Puddinhead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Adrenocrome addicts

Puddinhead 3 points ago +3 / -0

These people actively sacrifice infants to demons. There is only one punishment for them that is just. We will be destroyed for not removing them from our midst.

Puddinhead 2 points ago +6 / -4

I pray he repented of his blasphemies and came to know Jesus Christ as his only savior before he died.

Puddinhead 6 points ago +6 / -0

I posted this in comsumeproduct already but realize it probably belongs here too.

What are the chances that the formula shortages are a planned event designed to hide vaccine injuries in children who's mothers got the shot? The elites will be able to point to malnutrition, contaminated formula pre-mixes, and insufficient homemade recipes when these kids come up with serious health problems.

The women who got the shot are more likely to work and not breastfeed if they stay home anyway. When all their kids come out retarded and need some big bucks for the medical expenses they'll be begging the elites for higher taxes and absolute state control over what infants get fed.

Also, have any of you seen the recipes new mothers were given in the 50s and 60s for formula? It's all sugar and vitamins. It looks like they gave different social classes different advice too.

This has been planned for generations.