See here: in my reply to Clems. As far as the end of what you said, I'm waiting on hearing back from Axo.
There is nothing "boomer" about having one rule, the golden rule: Attack the argument, not the user. We (me and Axo) have always abided by that. That was the only thing we carried over from /r/conspiracy, lol.
You are incorrect. We have always had the golden rule here along with site wide TOS. This was decided before you were even made a mod. I had this discussion with Axo on what rules we were going to enforce. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure we even had that on the sidebar at one point. This was never meant to be a place with zero rules, just very lax one. If you truly feel like you (or users) need the right to attack and abuse other users, then, I'm not sure if you should even be a mod here. Who the fuck wants it's user base constantly being attacked and abused? Like, what the fuck?
I'm going to be very fuckin' blunt with you... not sure when the fuck you were made a mod here, but the rules have always been the same. Attack the argument, not the user. Abusing other users here was never tolerated, nor will it ever be. I don't give one fuck if you think it's the "classical liberal sense" or it's a "figure of speech". Sounds like bullshit coming from someone who wants to harbor that shit here. What would be the purpose of that? What would be the purpose of letting someone like that user run amuck?
Furthermore, I don't need you to try to inform (or enlighten) me about who I may or may not be speaking to.
People want free speech, but, they also don't want to be constantly berated and told to kill themselves. May seem normal to you and your generation of COD online gamers, but, most people don't.
I was here before you, and I guaran-fuckin-tee you I will be here longer than you. I ain't happy with what I've been seeing here, tbh.
Oh, for sure. If you invaded China, then you'd have one helluva fight. However, China is not capable of invading any other country other than say, Taiwan/Hong Kong (ie. It's close, people are restricted, and there is a common shared enemy). Now, if China ever invaded the US, then as the saying goes... There is a gun behind every blade of grass. We in the US, as stupid and slumber as we are, have a lot of fuckin' guns, we know the land, and we do ultimately care about the country. Or, what we think is the Country (ie. the Constitution). Much of it is lies, but, millions of people with guns believe it. That is not even mentioning are Military which is filled mostly with brothers and sisters of those same people.
All of that said, like I said, their main weapon is cyber. They could really fuck shit up in that realm. However, even if they did, they could never invade. I mean, they could... But, they'd fail horribly. This is not common from some gun ho Murica hillybilly, although I do share many tendencies. This is coming from logical and rational sense.
Aw shit man, buckle up:
Hopefully all the links still work. I posted it here 2 years ago...