Did you consider the possibility that the Venetian black nobility is actually Jewish (Crypto/Marrano)?
Yes, and there is no evidence.
It's interesting that the "Venetians" are doing everything they can so that Talmudic prophecies are fulfilled.
Sounds like self-fulfilling prophecy and throwing certain people under the bus ;)
The first land theft in Palestine by Jews was funded by the Rothschilds.
Rothschilds are controlled by the House of Aldobrandini. They have no Titles of Prince, Queen or King in their bloodline. They have little to no Titles of Nobility. They are Hofjuden bloodline which is paid to shield the Vatican/Holy See. You know about them because TPTB want you to. As I said in my other comment, who is the House of Aldobrandini that they were allowed to married into, recently? You ever heard of them?
Medici isn't a Venetian/Black Nobility Bloodline. Whether they were or weren't "crypto Jews" is not even a part of this discussion.
The "Jewish Question" and the "Protocols of Zion" are both creations of the Vatican/Black Nobility (ie. Venetians). Ask yourself, why did it take the Rothschilds (Hofjuden) a few hundred years of loyal servitude to have the ability to marry into one Venetian/Papal Family (House of Aldobrandini via a Princess, not even a male heir)? Why do you know about Rothschilds and not the latter?
The true "final boss" :)
Jews controlling the world is not the final boss. It's the tip of the iceberg. The Jews you talk about are what are known as Hofjuden. They are pawns. You have many more rabbit holes to go down.
Final boss, lmfao. This tweet is pure garbage.
Eh, slavery still exists in the US if you are incarcerated.
Per Marx, Socialism is the stepping stone from Capitalism to Communism (ie. Authoritarianism). What we've had since then shows more signs of Socialism than Fascism. However, where the Frankenstein comes in is that at the end of the day, Governments are really just Subsidiary Corporations of the Holy See (not Vatican, there is a difference between the two).
To make this simpler to understand, during WWI/WWII there was a experiment to see what worked better (for them). Socialism or Fascism. You know which Countries went either way. TPTB learned a lot from this experiment and took the "best" (ie. worst) of both and combined them into a Frankenstein, or that's their plan for the next cycle.
The US stayed Socialist and the fight between Socialists and Fascists began. Socialism won. Post WWII Communism was a further experiment to see how far they could take it before it falls. Again, an experiment to learn from for the next cycle. China is another experiment and TPTB really like how that is working on for the most part. Again, learning for the next cycle which is vastly approaching.
Hope that makes sense.
The US hasn't had Capitalism since 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve (ie. central economic planning). Since it's creation, we have had Socialism in the US. They successfully brainwashed both "sides" into thinking we have Capitalism which is why both sides fight, with one side saying Capitalism is why we are where we are today and "we need change" and the other side supporting this shit because the fear Socialism.
In actuality, it's been Socialism (ie. we are in Late Stage Socialism) all along and what we (not by choice) are being ushered into is the inevitable of Socialism, which is Authoritarianism. While some will say we are moving towards global Communism, they are partly right. However, it's more of a Frankenstein of Communism and Fascism. The worst of both in a "digital era".
TBF, if they actually were a black op, then the few that they placed would be seized and destroyed after the operation completed. Thus, completely removing them from existence and memory. The document/data would be labeled top secret and stored in a cabinet protected by compartmentalization. This is not on the lines of the Mandela Effect, were millions of people claimed to have a) when in reality it turns out they have b). Completely different.
I can assure you that this website is not hosted on shared hosting. They either have a VPS or dedicated server. Depending on if they are managing it themselves it would be at least $100+ a month for a self managed one. Or, they have a managed one and the price would be triple that. Then the domain, but that is billed yearly or can be prepaid for a few years.
Then they have cloudflare which depending on tier, is another $50-100 a month. Then they have to have a tech team of admins, devs, database admins, etc etc. Average salary for those guys would be 50k+ a year. As you can see, the cost is really starting to add up. Costs can be cut by outsourcing but they have to have a core in house crew. Somethings you just don't want to outsource for a variety of reasons. There are also lawyer fees.
Remember, I'm talking about hosting and managing a site of this size (ie. lots of communities). This website is relatively small, but it's getting up there in size. I do not know all the details behind the scenes, but this is my educated guess. I could be way off the mark here.
Of course, I never mentioned anything even hinting at their removal.
This is my theory. Q is/was an attempt at looking glass technology. If you have no idea about looking glasses, then look into Project Looking Glass. It (Q) was created by White Hats, but, they are trying to catch up in a game where their opponents have been using this tech for far longer. This is why it failed. If you want to get freaky deeky, then look into altering timelines (ie. CERN). IMO, Q altered TPTB timeline which is why we are where we are now. In an appearing clown world. Shit got real fucky when two forces were messing with the space continuum.
The neo-Nazi backed coup in Ukraine which set the groundwork for Quid Pro Joe to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that his son was on the board of.
- Conspiring with Neo-Nazi Parties: Washington and the EU’s Role in the Kiev Coup
- Joe Biden shaking hands with the leader of Svoboda (neo-Nazi Party)
- Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying – Ukrainian MP
- Joe Biden admitting to the CFR that he instructed that Shokin was to be fired for US aide
- Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story
- Sworn Statement of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin that He Was Forced out of Office by US VP Joe Biden
- Ukraine: Coup, Corruption and Catastrophe
- The Ukraine scandal timeline Democrats and their media allies don’t want America to see
- MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln
- Ukraine widens probe against Burisma founder to embezzlement of state funds
The same people who gaslit that they never denied it happened. What is the next gaslight going to be?
You're welcome. Diversify and decentralize.
PS. I watched that documentary you made on /r/conspiracy, and it was damn near spot on. Thank you for creating/archiving it. How can I support your work in a decentralized manner (ie. not fiat)?
There are lots of glowies here. The five eyes have sunk their claws in deep on this forum. It is up to the community to combat this.
Shit like this is what happens to society when you let women vote.
Tim Pool has a pretty good quote that, and I paraphrase, Republicans are just Democrats from a few years back. Democrats shift the Overton Window left and the Republicans, pause, then slowly move left with them. It's really just a Uniparty. The Libertarian party is a joke, along with the other ones, as well.
Not that I care about any of that, being that they're all Statists and I'm a Voluntaryist. This country I just happened to be born in was created to fail.
Damn, this is fucked up. You are a true artist and based as fuck. I remember you from my Reddit days. Loved your music. This really doesn't surprise me that they would come after you like this, though. The best way to get truth/information across is in the form of satire and comedy, and you have mastered that. TPTB cannot have people like you creating content on "major" platforms.
Best to salvage all that you can, and start diversifying on other platforms. With the quality you put out there, you should regain your audience back in no time. Won't be as large as before, but, the writing has been on the walls and users have been migrating.
It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.
- Voltaire
Chin up friend, you're on the right side of history.
No, calling someone names is not against the rules. It is however, against the ethos and should be frowned upon. The disclaimer clarifies the "rules" of what can be removed:
Disclaimer: Submissions/comments of exceptionally low quality, trolling, stalking, spam, and those submissions/comments determined to be intentionally misleading, calls to violence and/or abuse of other users here, may all be removed at moderator's discretion.
Now, if that user just goes around calling users that name over and over and over again, then that could be seen as stalking/trolling. In that case, they will receive a warning. If they continue to do it, then they will get a temp ban.
Like I said, this is my proposal and I'm still waiting to get feedback from Axo. I got feedback from Clems but I'm still waiting on Axo's thoughts. After that, we will decide if we want to go forward with this. At least, that is how I envisioned this. Not trying to pull some authoritarian shit here, or something.
Hope that clarifies it.
To my knowledge, that is not how these .wins work. Axo bought the domain name and .win (network/now scored) provides the hosting/forum. Doggos, is a part of ".win" admin. He created the sub, because axo asked. Here is the run down. Axo buys domain->ask win->win agrees and creates forum->Axo points domain to it->admin give Axo sub to Axo whilst still controlling it. It's their servers/infrastructure. Axo owns the "conspiracies.win" domain name, but not the forum you and me are talking on.
I could be wrong, but, I was always under the impression he was an admin. Why else would he be above Axo? Axo got the domain but the infrastructure is .win's (ie. Where ever this domain name points to).
Eh, why didn't you bother to read the post before you submitted this? The OP literally explains it in the second comment, LMFAO.
Of course I denounce the Talmud, it's vile like the Hadith and other similar texts. I'm not religious. I was actually a former Catholic before I learned the errors of my ways. Not like I had a choice, though. Was born into a Polish Catholic family. Now-a-days, I'm merely spiritual. I believe in intelligent creation. Nothing more, nothing less. Could be one Creator, could be many. I really don't think we are meant to know.